استريمر اميرتريد

ا لعيد

عضو نشط
18 يناير 2004
كافة الأخوة الكرام .... مشتركي اميرتريد ...السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته................
لدي رغبة في تفعيل الاستريمر....ولكن الخطوات طويلة ومملة...فمن لديه فكرة أتمنى أن لايبخل علينا...سؤالي : ماهي البيانات المطلوبة ؟ وهل يتم الموافقة على جميع الخانات ؟

1. Name:
( Type in your Name )

( Type in your Address )

2. Employer:
( Type in your Employer's name )

Employer's Address:
( Type in your Employer's address )

3. Location where you will receive the Options Information :

( state "Portable" if Information is to be received on portable equipment )
a) You are making this Application and Agreement in your own individual capacity and not on behalf of a firm, corporation, partnership, trust or association. If you agree, click on "I AGREE":

I agree
I do not agree

(b) You shall use the Options Information solely in connection with your individual personal investment activities and not in connection with any trade or business activities. If you agree, click on "I AGREE":
I agree
I do not agree

(c) You shall receive the Options Information only at the location and in the manner identified in Items 3 and 4 above, and shall not furnish the Information to any other person. If you agree, click on "I AGREE":
I agree
I do not agree

(d) You are not a securities broker-dealer, investment advisor, futures commission merchant, commodities introducing broker or commodity trading advisor, member of a securities exchange or association or futures contract market, or an owner, partner, or associated person of any of the foregoing. If you agree, click on "I AGREE":
I agree
I do not agree

(e) You are not employed by a bank or an insurance company or an affiliate of either to perform functions related to securities or commodity futures investment or trading activity. If you agree, click on "I AGREE":
I agree
I do not agree

i) You have read and you understand all of the terms and conditions set forth above; and

ii) You intend to form a legally binding and valid contract under which you will be bound by all of the terms and conditions set forth above.

I agree
I do not agree

شاكراً لكم سلفاً......


عضو مميز
11 ديسمبر 2003
هلا اخوى

حط كل شى i agree

14 ديسمبر 2003
كثير بيستفيدون من الموضوع لو تمت الاجابة من قبل احد الاعضاء
بصراحة بحثت ولقيت موضوع مشابهه له تم شرحة طيب الذكر الاخ العزيز تلميذ المؤشر لكن لما تدخل على موقع اميرتريد تلاقي اختلافات كثيرة تم تغييرها بامير تريد