الله لا يوفقهم ، الله لا يعطيهم عافيه ولا يبارك لهم

رجل أعمال

عضو نشط
15 نوفمبر 2002
أنا من عادتي إن أتصفح المسج بورد الخاص بالشركات الموجودة تحت قائمة المتابعة أو التي أمتلك فيها أسهم ، فوجدت إشاره من واحد ضد أحد الأشخاص الذين يخوفون المستثمرين بأخبار وأكاذيب لتحبيطهم حتي يبيعوا أسهم وذلك لإنزال سعر السهم ، فتتبعت اللينك الذي وضعه فوجدت التالي :

From another site. Worthwhile reading
Confessions of zephyrCVA

Today I want to come clean about something I feel very badly about. I cannot undo some of the things I have done, but hopefully this message will prevent other such occurrences in the future.

I am a paid basher.

Yes, it is true. Today is my last day at this company; I'm moving on to a new job. But before I go, I want to explain a few things because this just isn't right and I won't feel good about myself until I expose this sham. It's hurt too many people and I don't want it on my conscience anymore. I can no longer live with a lie.

I work for a company called Stockrock in Stamford, CT. Basically, it's a Boiler Room much
like the one in the movie of the same name. The idea behind my group is to bash the price of a company's stock down low enough to where the group of investors who retained our company's services can buy the stock really cheap, and perhaps even take it over all together. In other cases, we are hired to encourage a stock to drop in preparation for a class-action lawsuit by disgruntled shareholders.

There are approximately 70 people at the company divided into several groups. My group, consisting of 5 people, is
responsible for CYBR. While I probably shouldn't give any names of anyone working here now, what the heck, I'm leaving here, so what can they do ? sue me? Ha! I can tell you that GUTTWRENCH was part of my group until he left last week, as was Richardphx. Others who have been part of this include early bashers like manyquestions00 and Zippo.

There are several companies engaged in the bashing business - ours is not the only one. However, I can tell you that not every basher in here is a paid basher. Having done this for two years, I can usually tell who is a paid basher and who is merely someone having a little fun.

While unpaid bashers have a different motive than someone like me, they can be unwilling accomplices to helping me
achieve my ultimate goal and they also spread rumor and confusion throughout a room, which also helps me.

What is that goal? Well, I am merely a cog in a much larger machine, so my bosses never really explained the big picture to me, but I'd say essentially, GUTTWRENCH was right. There are several companies who are quite familiar with SWOMI and who are deathly afraid of it.

There are three types of bashers here at Stockrock: Advanced, Intermediate and Beginner.
An Advanced-level basher (also known as a Silver Tongued Devil) would spread false or misleading information about the
company. They would deal in facts, countering every longs post with articles, news reports and opinion surveys that gave a negative impression about the
company. An Intermediate-level basher (also known as a Serpent) would try to weasel their way into the confidence of longs and create doubt using rumor or innuendo.

Finally, a Beginner-level basher (also known as a Pitchfork) would attempt to create confusion
in the room by distracting other posters with satire, name calling and pointless arguments. The idea was to make sure no
serious discussion of the stock could take place. A Pitchfork was usually a basher, but not always. Sometimes, we would
throw in a hypster Pitchfork to create the illusion of an argument going on. What was really funny (in a perverse way, I
guess) was that manyquestions00 and I sat next to each other, laughing the whole time.

Continued... . .

رجل أعمال

عضو نشط
15 نوفمبر 2002
I was a Pitchfork. I was paid a base wage of $12 an hour for my services. I was given a $1 bonus for every post over 100
per day as well as a monthly bonus of $100 for every penny the stock had dropped from the previous month. I was also
paid a bonus for bashing on weekends. While this may not sound like much, I made a decent, though dishonorable,

Each of us sat in a small half-cubicle in a cluster with our teammates. Each group (usually five people) was made of three
beginners (two who would bash and one who would hype), one intermediate and one advanced level basher. Occasionally
for some of the hotter stocks, one of the beginners would be replaced by an intermediate depending on how much the stock was rising. CYBR was a
low-level stock, meaning it got the 3-1-1 configuration.
Somehow, I get the feeling that JPACK2 may have worked for a basher company or knows someone who does because
the Basher Handbook he occasionally posts is eerily similar to the one we actually use. While not a word-for-word
match, I'd say it is about 90 percent the same. We do have certain rules that we follow.

First, we have to develop a character and stay within that character in order to build a following. My character,
* zephyrCVA * was a sarcastic, obnoxious supporter of free speech, but only when it came to bashers.

Next, we had to follow certain guidelines on what we could say. We were urged to have an answer to every long's
question, but we were to frame that answer in a way that ridiculed the questioner for asking such a question. However, we
were never to use profanity or vulgarity because that would cause people to ignore us. We were to make fun of people, but in a civil way. The idea was to get play, i.e. reaction from other posters. The more play we got, the more the room would be disrupted. Ignored posters
get no play. One exception would be the hypster since they were 'defending' the stock against our onslaught, they got a little more leeway. People would side with the hypster because they thought he was real since he appeared to be on their side, but was really on ours, setting us
up to disrupt the room. Padelcars is quite good at this and gets paid very well.

I've worked on CYBR for months now. In addition to the zephyrCVA alias, I've used a few others on the
CYBR and several other boards as well. I stuck with zephyrCVA because it was the one that got the most play from other

In closing, I feel absolutely terrible about this. It's just awful how I've been part of a scam designed to cheat honest,
hard-working people out of their investments all for the benefit of a few wealthy people who already have enough money to
last a lifetime. These greedy people MUST be stopped. That's why I'm posting this before I leave. I want to make up for some of the damage I've done. I
can't live with this lie anymore. You can't imagine how hard it is to look at myself in the mirror each morning knowing my
job is to cheat and lie.

I have to go now, I'm too broken up to continue. I hope this confession can make up for my sordid deeds; I would urge
everyone who reads this to copy and repost it as many times as you can. Only by shining the light of truth can we drive these rats back into the darkness from whence they came. Believe me, they don't want publicity.

I hope all of you can forgive me and save me a seat on that CYBRs rocket to the moon. If this helps, let me leave you with

And if I CONTINUE in my wicked ways, as the temptation will always be there,..........just put me in my place. Please


عضو مميز
18 يوليو 2003
المسج بوردز 90% منهم برو فيشونال باشرز
أنت أكبر غلط عملته أنك تصدق كلامهم
لأنهم مثل ما قالك Paid

رجل أعمال

عضو نشط
15 نوفمبر 2002
أخوي واضح إنك ولد سوق

أنا بعد ولد سوق ، يعني إنا عيال عم :)

الذي أثار حفيظتي أنني لم أكن أتوقع انهم يتقاضون مبالغ ، كنت أتوقع أن الباشرز هم مجموعة من أهل الشورت أو إناس يريدون شراء السهم بسعر أقل.

مشكور على الرد


عضو نشط
17 يناير 2003
رجل أعمال

تشكر شكرا جزيلا على طرحك لهذه المقالة حتى يعلموا باحدى خبايا السوق .

بس مثل ما قلت الله لا ابارك فيهم

:mad: :mad:


عضو مميز
18 يوليو 2003
قد تكون قصة جونثان ليبيد عبـرة :)

أنصح أن يقرأها الكل.
بكل بساطه , جونثان ولد عمره 15 سنه , عنده أشتراكين فقط واحد AOL للأنترنت والثاني eTrade للتداول
كيف أصبح مليونير
كان يرسل رسائل كذب توهم المستثمرين بأن السهم الذي يشير أليه جوناثان سينفجر و بسرعه :D :D :D
He had done this 11 times between September 1999 and February 2000, the S.E.C. said, each time triggering chaos in the stock market. The average daily trading volume of the small companies he dealt in was about 60,000 shares; on the days he posted his messages, volume soared to more than a million shares.

حتى الأس أي سي يعرفونه

Jonathan Lebed: Stock Manipulator, S.E.C. Nemesis -- and 15 :D :D :D خوش وصـف
