الصناعات الوطنيه تملك فى سابك 10000 مليون سهم

قلنا لكم

26 فبراير 2004
ودرت اخبار بان شركه الصناعات الوطنيه تملك فى سابك السعوديه 10مليون سهم
وسعر الشراء اقل من 50 ريال سعودى علما بان السهم وصل امس الى 1025 ريال


عضو نشط
17 يناير 2005

NI Group Owns :
I. Saudi International Petrochemical Company (SIPC) was formed in 1999 to oversee the creation of companies, in joint venture with other international investors, to develop major plants for the production of Maleic Anhydride, BDO, Methanol, Acetic Acid and other petrochemicals in Jubail Industrial City, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. NI Group is one of the largest strategic shareholders in SIPC, with 15 percent equity, and engineering and the initial construction work has started at the plants, which are expected to come on stream by early 2005.

II. National Petrochemical Industrialization Company (NPIC): NI Group also has an 8% stake in National Petrochemical Industrialization Company (NPIC), which is building the largest propylene and polypropylene project in the Middle East, with an expected capacity of more than 450,000 tones per year. Completion is scheduled for the end of 2003, and other potential projects with NPIC are under consideration.​


عضو نشط
17 يناير 2005
National Industries Own Part Of SIPC Not SABIC​
Saudi International Petrochemical Company (SIPC) is planning to build an
estimated $800 million complex in Jubail to produce 850,000 metric t/y of
methanol, 50,000 t/y of butanediol (BDO) maleic anhydride (MAN) plants, a
250,000 t/y acetic acid plant and 270,000 t/y vinyl acetate monomer (VAM)
plant. SIPC is in the process of securing financing for this huge project.
Company officials expect that financing for the first phase of the project will
be secured by year-end 2001. Loans for the (BDO) and (MAN) units in Jubail
also have been secured. The estimated costs of the BDO and MAN plants, which
make up the fourth part of the SIPC's Jubail complex, are expected to be around
$200 million. Construction is expected to start early next year on the BDO
unit, which will come on stream in early 2004. UK-based Kvaerner E&C were
appointed as technology licensor for the BDO plant. Jacobs Engineering (US) is
supplying technology for the methanol unit and carbon monoxide plant, Huntsman
(US) is providing the MAN technology and DuPont (US) is the technology supplier
for the VAM unit. The project manager is Fluor Daniel (US), which is also
providing basic engineering, front-end engineering and designs. SIPC is a
consortium of local and Gulf investors including Olayan Financing Co., the A.H.
Al-Zamil Group, Al-Rajhi Group, Al-Tamimi Group, and Al-Jeraisy Group from
Saudi Arabia; Kuwait's National Industries Co., Dubai Investments, Oman's
Al-Zawawi Group and Qatar's Arab International Oil Co.​

شخص ما

عضو نشط
14 يناير 2005
ممكن تأكيد الخبر ؟؟؟؟؟؟ (المصدر )