شركة تصنيع ذاكرة فلاش Usb للمتابعة


عضو نشط
30 نوفمبر 2004
الشركة ارباحها جيدة و تستحق المتابعة. الممتاز فيها ان لها عقود بيع و توزيع فعلي للمنتجات

سبقني في التنبيه للشركة اخونا girgish

الشراء اليوم تحت مسؤليتك لان السهم مرتفع 30% على خبر جيد.

والله الموفق


عضو نشط
30 نوفمبر 2004
الرمز: CKYS
اسم الشركة: CyberKey Solutions Inc

صافي ارباح النصف الاول لعام 2006= 12,152,060 دولار بربح 0.027 للسهم

يعني تقريبا عدد الاسهم 450,000,000 سهم

عدد موظفيها اعتقد انه 4 حسب الحسابات ولكن دفعوا في النصف الاول نصف مليون دولار على الاستشارات وهذه علامة جيدة.

نتابع و نشوف


عضو نشط
30 نوفمبر 2004
هذه أخبار عن الشركة:
1- Aug-1-2006: ادارة الامن القومي تشتري 40,000 وحدة ذاكرة اضافة الى طلبها السابق و هو 150,000 وحدة. قيمة الطلبية 25 مليون $$

2-July-25-2006: مجلس ادارة الشركة يسمح لمديريها بشراء 5 مليون سهم مباشرة من السوق لاعتقادهم بان سعر السهم اقل مما يستحق

3- حقيقة لا ادري اذا كان تقديري لعدد الموظفين صحيح ام لا. على العموم العدد لا يهم طالما من بداية سنة 2006 و الشركة استلمت طلبية ممتازة

4- تتميز منتجاتها بالامان و حفظ البيانات على الذاكرة وصعوبة سرقتها من الهاكرز لوجود خاصية التشفير

5- اشتري في الشركة من سعر 0.019 و تحت بكميات صغيرة و انتظر الى نهاية الاسبوع ثم قرر لتزويد الكمية او لا

6- حد اقصى هو 400 الى 500$ لانه في النهاية سهم بني


عضو نشط
30 نوفمبر 2004
الان للمتابعة الى نهاية الاسبوع

مكن يبداء البيع التجاري قريبا


عضو نشط
30 نوفمبر 2004
الان للمتابعة الى نهاية الاسبوع

مكن يبداء البيع التجاري قريبا

اقصد هنا بيع المنتج تجاريا
الاسبوع هذا علاماته جيدة و اذا قدرت تشتري من تحت 0.02 يكون افضل و الشركة ان شاء الله انها ممتازة


عضو نشط
30 نوفمبر 2004
السهم الان سعره ممتاز اذا قدرت تاخذه ب 0.016
و ان شاء الله عن قريب بنشوف اسعار احلى
كما تعلمون ان الشركة ما زالت تشتري الاسهم من السوق من تاريخ 30 اكتوبر 2006 لاعتقادهم ان السهم قيمته اعلى من ذلك. هذه طبعا خطوة ممتازة لتقليل عدد الاسهم المتداولة. ولا تنسون العقد الاخير التي حصلت عليه.

رأي شخصي: الشركة لديها منتج ممتاز و قد تم بيعه بكميات كثيرة و فرصتها كشركة بنييييي افضل من غيرها. بنيييي = استثمار ب 200$ و بعدين تعديل عند النزول أو زيادة الكمية عند الصعود

دعواتكم و كل عام و انتم بخير


عضو نشط
30 نوفمبر 2004
مبروك للتحرك الممتاز للسهم ---- لاست 0.0210
اخبار ممتازة و كميات ممتازة و نقول ان شاء الله انها بداية الانطلاقة. هناك انتظار لصدور تقريرات الضرائب و التحقيقات المالية



29 فبراير 2004
أخي الكريم famous

هناك خبر يبدو انه اكثر من رائع - مع عدم إجادتي للغة الانجليزية- أترك لكم الخبر للاطلاع والافادة بارك الله فيكم.

CyberKey Solutions, Inc.'s KeepSafe 2.0 to Be Featured on ABC's
CyberKey Solutions, Inc.'s KeepSafe 2.0 to Be Featured on ABC's "Good Morning America"

CyberKey Product to Be Displayed to Estimated 4.58 Million Viewers

ST. GEORGE, UT -- (MARKET WIRE) -- 02/01/07 -- CyberKey Solutions, Inc. (PINKSHEETS: CKYS) is pleased to announce that the Company and its product, the KeepSafe 2.0, will be featured on ABC's "Good Morning America" on Friday, February 2, 2007. "Good Morning America" airs at 7 AM throughout the United States. "Good Morning America" will be featuring the CyberKey KeepSafe 2.0 in a security and technology segment that is expected to air within the first hour of the nationwide broadcast.

"Good Morning America" is a weekday morning news show that is broadcast to an average of 4.58 Million viewers daily on the ABC television network. The show was launched in 1975. It is recorded live from Times Square Studios in New York City and fed to all network affiliates. "Good Morning America" was the first network morning news program to broadcast in HDTV. The program is currently hosted by Diane Sawyer and Robin Roberts.

"This is an amazing opportunity and we plan to capitalize on being featured on a national morning news show hosted by one of the most well-known personalities on television. The KeepSafe is a revolutionary security tool that is not only useful to military and law enforcement personnel, but also for protecting families and their valuables as well. This is the continuation of big things for our company and shareholders," stated Jim Plant, CEO of CyberKey Solutions, Inc.

CyberKey Solutions, Inc. recently announced that the Company has reports net earnings of $12,884,030 for the fiscal year 2006. CyberKey Solutions has posted their 2006 unaudited financials on the Company's website,, and also on The Company is currently in the process of auditing their financial statements and is expecting to file them in the near future.


عضو نشط
12 نوفمبر 2006
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

هل من جديد ، أنا شريت بناء على التوصية 0

ارجو الرد وشكراً


29 فبراير 2004
الأخوة الأفاضل
وأنا ايضا قمت بالشراء في هذه الشركة ، و حد علمي إن لم أكن مخطئ فإنهم اوقوفوا التداول مؤقتا. أعتقد إلى يوم 16 فبراير ، أي سيعود التداول بعدها إن شاء الله.
والذي أراه والله اعلم أن الشركة تحمل في طياتها خير كثير نسأل الله أن يرزق الجميع من فضله العميم.
وختاما ما لنا إلا الصبر ونرى ما الله فاعل.
هذا ما لدي واترك الباقي لمن له المعرفة والخبرة أكثر مني.

وهذا نص الخبر:

(The following is a reformatted version of a press release issued by The Securities and Exchange Commission and received via electronic mail. The release was confirmed by the sender.)

February 5, 2007

The Securities and Exchange Commission announced the temporary suspension, pursuant to Section 12(k) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the "Exchange Act"), of trading of the securities of CyberKey Solutions, Inc. ("CyberKey"), of St. George, Utah at 9:30 a.m. EST on February 5, 2007 and terminating at 11:59 p.m. EST on February 16, 2007.

The Commission temporarily suspended trading in the securities of CyberKey because of questions that have been raised concerning the accuracy and adequacy of publicly disseminated information concerning, among other things, (1) the company's purported contracts with the Department of Homeland Security and/or other government agencies, (2) revenues received pursuant to those contracts, and (3) accounts receivable generated by those contracts.

The Commission cautions brokers, dealers, shareholders, and prospective purchasers that they should carefully consider the foregoing information along with all other currently available information and any information subsequently issued by the company.

Further, brokers and dealers should be alert to the fact that, pursuant to Rule 15c2-11 under the Exchange Act, at the termination of the trading suspension, no quotation may be entered unless and until they have strictly complied with all of the provisions of the rule, including Rule 15c2-11(a)(5). If a broker or dealer has any questions as to whether or not he has complied with the rule, he should not enter any quotation but immediately contact the staff of the Securities and Exchange Commission in Washington, D.C. If any broker or dealer is uncertain as to what is required by Rule 15c2-11, he should refrain from entering quotations relating to CyberKey's securities until such time as he has familiarized himself with the rule and is certain that all of its provisions have been met. If any broker or dealer enters any quotation which is in violation of the rule, the Commission will consider the need for prompt enforcement action.

If any broker, dealer, or other person has any information which may relate to this matter, they should contact John Reed Stark in the Office of Internet Enforcement of the Securities and Exchange Commission at (202) 551-4892 or by email at .


عضو نشط
30 نوفمبر 2004
الوضع الان غير معلوم

ممكن مخاطرة بعد الانتظار الطويل

انا حقيقة زودت الكمية قليلا بسعر 0.012 لتعديل سعر الشراء



29 فبراير 2004
هذا خبر جديد يبدوا انه أكثر من إيجابي ، على أمل الإنطلاقة في القريب العاجل إن شاء الله.
مع ملاحظة وجود عمليات بيع مكثفة اليوم.


CyberKey Solutions, Inc. Receives GSA Listing Through Alpha
CyberKey Solutions, Inc. Receives GSA Listing Through Alpha Data Corporation

ST. GEORGE, UT -- (MARKET WIRE) -- 02/21/07 -- CyberKey Solutions, Inc. (PINKSHEETS: CKYS), in partnership with Alpha Data Corporation (ADC) of Fort Walton Beach, Florida, is pleased to announce that the Company has retained a General Services Administration (GSA) listing through Alpha Data's GSA Information Technology Schedule 70 (IT 70) Contract GS-35F-0617N. This listing allows CyberKey to sell their entire catalog of products to a multitude of Federal, State and local government agencies that are approved to buy from the GSA.

Alpha Data Corporation will actively market CyberKey products through their extensive sales channels with the Department of Defense, as well federal and state government entities. ADC provides GSA host scheduling for a variety of companies, along with sales and marketing support. The General Services Administration establishes long-term government-wide contracts with commercial firms to provide access to over 10 million commercial supplies and services that can be ordered directly from GSA contractors or through an online shopping and ordering system.

"We're very enthusiastic about our new relationship with ADC and look forward to jointly marketing our products to the federal government through the GSA. Alpha Data Corporation is a first rate company and we believe this will be a valuable business relationship for years to come," stated Jim Plant, President and CEO of CyberKey Solutions, Inc.

About Alpha Data Corporation: ADC, a previous winner of the US Small Business Administration's National Prime Contractor of the Year award, has over 17 years of experience implementing high-end information technology solutions, ranging from PCs to Supercomputers, mass storage systems, network systems, power systems, etc. With ADC's GSA Schedule, and over 200 solution partner relationships, ADC is highly experienced in managing and implementing "best-value" product solutions for our customer. For more information, please visit ADC's website at


29 فبراير 2004
لا يزال الرهان على هذا السهم قائم إن شاء الله

اليوم عمليات بيع فقط على سعر شبه ثابت - لعله سحب الأسهم من السوق من ملاك الشركة-

إن شاء الله يكون خير في القريب العاجل بإذنه سبحانه.


29 فبراير 2004
للأسف ما أكثر ما نصاب من مثل هذه الأسهم
يبدوا انه لم يقدر لنا الخير فالشركة دخلت في دوامة التدليس والغش في الحسابات وليس لها طريق بعد ذلك سوى إشهار الإفلاس كغيرها من الشركات المحتالة. إلا أن يشاء الله أمرا.


CyberKey Solutions Own Internal Investigation Uncovers Improper
CyberKey Solutions Own Internal Investigation Uncovers Improper Accounting and Reporting Practices as Investigation Continues by the Securities and Exchange Commission

ST. GEORGE, UT -- (MARKET WIRE) -- 03/15/07 -- CyberKey Solutions, Inc. (PINKSHEETS: CKYS) announced today that initial results of an internal investigation indicate that a certain company official has utilized improper accounting methods and reporting procedures while handling critical company contracts. CyberKey's accounting and reporting of certain matters may be in violation of the practices governed under securities laws.

Numerous material errors have been recently discovered regarding the Company's accounting for revenues received and accounts receivable generated, and corresponding payables made, pursuant to the fulfillment of a third party contract which the Company reported last year to have been secured with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). In November 2006, the Company began to discover information which indicated that this contract was not directly with DHS but instead with a third party distributor that was representing it was having the Cyberkey products delivered directly to DHS facilities in different locations. The Company has discovered that none of the products supposedly sold to this third party distributor had been delivered to DHS as had been represented repeatedly during 2006. And, it appears that none of the revenues from this contract ever were realized by the Company since this third party distributor apparently circumvented the Company's relationship with its manufacturer in China and secured direct payment and delivery of the Cyberkey products without paying Cyberkey anything. This contract represented the then-reported core revenue stream of in excess of $20,000,000 for the Company for 2006, and a corresponding operating profit exceeding $12,000,000.

As of last week, CyberKey's comptroller notified the company's attorney that the financial statements for the last five quarters could not be relied upon as she had improperly entered financial data into the accounting system and had forged critical documents and other material information. She was removed from her position last week.

CyberKey has engaged an independent certified public accountant firm to undertake a comprehensive audit of its financial statements for the past 3 years. All financial matters will be audited and fully reportable when complete.

"I am deeply troubled by the findings related to the accounting practices of our company," stated Jim Plant, CEO and President of CyberKey Solution. "I apologize to our shareholders and the investment community for these problems, which happened on my watch but without my knowledge. I am fully committed to resolving all remaining issues as quickly as possible and to putting the proper remedial measures in place to ensure that this never happens again. We will be releasing corrected financial statements as soon as practicable. We will be updating the investors through our website as more information becomes available."

The company has announced that it is working diligently to develop new contracts with various government agencies and has not changed any of its operational activities, highlighted by its participation at FOSE 2007 booth number 1617 on March 20-22, 2007, in Washington D.C... CyberKey plans to showcase its latest products and solutions to thousands of Federal, State and Department of Defense Agencies -- and will provide interested buyers with a means of initiating government purchases directly from the EXPO via the Department of Defense Emall and directly with the company's GSA partner "Alpha Data Corporation," that will be present at CyberKey's display at the Expo.

بالأمس تمت عملية شورت واحدة بعدد 155,000,000 مليون ومثلها أخرى عملية بيع. ولنا أن نتصور بعدها حجم الماساة!!

وطبعا كما ترون الشركة تحتاج إلى قنبلة بحجم الهيدروجينية لتستفيق وتعيد بعضا من خسائرها وعلى الله التكلان.


عضو نشط
30 نوفمبر 2004
؟؟؟؟ ما ادري ايش اقول, لكن نشوف اخرتها


29 فبراير 2004
Sequiam Corporation Declares Default on CyberKey Contract
ORLANDO, Fla.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--March 20, 2007 On November 29, 2006, Sequiam Corporation (OTCBB:SQUM), a leading provider of innovative consumer lifestyle biometric technologies and services, announced that it had received from CyberKey Solutions, Inc. a $2,250,000 order for OEM Sequiam BioVaults labeled as the CyberKey 'KeepSafe' in accordance with the terms of a manufacturing and distribution agreement signed between the two companies. A deposit of 10% on the first 10,000 units was required and received by Sequiam to insure CyberKey's commitment to accept BioVault production on schedule. According to Sequiam Corporation, the BioVault shipment arrived in January, 2007 and an invoice that was provided went unpaid. As a result, CyberKey's deposit was forfeit and Sequiam has declared a default on the purchase order and the manufacturing and distribution agreement. Additionally, Sequiam is pursuing collections from CyberKey related to the contract, purchase orders and the invoice. Existing KeepSafe inventory will be sold by Sequiam.
تُعلنُ شركةُ Sequiam تقصيراً على عقدِ CyberKey
أورلندو، فلوريدا. -- (سلك عملِ) -- مارس/آذار 20, 2007 في نوفمبر/تشرين الثاني 29, 2006, شركة Sequiam (أو تي سي بي بي: إس كيو يو إم) , a مجهّز رئيسي مِنْ أسلوبِ حياة مستهلكِ إبداعيِ biometric تقنيات وخدمات، أعلنَ بأنّ إستلمَ مِنْ CyberKey Solutions، المحدودة. a 2,250,000$ طلب لأو إي إم Sequiam BioVaults إعتبرَ كCyberKey 'KeepSafe بموجب شروط a إتفاقية التوزيعَ والتصنيع وقّعا بين الشركتين. أي إيداع 10 % على الوحداتِ الأولى الـ10,000 تُطلّبتْ وإستلمتْ مِن قِبل Sequiam لتَأمين إلتزامِ CyberKey لقُبُول إنتاجِ BioVault في الموعد المحدّد. طبقاً لشركةِ Sequiam، وَصلَ شحنةُ BioVault إلى يناير/كانون الثّاني، 2007 وفاتورة التي زُوّدتْ ذَهبتْ غير مدفوعةَ. كنتيجة، إيداع CyberKey كَانَ غرامةً وSequiam أعلنا a تقصير على طلبِ الشراءَ وإتفاقيةَ التوزيعَ والتصنيع. إضافة إلى ذلك، Sequiam يُتابعُ المجموعاتَ مِنْ CyberKey تَعلّقتْ بالعقدِ، شراء يَطْلبُ والفاتورة. مخزون KeepSafe الحالي سَيَكُونُ مباع مِن قِبل Sequiam.