Td ameritrade - دقيقة لو سمحت

فيصل ابو دانا

عضو نشط
28 فبراير 2010
السلام عليكم شباب,

لقد تم قبول العضوية واشكر الأخوة القائمين على المنتدى,
وان شاء الله اكون عون لكم, لكن الأن أحتاج لعونكم,

شوفو رد الوسيط TD AMERITRADE مو كأنه موافق و مو موفق على بعض الخيارات في التدوال,

شاكر مقدما,

Start enjoying the benefits of options trading at TD AMERITRADE
You're now free to pursue options trading strategies with covered calls and cash-secured puts through your TD AMERITRADE account. Although you requested additional options trading cababilities, we were only able to approve you for writing covered calls and trading cash-secured puts based on your investment objectives, risk tolerance, experience and other information you provided in your application. Also, we are not able to grant you margin trading approval at this time. However, you can reapply for margin trading capabilities in the future.

Within the next few days, you'll receive a letter with the information you provided in your application. If any of that information is incorrect, please let us know as soon as possible so we can re-evaluate your request. In the meantime, check out these helpful resources:


عضو محترف
15 سبتمبر 2005
موافقين على حسابك وتقدر تتداول اوبشن (ليفل 2) او اسهم كاش بدون مارجن

وانه المارجن مافعلوه لك !! يمكن انت مو طالبه واذا تبيه تقدر تطلبه في المستقبل

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