اذا عندك شي قول :: real stock


عضو نشط
17 مارس 2005
اذا في شي بالطريج فاعتقد انه كلامك كان مو بوقته

19 ـ 12 ـ 2006
all the stock will be up just my stock i know that i hope every one will get back his money from this untrased market and govermant wish you all the best in life good luck all

21 ـ 3 ـ 2007
الاخ الوزير
بصراحة مجهود طيب ونية صافية (هالشغلتين نادرا مايجتمعون)
ابي اثقل عليك شوي...

الاستثمارات الوطنية
ومشكور مقدما

if you can tell us a bout this 3 company i will say you are the number one in indexsignal .com
becouse there is no one has get the right of this 3 company siens am waching all investor make there stady of this stock nothing is going in the same diraction

24 ـ 3 ـ 2007
red red red red 4 time and grean one time good luck to all

24 ـ 3 ـ 2007
good luck anyhow but there is one more thing you have to notes that welcom to kuwait market its not working with your stady but you have nice touhat and you have to tell us when is the govermant will managed we are still without govermant

25 ـ 3 ـ 2007
so sorry but is a drame you are talking a bout if its will go to 250 you will say thanks allah

28 ـ 3 ـ 2007
dear all its new game to get more cash in there said to do more project for the company they need to get more finance so dont jumb in the stock in this days its will be down soon start from today or next week for atleast the price of 3.000 or 2.860 then its will jumb after its het the botome good luck to all the market its not good to get more trust in a company has gooing to make more projact without any safty for their client

1 ـ 4 ـ 2007
late them get lost they dont now how the game its working in the stock market there stock must be at least 650 the price of the share but they want to be smart like albaher but they cant leats them sleep

1 ـ 4 ـ 2007
its gooing to hapan one day but the problem is the usa its fare away from her and they want to use our land how come that when we can tell them stop its not write what will hapand they dont now what they are going to staplish in the end its not iraq its not vetnam its not japan its not somale its not rashea its not koria its not afcanstan its gooing to be defrant this time its realgen and power they have froget that alsaid al-sistaney has not say anything antell now when this will hapan its will be the end of my thout of the empaire of the united state of amarica
anyhow good luck to us in the game of the stock market the game will start from today to the end of this week
aftere that the game is over get your money and run

1 ـ 4 ـ 2007
عسى الله يرزق الجميع

just one thing i would like to add there is nothing like that will hapend no one from alsuiltan will sell any peney from there company they dont wont anyone to take over in there company its just new roumarss as i can tell this days all the romers has staplished by the big business man like mahmoed haider and some othere business man of the kuwiati stoke market they are planing to sell all the companyes and buy the moon for the price of 15kd for the one share its aprial lie
they staplish that to make you all buy there stock they are jjjjjjosheeeeeee

3 ـ 4 ـ 2007
the market will be red red red and red today big time they will make you losse what you have made yastarday

3 ـ 4 ـ 2007
the stock will go down to the price of 2.600 or less so dont play the game with them this days good luck to all the stock will full down and down antel they get what they give you all how won this stock in the mean time get the cash and run this days its not the good time to play with them or with atheres

3 ـ 4 ـ 2007
sami albader
i can say one thing to all how have the stock that stock will go down today he have to make some new stratage for the stock and he should take the stock to the end of the day down down down if not this will be in the day aftere you should not play with him this days

3 ـ 4 ـ 2007
استثمارات وطنيه
in the mean time for atleas 3 month good luck but you have to wach out this days becouse of the market and the news of the war its comming soon you can run but you cant haid

7 ـ 4 ـ 2007
dont trust anyone in this market in the end you will see the stock of sami albader will take almjmo3ah aldoaliah to down in this days for at least 2 to 3 days then the game will start

7 ـ 4 ـ 2007
romarss they want all to trust the kuwaiti stock market but at the end they have some thing in maind that why they try to sell all the companys and there share in any company they sold the country how can tell they now there is a war will happend in this month and every thing will go bad so that why money in the hand much bater then keep it in stock or in local bank good luck to all

7 ـ 4 ـ 2007
romarss they want all to trust the kuwaiti stock market but at the end they have some thing in maind that why they try to sell all the companys and there share in any company they sold the country how can tell they now there is a war will happend in this month and every thing will go bad so that why money in the hand much bater then keep it in stock or in local bank good luck to all

7 ـ 4 ـ 2007
its not for rell they want to make all of us to buy in there stock then we will stak and they will sell all the share and live without say by bye

7 ـ 4 ـ 2007
run from the market if you can with low loess of your money this days dont trust them they will make you jumb this week then you will loess what you have make in the last three weeks or two weeks ago good luck you can run but you cant hid from them

كل شي بوقته حلو

Q8 Stock

طاقم الإدارة
12 يونيو 2005
السلام عليكم

ممكن نعرف شنو السالفه اخوي كنترول ؟؟
اللغه الانجليزيه ضعيفه عندي
ثقافتي ايطاليا :p :p :p
<<<< متأثر بفلم العرّاب

اذا كان الهدف من الموضوع تصفية حسابات
فهذا الشي غير مسموح فيه..!!


عضو نشط
16 يونيو 2006
الظاهر انه قامت هوشة!!!
أعصابكم شباب...​

بو بندر

عضو نشط
15 سبتمبر 2005
متداول الاوسط سابقا
فعلن مشرفنا مشاركات يجب الوقوف عليها

كلام مبهم وتصاريح لاتمس للحقيقه بصله


انحاشو من السوق لانهم راح ايصرفون عليكم والسوق راح ينزل بعد اسبوع

انا ابي افهم هو امخاوي



عضو نشط
17 مارس 2005
السلام عليكم

ممكن نعرف شنو السالفه اخوي كنترول ؟؟
اللغه الانجليزيه ضعيفه عندي
ثقافتي ايطاليا :p :p :p
<<<< متأثر بفلم العرّاب

اذا كان الهدف من الموضوع تصفية حسابات
فهذا الشي غير مسموح فيه..!!

لاتصفية حساب ـ ولا شيئ من هذا القبيل

بل وقفة تأمل



22 نوفمبر 2005
المقصد بوعلي ان دايما يقول السوق في نزول وطلعوا من السوق والكل ياخذ الكاش ويطلع والسوق موزين !

واخونا كنترول يبي رد من ريل ستوك على تناقضاته


عضو نشط
20 يوليو 2006
عاد هالريال حده ماصخ وموداشلي من زور ،،،،،،،،،


عضو مميز
24 سبتمبر 2005
يا جماعة





هدوا اعصاااااااااابكم