Upda و خبر جديد


عضو نشط
12 مايو 2006
Positive Results Continue at UPDA`s Catlin Field - 6 Additional Wells Discovered - Tests Signal Significant Production

October 19, 2006 12:02:30 (ET)

JACKSBORO, Texas, Oct 19, 2006 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- As the workover continues at Universal Property Development and Acquisition Corporation (UPDA, Trade) subsidiary's, Catlin Oil and Gas Field in Jack County, Texas, all signals remain positive as 6 additional productive wells were discovered this week and the tests being conducted on the recently worked over wells demonstrate remarkable gas pressure and fluid levels.

As field personnel of Ambient Wells Services, Inc. pursued their inspection of the field, the wells they located included one that was venting natural gas under high pressure as well as 5 further wells that had not previously been identified. "The discoveries in this field continue to surprise," said Gaby Damary, COO of Ambient. "Since Mr. Catlin died 3 years ago, no one has any real concept of what is out here and we keep finding more and more wells that appear to be ready to produce substantial amounts of oil and gas. The one well we found on Monday had so much gas pressure at the surface that we could hear it long before we saw it."

In addition to the discovery of more wells, work has proceeded on the Matlock well that was previously producing commercial quantities of oil and gas despite the fact that a drill bit was lodged in its tubing. Recently, Rockey Well Services swabbed the well to the bottom and found that the fluids in the well were almost entirely crude oil rather than water. "This is a very promising indication," continued Damary. "By the end of the week, we will run the tubing back into that well and replace the rods and pumping unit and turn the well on. Based on these indications, it should be producing gas and oil immediately."

"Even a minor mishap that occurred on the Mathis well this week was actually a positive indicator," concluded Damary. "While the well pumper was performing his routine check of the wells, he discovered that the pressure on the well appeared to be higher than expected so he opened a valve and the gas pressure actually blew out the pipeline. While we can fix this in a matter of hours, further tests indicated that the gas pressure was much higher than we ever anticipated, indicating, of course, that the expected production will be more than originally forecast. We will now carefully release the pressure with assistance of the new compressor and allow the well to produce at levels within the constraints of the pipeline."


عضو نشط
18 سبتمبر 2006
شنو يعني هذا الخبر ممكن تفيدنا بليز انا حاط 80% من محفضتي وماودي ابيع ابي اعرف شنو معناها وشنو الهدف للبيع ممكن افاده


عضو نشط
18 سبتمبر 2006
لو تفيدني اكثر

Positive Results Continue at UPDA`s Catlin Field - 6 Additional Wells Discovered - Tests Signal Significant Production

October 19, 2006 12:02:30 (ET)

JACKSBORO, Texas, Oct 19, 2006 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- As the workover continues at Universal Property Development and Acquisition Corporation (UPDA, Trade) subsidiary's, Catlin Oil and Gas Field in Jack County, Texas, all signals remain positive as 6 additional productive wells were discovered this week and the tests being conducted on the recently worked over wells demonstrate remarkable gas pressure and fluid levels.

As field personnel of Ambient Wells Services, Inc. pursued their inspection of the field, the wells they located included one that was venting natural gas under high pressure as well as 5 further wells that had not previously been identified. "The discoveries in this field continue to surprise," said Gaby Damary, COO of Ambient. "Since Mr. Catlin died 3 years ago, no one has any real concept of what is out here and we keep finding more and more wells that appear to be ready to produce substantial amounts of oil and gas. The one well we found on Monday had so much gas pressure at the surface that we could hear it long before we saw it."

In addition to the discovery of more wells, work has proceeded on the Matlock well that was previously producing commercial quantities of oil and gas despite the fact that a drill bit was lodged in its tubing. Recently, Rockey Well Services swabbed the well to the bottom and found that the fluids in the well were almost entirely crude oil rather than water. "This is a very promising indication," continued Damary. "By the end of the week, we will run the tubing back into that well and replace the rods and pumping unit and turn the well on. Based on these indications, it should be producing gas and oil immediately."

"Even a minor mishap that occurred on the Mathis well this week was actually a positive indicator," concluded Damary. "While the well pumper was performing his routine check of the wells, he discovered that the pressure on the well appeared to be higher than expected so he opened a valve and the gas pressure actually blew out the pipeline. While we can fix this in a matter of hours, further tests indicated that the gas pressure was much higher than we ever anticipated, indicating, of course, that the expected production will be more than originally forecast. We will now carefully release the pressure with assistance of the new compressor and allow the well to produce at levels within the constraints of the pipeline."

تَستمرُّ النَتائِجُ الإيجابيةُ في يو بي دي أي `s حقل كاتلين - 6 ويلز إضافي إكتشفتْ - تَختبرُ إنتاجَ هامَّ بارزَ

19 أكتوبر/تشرين الأول 2006 12:02:30 (إي تي)

جاكسبورو، تكساس، أكتوبر/تشرين الأول 19, 2006 (سلك عملِ) -- بينما يَستمرُّ workover في تطويرِ الملكيةِ العالميِ وشركةِ الإستملاكِ (يو بي دي أي، تجارة) الشركة التابعة، نفط كاتلين وحقل الغاز في مقاطعةِ جاك، تكساس، كُلّ الإشارات تَبْقى إيجابيةً ك6 آبارِ مُنْتِجةِ إضافيةِ إكتشفتْ هذا الإسبوعِ والإختباراتِ أَنْ يُجريا على الآبارِ المَفْحُوصةِ مؤخراً تَعْرضُ ضغطَ غازِ رائعِ ومستويات سائلةِ.

كموظفو حقلِ Ambient ويلز Services، المحدودة. تابعَ تفتيشُهم مِنْ الحقلِ، البئر حدّدوا مكان واحد مُتضمّنَ الذي كَانَ يُنفّسُ غاز طبيعي تحت الضغطِ العاليِ بالإضافة إلى 5 آبارِ أخرى التي ما كَانتْ قَدْ سابقاً مُيّزتْ. "الإكتشافات في هذا الحقلِ يُواصلُ مُفَاْجَئة، "قالَ ساذجَ Damary، يَهْدلُ مِنْ البيئةِ. "منذ أن ماتَ السّيدَ كاتلين قبل 3 سنوات، لا أحد لَهُ أيّ مفهوم حقيقي الذي خارج هنا ونحن نَستمرُّ بإيجاد أكثر فأكثر آبار التي تَبْدو جاهزةً لإنْتاج كمياتِ كبيرةِ مِنْ النفطِ والغازِ. الواحد حَسناً وَجدنَا يوم الإثنين كَانَ عِنْدَنا كثيراً ضغط غازِ في السطحِ بإِنَّنا يُمْكِنُ أَنْ نَسْمعَه قبل فترة طويلة رَأينَاه."

بالأضافة إلى إكتشافَ الآبارِ الأكثرِ، عمل مَضى على ماتلوك حَسناً الذي كَانَ يُنتجُ كمياتَ تجاريةَ سابقاً مِنْ النفطِ والغازِ على الرغم مِنْ الحقيقة بأنّ a قطعة مثقابِ قُدّما في أنابيبه. مؤخراً، مَسحتْ خدماتَ روكي الجيّدة البئر إلى القاعِ ووَجدتْ التي السوائلَ في البئرِ كَانتْ نَفط خامَّ كليَّاً تقريباً بدلاً مِنْ السِقاية. "هذا a إشارة وَاعِدة جداً، "واصلَ Damary. "في نهاية الإسبوع، نحن سَنُديرُ ظهرَ الأنابيب إلى تلك الجيّدةِ ويَستبدلُ القضبانَ وضخّ الوحدةِ ويَفْتحُ البئر. مستندة على هذه الإشاراتِ، هو يَجِبُ أَنْ يُنتَجَ غازَ ونفطَ فوراً."

"حتى a حادثة بسيطة التي حَدثتْ على ماثيس حَسناً هذا الإسبوعِ كَانَ في الحقيقة a مؤشر إيجابي، "إستنتجَ Damary. "بينما البئر pumper كَانَ يُؤدّي فحصه المنتظمَ للبئرِ، إكتشفَ بأنّ الضغطَ على البئرِ بَدا أعلى مِنْ متوقّعِ لذا فُتِحَ a صمام وضغط الغازَ فجّرا خطَ الأنابيب في الحقيقة. بينما نحن يُمْكِنُ أَنْ نُثبّتَ هذا في ظرف ساعات، أشارَ فحوص إضافية بأنّ ضغطَ الغازَ كَانَ أعلى بكثيرَ مِنْ تُوقّعنَا أبداً، إشارة إلى، بالطبع، بأنّ الإنتاجَ المتوقّعَ سَيَكُونُ أكثر مِنْ أصلاً توقّع. نحن سَنُصدرُ الضغطَ الآن بعناية بمساعدةِ الضاغطِ الجديدِ ويَسْمحُ للبئرِ للإنْتاج في المستويات ضمن قيودِ خطِ الأنابيب."