لليوم الثاني على التوالي لايوجد تداول على rco ما السبب؟

بو عبدالله 2006

عضو نشط
27 أبريل 2004
ياجماعة أحد يقول لنا لماذا لايوجد تداول على السهم أو السهم معلق لماذا؟ :(

King 2005

عضو نشط
13 نوفمبر 2004
سبب إيقاف rco من التداول هو:

استلام الرئيس التنفيذي للشركة رشوة مالية على هيئة هدية من أحد المتبرعين . مما جعل مجلس إدارة الشركة توقفه عن العمل. والتحقيق ما زال مستمرًا والتفاصيل أسفل ...

WASHINGTON (Dow Jones)--Ramp Corp. (RCO) disclosed Thursday that its board suspended President and Chief executive Andrew Brown effective Sunday, while it conducts an investigation into a gift received by the executive.

The health-care connectivity software provider said in a document filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission that the investigation will determine whether Brown has violated any of its internal rules or policies or any laws. Ramp said it is in the process of retaining independent counsel to assist in the probe.

Brown, who also resigned as chairman at the request of Ramp's independent directors, notified the company's board earlier this month that he received an unsolicited gift in December 2003 from an individual who has acted as an adviser to several of the company's investors. At that time the gift was received, Brown was the company's president, but not its CEO.

According to the filing, Brown further advised the board that at upon receipt of the package containing the gift, he was unaware that it contained an undetermined amount of cash.

Brown said he discovered that the package contained cash only after he opened it, outside of the presence of the donor.

Brown told the board that he was unable to return the gift, because the donor had left the U.S. and resided outside of the country, the filing said.

The former executive stated that he knew he shouldn't keep the gift and discarded it within several days after having received it.

Brown further advised the board that "the donor never asked him to do or refrain from doing anything and that the gift did not influence any actions that he has taken in any capacity as an officer or director of the company."

The company said it elected Anthony Soich, a director of the company since June 2004, to serve as its new chairman.

Ramp will continue to retain Brown as a consultant pending the conclusion of its investigation, the filing said.

Chief Financial Officer Ronald Munkittrick was appointed as acting CEO, and will continue to serve as the company's chief financial officer, a position he has held since October 2004.

(MORE) Dow Jones Newswires

05-26-05 0733ET

King 2005

عضو نشط
13 نوفمبر 2004
بالإضافة لوجود شكوك قوية تدور حول
قوائمها المالية لعامي 2003 و 2004
وقد صوت مجلس الشركة على
بيع الشركة أو جزءًا منها أو دخول شركاء بها.

بو عبدالله 2006

عضو نشط
27 أبريل 2004
هل الشركة سوف تفلس أو إذا باعوا الشركة ماذا سيحل في حملة الاسهم الحاليين وهل في أمل في إسترجاع فلوسنا

الله يستر :(