إتجاه السوق اليوم الأربعاء


المشرف العام
طاقم الإدارة
30 أغسطس 2001
خيبت شركة سيسكو آمال المستثمرين يوم أمس بعد الإغلاق عندما أعلنت عن مبيعات أقل مما هو متوقع وكانت نظرتها المستقبليه متشاؤمه مما سيضغط على السوق اليوم

على شارت 30 دقيقه الناسداك محصور بداخل منطقة تماسك بين 1805 مقاومه و 1775 دعم وخروج الناسداك من منطقة التماسك سيؤدي إلى حركه مقدارها 60 نقطه في إتجاه الكسر خلال يومين أو ثلاثه

الملفات المرفقه:

  • nasd30.JPG
    الحجم: 29.8 KB   المشاهدات: 262


عضو نشط
23 يوليو 2003
الناسداك نازل في الفيوتشر 27 نقطه :eek:



8:03AM: S&P futures vs fair value: -10.0. Nasdaq futures vs fair value: -27.5. Futures market in a sour mood following Cisco's earnings report... Current readings imply a noticeably lower open for the cash market with the tech sector expected to lead the pullback; added element of concern is a Washington Times report that al Qaeda has been planning a high-profile political assassination


عضو مميز
20 مارس 2003
** بلاد الورد **

After Market Report

The market closed with mixed signals today. The Nasdaq, after a serious six-week sell off, is starting to show some signs that the downtrend might be exhausting itself; at least for the near term. The hammer signal on the Nasdaq chart is something to take seriously. If it confirms tomorrow by trading higher than today’s range, it will be time to cover shorts. A second confirmation of a reversal here will be revealed in our scans. If we see a good number of long set ups we will be fairly confident that we have put in a bottom for the time being
The other two main indices, Dow and S&P are a little more uncertain. While the indices generally trade in the same direction, there is a bit of a conflict here. The Dow has thrown back to broken support, which is generally a good place to short, while the S&P has not provided anything more than a neutral signal here. The bottom line is that the market leader of late has been Tech, and as such, the Nasdaq should be followed until this changes. Once we do our scans we will have a better idea what to expect next​