أحد يترجم لي هذه العبارة

حسين أيوب

عضو نشط
25 سبتمبر 2004
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
إلي يجيد اللغة الإنجليزية أرجو منه مشكورا لو يترجم لي هذه العبارة

لأني أرسلت لأميرتريد أسئلة عن :
1- هل يحسبوا فوائد على الأسهم المبقاة عندي في حالة الحساب الكاش وأني لاأريد فوائد (إيرادات فوائد) على الكاش عندي
2- المبلغ الأقل للإيداع عندهم
3- هل سوف يحسب علي أي ضرائب أنا من السعودية ولست أمريكي
فجاوبوا لي بهذه الأجوبة

Hussain Ayoub:

If you use only the cash that you deposit in your account then you will
not be charged any interest. You may deposit a minimum of $1000 in your
account but be aware that if you have less than $2000 equity in your
account you may be subject to a $15 quarterly maintenance fee. You will
need to send in the original W-8BEN form for your account to be
established. Depending on any tax treaties the country you reside in has with
the US you may have to pay taxes but I would suggest either contacting
the IRS directly or a tax advisor for information on taxes that you may
need to pay.

Jason M.
New Accounts, Ameritrade
Division of Ameritrade, Inc.

Original Message Excluded:

أرجو منكم الإجابة وبالذات لشغلة الضرائب وجزاكم الله خير


عضو محترف
21 سبتمبر 2005
dear hussain

if you are a US citizen or non US citizen and you live in the US
you MUST pay the tax's in the stock market
its %30
yes on the other thing you dont have to pay but in the stock market this is a MUST
call the IRS to comform my words
there is alot of rules you have to know it before opening an account since you live in the US
if they found out you are in the US and you are not paying the tax's then may God help you
this thing it happen to me in 2000 and they freezed all my accounts there

حسين أيوب

عضو نشط
25 سبتمبر 2004
تريليوني قال:
dear hussain

if you are a US citizen or non US citizen and you live in the US
you MUST pay the tax's in the stock market
its %30
yes on the other thing you dont have to pay but in the stock market this is a MUST
call the IRS to comform my words
there is alot of rules you have to know it before opening an account since you live in the US
if they found out you are in the US and you are not paying the tax's then may God help you
this thing it happen to me in 2000 and they freezed all my accounts there

could you tell me what should I do to not pay tax ?
I do not want pay tax

if I sent a money to out side USA like al-awsat
should I pay tax or what

if I can not

could you tell me a 30% tax
this percentage will be taxed on all my account or what