ماذا حدث في inov

سلوم السلوم

عضو نشط
3 نوفمبر 2003
الظاهر انه تغر اسمها من inov الى inove

Reconciliation Editor

You have 1,000,000 INOVE shares. You may edit the following information, but the number of shares must total 1,000,000.
There is currently a mismatch between the reported shares/quantity and our official record.
- There are currently 1,000,000 less shares.
- We have automatically added an entry of 1,000,000 shares, so you can simply click the "Done" button below.
- You may edit or enter information below for your personal records.
- If you choose to edit the information, the total quantity must equal 1,000,000.