لابد اضافة هذا السهم ... للاسترمر للضرورة والحياة


عضو محترف
27 أغسطس 2002
اسم السهم gnbt
يعمل بعدة محاور لكن الاهم وقد ذكرته لكم الانسولين عن طريق الفم
يعني المنتج تقنية في عالم مرضى السكري المزمن
وسوق المرض عالي جدا

العيب الوحيد هو لحد الان ما اخذ ok
من fda
منظمة الدواء والغذاء

واكيد سمعتوا ان بعض الناس وحتى الشيبان يذكرون الانسولين عن طرق الفم

الشرعية لازم تشوفونها قبل الإضافه
والسهم عندي من زمان وجاني تقريب من شخص مدفوع الثمن
لكن ما شريته عرفت وش يقصد gnbt
وان شاء الله خلال اقل من سنتين وفي حالة الوكيه بيكون اسعاره 10 دولار واكثر (هذا بالمنطق اذا المبيعات مشت امورها اما الواقع فالسهم للمغامره ) لكن اذا كان موجود في الاسترمر بيسهل مراقبته واخباره او اي طاري ايجابي على السعر
والدخول بعد ذلك
سعر الان تقريبا 80 سنت


عضو محترف
29 يناير 2005
يعطيك العافية بس حسب معلوماتي الطبية المتواضعة ان اي دوا يؤخذ عن طريق الفم لازم يمر على الكبد ويفقد اغلب فوائده قبل ان ينتقل للدم لكن ممكن بسهولة يعطى تحت اللسان لكن مستحيل دوا تحت اللسان يصرؤف باستمرار وتكرر مثل الانسولين اضافة الى ان الانسولين هرمون ويؤثر بشكل كبير اذا تم استهلاكه من قبل الفم ....1- المضار اكبر من الفوائد 2- يتدمر اغلبه قبل الوصول الى الدم ((لو كان بلع))

-لو استطاعت هذه الشركة تحقيق القفز على first pass metabolizem
في الكبد ستحقق ارباح خرافية ... حينها اغلب الادوية عن طريق الاوردة يمكن الاستغناء عنها ..........الدكتور باثولجيست ممكن يفيدنا

- الجلوكاجون اهم من الانسولين عند مرضى السكر وهو ما يعرف عاميا بالانسولين العكر........

هل الدواء هو انسولين او جلوكاجون ؟؟؟

عموما مثل ما تفضلت بالعامي لو قدروا يحلون مشكلة مرض السكر عن طريق الفم راح يحققون ارباح خرافية ... الحين نحنا باجازة لكن ان شاء الله او ما نرجع فيه كم بروفيسور بنسألهم عن هالموضوع المهم


عضو محترف
27 أغسطس 2002
ralraja11 قال:
يعطيك العافية بس حسب معلوماتي الطبية المتواضعة ان اي دوا يؤخذ عن طريق الفم لازم يمر على الكبد ويفقد اغلب فوائده قبل ان ينتقل للدم لكن ممكن بسهولة يعطى تحت اللسان لكن مستحيل دوا تحت اللسان يصرؤف باستمرار وتكرر مثل الانسولين اضافة الى ان الانسولين هرمون ويؤثر بشكل كبير اذا تم استهلاكه من قبل الفم ....1- المضار اكبر من الفوائد 2- يتدمر اغلبه قبل الوصول الى الدم ((لو كان بلع))

-لو استطاعت هذه الشركة تحقيق القفز على first pass metabolizem
في الكبد ستحقق ارباح خرافية ... حينها اغلب الادوية عن طريق الاوردة يمكن الاستغناء عنها ..........الدكتور باثولجيست ممكن يفيدنا

- الجلوكاجون اهم من الانسولين عند مرضى السكر وهو ما يعرف عاميا بالانسولين العكر........

هل الدواء هو انسولين او جلوكاجون ؟؟؟

عموما مثل ما تفضلت بالعامي لو قدروا يحلون مشكلة مرض السكر عن طريق الفم راح يحققون ارباح خرافية ... الحين نحنا باجازة لكن ان شاء الله او ما نرجع فيه كم بروفيسور بنسألهم عن هالموضوع المهم

هلا بو عبدالعزيز
ما شاء الله عليكم
بالنسبه للشركة تعمل تقنية تسمى RapidMist device
Its Oralin product is delivered through RapidMist device, which is used to administer large molecule drugs, including proteins, peptides, monoclonal antibodies, hormones, and vaccines
بشكل اعم ومثل ما تفضلت بيختصرون النترافينيوز او الادويه الوريديه
تتضمن البروتيننات
او المواد الضروريه
والهرمونات اللي تسبعد ان تنجح فيها الشركة بتقنية هذي
واخيرا اللقاحات او الفكسينايشن
طبعا اكيد قراءتم عن الحبوب المغلفه coated tab
عملها بس في اجزاء معينها في الجزم ما الاماء الغليظه اما المعده فالا
اتوقع التقنية مثلها مع فارق انها تتعامل مع هرمونات اساسيه للجسم ومخاطرها اكبر من مجرد مسكنات او مهدئيات
والله اعلم
يعني محاوره متعددها
وان شاء الله حطوه فقط للمتابعه
وان شاء الله اتاكد من اسمه لاحقا

لكن موضوع تقنية السكري وسهولة استعماله للصغير قبل الكبير
والله خرافي لو نجحت الشركة

وياليت اي شخص لديه علم طبي لا ينسى الموضوع لانها اولا واخرا معرفه وعلم

وننتظرك بو عبدالعزيز واساتذة الجامعه

ايضا هناك شركة تعمل ابحاثها بالانسولين عن طريق الاستنشاق او spray
تعتمد على
Inhale Therapeutic Systems
لنفس الاغراض السابقه
والله اعلم


عضو محترف
29 يناير 2005
يطول عمرك يا ام .............

عموما المشكلة هي تكسي المعدة بالحمض للدواء ((الانسولين هو بولي بيبتايد يعني مجازا بروتين )) والمعدة الPH فيها منخفض جدا لدرجة لو سكبته على جلدك لاحرقك .... سبحان الله ..........
لو عدا هالمرحلة راح يروح لمشكلة الكبد ... الي تكسره لانه مو المفروض يكون موجود هنا ... الباقي يدخل للدم ويكون هو المؤثر ((طبعا الغير مرتبط بالبروتين الموجود في الدم اللي هو غالبا albumine لكن هذي تفاصيل )) الخلاصة ان الدواء عن طريق الفم زين لو وصل منه 20% للدم .........

اما الاستنشاق او الانهاليشن .... المشكلة فيه صغر الاردة في الرئة لكن كثيرة جدا ومساحتها اكبر ... لذلك اعتقد انه هو الاقرب والله اعلم اكرر تراني لسه طالب ........لكن مثل هالاختراع راح يغير اسس علم الادوية تماما....

وبشوفها ان شاء الله بعد اسبوعين


عضو محترف
29 يناير 2005
للفائدة فقط سأقوم في هاليومين بادخال آلية امتصاص الدواء بشكل مختصر من كتاب pharmachology لدار النشر lipencott اتمنى يكون فيه فايدة على الاقل للمستقبل ......والمهتم بموضوع البايو تك انصحه بالكتاب لانه سهل وممتع .........وهو كتاب معتمد من لجنة usmle كمرجع ((usmle هو اختبار القبول للزمالة الطبية في امريكا))


عضو محترف
27 أغسطس 2002
الله يعافيكم اخوي
والسهم للبحث والتنقيب
لان لازلت انتظر منهم اسم السهم وان وجدته سواء هو او غيره ابذكره هنا
الموقع اللي بعث لي التقرير لامبرديي للابحاث طبعة تقنية البوييوتك
Editor, Bio-Tech Breakthrough Stock Report


عضو محترف
27 أغسطس 2002
“When SYMBOLLON jumped from 5 cents to $5, you could have turned every $500 in your bank account into $50,000!

“My next five picks could make you even richer!”

Just look at the mammoth gains that
await you in biotech stocks!

ALFACELL — 18 cents to $9.97 — $5,000 explodes to $276,944
KERYX — $1.02 to $19.86 — $5,000 jumps to $97,353
SYMBOLLON — 5 cents to $5 — $5,000 soars to $500,000
INTROBIOTICS — $1.54 to $19.25 — $5,000 rises to $62,500
VION — 21 cents to $5.50 — $5,000 jumps to $130,952

Dear Investor:

You don’t have to know squat about biotech stocks to get rich buying them. Just ask my readers. They’re making money hand-over-fist investing in my scientifically selected biotech breakthroughs.

I’m talking about powerfully explosive stocks like ALFACELL that jumped from 18 cents a share to $9.97, turning $5,000 into $276,944…or KERYX which climbed from $1.02 to $19.86, turning $5,000 into $97,353… or INTROBIOTICS which rose an incredible 1,150% in just 11 months.

I’m talking about stocks that will change the way you live. Stocks that will hand you the kind of mind-blowing profits wealthy insiders rack up….and will ultimately give you the kind of enormous gains that you’ve been dreaming about.

You don’t have to take my word for it. You be the judge. Check out the explosive profits scientifically selected biotech stocks can hand you. See how $500 can soar to $50,000. See how you could be set for life by investing in just one of my picks. And then decide.

If you agree that my Profit Lab System is the easiest way to make money in the stock market, I’ve made it incredibly easy for you to capture the mind-blowing profits these fast-moving stocks can hand you.

How You Can Cash in on
These Life-Changing Profits

If you can put the moneymaking power of my Profit Lab System to work for you, you can start raking in the dough. You’ll buy stocks that are set to explode and you’ll sell them for big gains. If you roll those profits into our next picks, you’ll bank even more gains. That’s the beauty of my Profit Lab System. It scientifically identifies up-and-coming biotech companies for big breakthroughs before they take off. And it continues to compound your wealth by automatically reinvesting your gains in new ground-floor opportunities.

My Profit Lab System tells you what to buy and when to sell. The only work you have to do is pick up the phone, call your broker, and collect your profits. It’s truly that easy.

That’s why nobody makes more money in biotech stocks than we do… why our scientifically proven formula finds so many winners…and why our picks could hand you the kind of wealth, freedom, and lifestyle you’ve always dreamed about.


You could be driving a brand-spanking-new Ferrari. If you invested just $5,000 in ALFACELL (ACEL.OB), you would have walked away with a whopping $276,944. Imagine how you would feel driving through your neighborhood, stopping to see friends, and smiling inside knowing that you’ve finally made it.
Get Rich with My Favorite
Biotech Stock

2,000% Profits in just 12 months!

And more is on the way.

You don’t have to take my word that biotech is the place to be... my favorite winner is already making investors rich.

Why, over the last 12 months, this unheard-of profit rocket blasted from 38 cents a share to $13. For every $5,000 you invested in this moneymaker, you would now be sitting on $171,052. $10,000 would now be worth a whopping $342,105.

Of course, even these great gains pale in comparison to what lies ahead. Anticipated FDA approvals on this company’s diabetes breakthrough could easily hand us another 25 times our money, as you’ll read in this report. Send for it now. This stock will make you rich.

Replace your kitchen counters with the finest Italian marble. If you invested just $5,000 in INTROBIOTICS (IBPI), your bank account would have mushroomed to $62,500. You would even have enough money left over to hire your own cook.
Paris. London. Rome. Take your pick. If you invested just $5,000 in VION PHARMACEUTICALS (VION), you’d be sitting on a whopping $130,952. You’d not only be able to fly first class to Europe but also stay in the penthouse suite at Ritz Carlton in Paris, spend a bundle at Harrods, and even hire your own chauffeur. Traveling doesn’t get any better than this.
Send your children to Harvard, Stanford, or MIT. If you’d invested just $5,000 in SYMBOLLON (SYMBA.OB), the $500,000 you’d have made would have more than paid for tuition. You’d have to wait 30 years to make that kind of money in a college fund. With my Profit Lab System guiding your investments, you’ll never lose a night’s sleep over paying for your child’s college education. You’ll have more than enough money to send all your children to both law and medical schools. What a wonderful feeling that will be.
Own your own Florida beach condo. If you’d invested just $7,500 in ELAN (ELN), you’d have racked up a whopping $172,864 in profits. You’d be able to wake up each morning, sip coffee on your balcony, and stroll along the beach any time you wanted. You’d get to enjoy your life while your stocks made you money — just like the rich do!
If you’re interested in racking up these kinds of record-smashing gains, grab a cup of coffee and spend the next five minutes reading this letter. You Could Be Living on
Easy Street with these
Biotech Breakthroughs

And you don’t have to know a thing about biotechnology stocks. That’s because my Profit Lab System tells you what to buy and when to sell. It’s that easy. All you have to do is call your broker and bank your profits. Look at these examples:


عضو محترف
27 أغسطس 2002
ALFACELL: Mushroomed from 18 cents to $9.97, turning $5,000 into $276,944
KERYX: Went from $1.02 to $19.86, turning $5,000 into $97,353
SYMBOLLON: Soared from 5 cents to $5, turning $5,000 into $500,000
INTROBIOTICS: Rocketed from $1.54 to $19.25, turning $5,000 into $62,500
VION: Blasted from 21 cents to $5.50, turning $5,000 into $130,952
I have five recommendations that could deliver even more explosive gains. Join us now and share in the profits.

I guarantee it will change your life because I’m going to show why you don’t have to be a stock market expert to get filthy rich in biotech stocks… how much money you could make in the next six months…and how little you need to get started.

How I Find the Biotech Superstars That Will Hand You Mind-Blowing Profits

The secret to building incredible riches in biotech stocks comes down to one thing: Buying up-and-coming biotech companies on the verge of a major medical breakthrough …

…before Wall Street knows about them…before they get FDA approval…and before their prices skyrocket and all the big money has been made.

That’s what my Profit Lab System does — with near perfect accuracy.

By using advanced computer technologies, I was able to reverse engineer the hidden wealth building formula that made those past biotech winning stocks explode.

As a result, my Profit Lab System automatically rejects 99 out of 100 biotech stocks because they simply do not fit the money pattern that has proven profitable. Over the years, we’ve fine-tuned our system to identify only those stocks that will double your money or more.

This is how my Profit Lab System finds rising stars — unknown stocks that are set to explode (and do) — all because they contain the same combination of double-your-money breakthroughs in biotechnology, sales, and profit potential that you’ll find in the world’s most profitable biotech stocks.

Imagine what it would feel like to own the next KERYX, ALFACELL, or SYMBOLLON — before these companies turned a $5,000 investment into $92,353, $276,944, and $500,000, respectively.

With my Profit Lab System guiding your investments, that’s exactly how you could feel from this point forward. And that’s a feeling you can’t beat.

Black and White Proof You Can Use My
System to Join the Super Rich

Take ALFACELL and SYMBOLLON, for example.

They offer you a crystal-clear example of how my Profit Lab System could easily make you rich by focusing on little-known, yet BIG POTENTIAL biotech stocks that are ready to explode.

To be sure, not every one of the stocks we select will hand you 9,900% returns. But we’ll take anything that doubles our money or better.

For example:

If you invested $500 in ALFACELL, your investment would have mushroomed into $27,694. By rolling this into SYMBOLLON, you would have snowballed your $27,694 into an incredible $2,769,400 when this company’s shares blasted from 5 cents to $5.

And that’s if you had chosen to invest in just one biotech breakthrough at a time.

Had you chosen to roll just half your SYMBOLLON profits into ELAN, you would have turned your initial $500 investment in ALFACELL into a whopping $32,967,017. That, my friend, is how you get rich in biotech stocks. And why my readers continue to rave about the results we deliver.

A $5 Secret That Turns Ordinary Investors into

It’s no fluke biotech stocks can pile up profits 10 times faster than 9 out of 10 NASDAQ stocks. That’s because they simply have more room to grow. It’s a simple concept but it will make you rich.

Fact is: You’ll never get rich buying stocks priced at $30. Stocks priced at $30 or higher can take 10 years to double your money.

Even stocks at priced at $15 could take at least 5 years to double. Do you really want to wait that long to get rich? I think not.

Yet, a quick look at the top performing biotech stocks priced at $5 or less and you’ll see how they can double in months, if not weeks. Why?

Because biotech stocks priced at $5 or less are relatively unknown. As a result, few investors own them. Of course, once they get FDA approval everybody knows about them and their prices explode like fireworks on the 4th of July.

For example, if you invested $5,000 in BIOENVISION at $0.50 a share, you would you would have seen your stake explode to $120,000 as the FDA gave the company fast-track status for its anti-pneumonia breakthrough and its price blasted to $12.

Then there’s DYAX. Thanks to its new discovery for treating cystic fibrosis, this $1 stock soared past $15 — $7,500 invested here would have handed you a whopping $111,786.

How do you think billionaire moneymakers like Warren Buffett, John Templeton, and JP Morgan got rich? Not by buying the likes of Genentech and Amgen for $75 a share when everyone knew about them.
My Profit Lab System
Makes it Easy for You
to Get Filthy Rich in
Biotech Stocks

How? By rejecting 99 out of 100 stocks before the FDA does! That’s why our picks explode from drug approvals soon after we buy them

You could search high and low and never find a safer or more profitable way to reap enormous profits investing in biotech stocks. My Profit Lab System does everything for you, from scanning for companies with late-stage candidates that target large or underserved markets to identifying new breakthroughs with amazing potential to revolutionize the healthcare industry.

As you’ll see, my Profit Lab System eliminates companies whose science has a snowball’s chance in hell of getting FDA approval, automatically protecting us from buying worthless drug stocks.

In addition, my Profit Lab System also eliminates stocks trading well above $5, making sure that we always get in on the ground floor — and not after big run-ups.

As a result, the Profit Lab System rejects 99 out of 100 biotech stocks. Those that make our final cut have a deep product pipeline with many promising late-stage candidates, highly lucrative marketing agreements with blue-chip drug manufacturers, and most importantly, expert management with a “Barry Bonds-like” batting average for getting FDA approval.

This is how the rich get rich in biotech stocks, and how you could too.

They bought explosive up-and-coming stocks for pennies on the dollar when nobody knew these companies were even listed.

Mark my words, when you add a basketful of little-known $5 biotech stocks to your portfolio, you too will sell them for dream gains when their prices explode. No other outcome is possible.

For these reasons, my Profit Lab System not only evaluates a company’s fundamentals and product pipeline, but it also screens for secret factors nobody else looks for.

This is how we find so many ground-floor opportunities before they skyrocket, and how you could easily turn a $500 investment into thousands of dollars faster than virtually every other investing system on the planet.

My Next Five Picks Could Make
You $75,000 to $100,000 EACH
in the Next 6 Months

Grab all you can now. They’re super dirt-cheap. Nobody’s heard
of them. Each one could hand you a minimum of $12 for $1 returns.

If you want to get rich, you must own these stocks. If they’re just half as successful as ALFACELL, SYMBOLLON, or KERYX, you couldn’t live long enough to spend all the money you’ll make. From $500 to $50,000
in 11 Months!

That’s how fast you can make
money in biotech stocks

Symbollon Pharmaceuticals represents an extreme example of how fast you can get rich investing in biotech stocks. Virtually unheard of in January 2003, the stock blasted from 5 cents to $5 when research revealed positive results associated with the company’s cancer drug. Had you been lucky enough to invest $500 in this up-and-comer, you’d be sitting on a whopping $50,000.

Imagine if you had invested $5,000! You would now be sitting on life-changing gains of $495,000! Those who got in on this one when few people knew the company existed are not only smiling all the way to the bank, they probably own it!

Rake in Mammoth Profits
with the Next Symbollon

But you must hurry. This company’s anti-aging miracle could make Botox, collagen, and face lifts totally obsolete. Get in early and you’ll grab mind-blowing gains when the company gets final FDA approval.

Since the company’s anti-aging product was released in Europe, the stock has rewarded biotech investors with 200% profits. When its products hit the U.S., we expect to make at least 10 times our money. You’ll read why, in your FREE REPORT.

Each one of these barnburners has what I call the “perfect storm” of fundamental and technical indicators that have made early investors in AMGEN and GENENTECH wealthy beyond their dreams...

They could hand you $12 for $1 profits. If they hit their full potential — watch out! You could buy your own bank.

The best part is, all you have to do is call your broker and say “Buy.” We’ve done all the work, sifting through hundreds of thousands of bits of data on each stock, like a miner who sifts tons of dirt to get to the gold.

If you miss these winners, you’ll kick yourself for years. Enormous wealth is at hand. Each one of these wealth-builders is like buying a 10-pound gold bar for just pennies on the dollar.

Get All the Mouth-Watering Details in These 5 FREE BONUSES

But you must hurry! They’re all going to soar when they’re discovered.

I’m so convinced that my Profit Lab System will make you richer than your wildest dreams, I’m going to send you my entire wealth-building library FREE. This is no misprint. Each one of these five bonuses is yours, 100% absolutely FREE.


عضو محترف
27 أغسطس 2002
How can I do this?

Because it’s the best way I know to prove to you that my system could make you enormous profits.

In the bargain, you’ll receive a risk-free, money-back-guaranteed 1-year subscription to Bio-Tech Breakthrough Stock Report. Published monthly, Bio-Tech Breakthrough Stock Report delivers directly to your door the mega-wealth-building, life-changing opportunities uncovered by my Profit Lab System.

Before your first issue arrives, here’s a mouthwatering look at my newest recommendations that you’ll find in your FREE BONUSES:

1. Get Rich with My Favorite Biotech Stock
It’s already handed investors 2,000% profits. The company is on the verge of a diabetes breakthrough. Plus, the company is going to be listed on the NASDAQ.

Here’s a company that will make you rich. Phase II trials confirm its diabetes drug is safe. An FDA approval could make this one soar to the moon and back! That’s only part of the good news.

The company’s product pipeline looks like a Mississippi River of money, with five side-effect-free drugs for heart disease, HIV, and Crohn’s disease in development.

Add it all up, and the company has the same combination of double-your-money breakthroughs in biotechnology, sales, and profit potential that I found in INTROBIOTICS (up 1,150%), VION (up 2,519%), and BIOENVISION (up 2,300%).

For these reasons, I’m telling my readers to buy this one now and book a world cruise. Because when this one pops, it’s going to be smooth sailing for the rest of your life.

2. 60 Times Your Money in the Stock that Cures Cancer
This stock is about to explode again. Buy it now before new FDA approvals end your money worries for good.

This stock’s breakthrough cancer weapon handed investors 60 times their money when the FDA approved its life-saving leukemia treatment in 2000. Now, with eight more breakthrough cancer treatments hopefully headed toward FDA approval, this profit rocket is about to make investors another 60 times richer.

Here’s why: This company’s breakthroughs have the power to successfully treat a wide variety of cancers, without the toxic reactions found in standard chemotherapies.

With the company’s past success for nailing down FDA approvals, you owe it to yourself to hop on this wealth builder now, before the news gets out and investors pile into the stock, and potentially turn a $5,000 investment into $300,000 again.

3. $12 for $1 Profits in the Stock that Cures Heart Disease
This company is about to blow the doors off of Genentech, Amgen, and Merck. $500 invested here could be worth $60,000 in a matter of months!

But you’ll have to hurry. This company’s breakthrough heart cure is in PHASE III trials and hopefully heading down a fast track to FDA approval.

Once it gets approved, this company’s life-saving drug could dominate the $25-billion market for heart medicines and make early investors richer than their wildest dreams.

Here’s why: Unlike conventional drug treatments, this new discovery activates the body’s immune system to treat and heal heart failure and other heart conditions.

If you want to get rich, you must buy this biotech breakthrough now before the FDA’s blessing could easily turn a $5,000 investment into $60,000 or more. You’ll get all the luscious details in your free report.

4. Retire Rich with the Stock that Cures Diabetes
The sooner you get in, the sooner you’ll retire. Every $1 invested here is on-track to multiply your money 10-fold.

Over 194 million people suffer from diabetes — and this company’s gene-based treatment may revolutionize the treatment of diabetes! As a result, the company could be the biggest beneficiary of the $41-billion diabetes drug market.

In fact, if this tiny $10-million company grabs just 5% of the market, you’re looking at $2 billion in annual sales.

I don’t know how you have your retirement funds invested now, but I do know this: When this company’s products take the market by storm, a $500 investment could be worth more than $35,000. With a $5,000 stake, your $350,000 could put you on easy street for the rest of your life.

Buy it now and you could retire richer than your wildest dreams.

5. Rake in Mammoth Profits in the Next Symbollon
Breakthrough discoveries and a FDA approval could hand you life-changing gains. BUY ALL YOU CAN NOW!

If you missed Symbollon, here’s your second chance to turn $500 into $50,000.

Why? Because this company’s anti-aging miracle is about to make Botox, collagen, and face lifts totally obsolete — ultimately stealing huge chunks of the $11-billion cosmetic treatments market.

Since the company’s product was released in Europe, the stock’s price has rocketed 200%. However, this is just a sneak preview of the major gains ahead for this moneymaker when it hits the youth-obsessed American market, as its product contains no fillers or toxic chemicals.

You can look high or low and you won’t find a bigger, more revolutionary anti-aging treatment. With over 75 million Baby Boomers pushing 50, I suggest you buy this one now and start shopping for your Ferrari because it’s going to be huge.

These Five Biotech Breakthroughs Could
Make You Richer than Your Wildest Dreams…

If they’re just half as profitable as Symbollon,
you’re looking at turning $500 into $25,000

That’s why the smart money crowd is grabbing all the shares they can while prices are cheap. Why you should scoop up theses wealth-builders, too. And why you should send for your five FREE BONUSES today.

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In the bargain, I’ll send you a full year’s worth of my Bio-Tech Breakthrough Stock Report — the world’s #1 ranked biotech-investing newsletter.

Published monthly, Bio-Tech Breakthrough Stock Report brings you the most explosive and profitable biotech stocks on Wall Street, all uncovered by my time-proven Profit Lab System.

The cost?

Just 24 cents a day for a 12-month subscription — and that’s no misprint!

That comes to just $89 a year to own my next biotech breakthroughs, companies like ALFACELL that jumped from 18 cents a share to $9.97 turning $500 into $276,944…or KERYX which climbed from $1.02 to $19.86, turning a $5,000 in to $97,353… or INTROBIOTICS which rose an incredible 1,150% in just 11 months.

Please hurry!

My New Stocks Could Easily Hit the
Jackpot from FDA Approvals!

Join us today and you’ll discover the hottest biotech stocks
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Some of my readers have already gotten filthy rich owning our scientifically selected biotech stocks. Now it’s your turn to pile on the profits. And my Bio-Tech Breakthrough Stock Report will guide you to my next big winners.

Just click on the link below today. I’ll rush you your 5 FREE BONUSES and I’ll add your name to our subscriber list. And that’s just for starters.

Every month from now on, you’ll receive my updated list of scientifically selected winners that are squarely on-track to bank eye-popping gains.

You’ll discover how they’re chosen…why we believe FDA approvals will rocket these stocks into the stratosphere…and get the opportunity to buy them early for the biggest gains.

Don’t miss this opportunity to own my new biotech breakthroughs before they hand my readers life-changing gains. See how exciting it feels to turn $500 into $50,000. Once you do, I promise you’ll never invest any other way.

Put the power of my Profit Lab System to work for you. Trust your impulse. Send for your FIVE FREE BO

NUSES today. You’ll be glad you did. Sincerely

ترجموه باي برنامج للترجمه علشانه طووووويل


عضو مميز
20 مارس 2003
** بلاد الورد **
ralraja11 قال:
يعطيك العافية بس حسب معلوماتي الطبية المتواضعة ان اي دوا يؤخذ عن طريق الفم لازم يمر على الكبد ويفقد اغلب فوائده قبل ان ينتقل للدم لكن ممكن بسهولة يعطى تحت اللسان لكن مستحيل دوا تحت اللسان يصرؤف باستمرار وتكرر مثل الانسولين اضافة الى ان الانسولين هرمون ويؤثر بشكل كبير اذا تم استهلاكه من قبل الفم ....1- المضار اكبر من الفوائد 2- يتدمر اغلبه قبل الوصول الى الدم ((لو كان بلع))

-لو استطاعت هذه الشركة تحقيق القفز على first pass metabolizem
في الكبد ستحقق ارباح خرافية ... حينها اغلب الادوية عن طريق الاوردة يمكن الاستغناء عنها ..........الدكتور باثولجيست ممكن يفيدنا

- الجلوكاجون اهم من الانسولين عند مرضى السكر وهو ما يعرف عاميا بالانسولين العكر........

هل الدواء هو انسولين او جلوكاجون ؟؟؟

عموما مثل ما تفضلت بالعامي لو قدروا يحلون مشكلة مرض السكر عن طريق الفم راح يحققون ارباح خرافية ... الحين نحنا باجازة لكن ان شاء الله او ما نرجع فيه كم بروفيسور بنسألهم عن هالموضوع المهم

براءة اختراع مسجلة - لطريقة تنظيف المنتج المستخدم في اعطاء الدواء

Generex Biotechnology Granted United States Patent in

Connection With Its RapidMist(TM) Device

the Company's proprietary oral insulin
product, into the buccal cavity (the mouth) where it is absorbed into the



عضو محترف
29 يناير 2005
شكرا الشعثاني ........ اللي فهمته ان الدواء يعطى بالفم عن طريق سبراي ولا يبلع او يمص ولا يبلع ..........وهذا هو براءة اختراع لجهاز يستخدم في التنظيف........لكن كيف استطاعوا الدخول الى الدم عن طريق الفم هذا هو السؤال ....... الجواب الوحيد هو diffusion او التسرب لكن في هالحالة بتنهار الخلايا الي بالفم حيث ان الجلوكوز تستعمله جميع الخلايا وارتباط الانسولين بالخلايا ضروري لدخول الجلوكوز بالخلايا ((ما عدا الكبد والحدقة وخلايا الدم الحمراء وبعض الاستثناءات الاخرى)) فتخيل معي كل هالانسولين اللي يكفي لجسم كامل بتركيز عالي عن طريق الفم الا اذا كان لازم له تفاعلات ثانية عشان يتحرر الانسولين من الدواء...... يعني ما يكون الانسولين حر يعطى عن طريق الفم بل يكون بشكل مسبق يحتاج لبعض التفاعلات حتى يتحرر من الدواء .........في هذه الحالة ممكن لكن كيف ؟؟؟ ما هي المواد الموجودة في الدم وتتفاعل مع هذا الدواء لتحرير الانسولين ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟ ومن اين جاءت؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟ كما تعلم بعض الادوية تعطى بشكل مسبق لكن هذه الادوية تكون ذات اثر في مكان محدود (( مثلا لعلاج بعض الامراض الجينية في الكبد يعطى المريض دواء لا يؤثر الا بعد تفاعله مع انزيم في الكبد ولا يوجد الا في الكبد))) لكن الانسولين اثره عام ........ومن الصعب ادخاله بهذه الطريقة عموما كل شي ممكن ننتظر ونشوف


عضو مميز
20 مارس 2003
** بلاد الورد **

اشكر ردك يادكتورنا العزيز

المصطلحات الطبية لا اجيدها و اللي فهمته هو استخدام فجوات في

الغشاء المخاطي لتسريب الدواء الى الدم

الـــ Formulation موجود على هذا الرابط


المنتج يستخدم حاليا في الاكوادور للفئة الاولى و الثانية


الانتشار العالمي يراهن عليه بعد الحصول على موافقة الـــ FDA


عضو محترف
29 يناير 2005
كلام جميل ... اتوقع لو اتأمل في رد ام راح احصل معلومات مفيدة ....... عموما برجع ان شاء الله لكن هذي بعض المقتطفات من الرابط ...

Enhancers are surface-active compounds, called surfactants

لو كانت سيرفاكتانت اجل وش الفايدة حطها على طول بالتنفس لان السرفاكتنت موجود اساسا لتسهيل الحركة وانتقال الغازات وموجود بكثرة في الرئة ....... وله علاقة جميلة ساتحدث عنها بعدين بصرخة الطفل اثناء الولاد وقلة تكوينه كما في حالة الاطفال الخدج تسبب صعوبة التنفس لذلك يوضعون في حاضنات ......

عموما......... دايما اشطح شوي تحملني :eek:

اتوقع الصورة هي عبارة عن ديفايس ...... يشبه بخاخ الربو .............

مثل ما قلت يعني الموضوع صار نقل الدواء عن طريق التنفس او الرئة وليس عن طريق الفم .....لانه لو عن طريق الفم كان حطوه زي ادوية تحت اللسان .......مثل الكلام اللي قلناه المشكلة ان الانسولين كبير كبروتين ............... لكن باقي بس المشكلة حقت الامتصاص ما بعد ظبطتها ....... وش تاثيره على الفم ........ لانه بصراحة الطريقة هذي كل طالب طب يعرفها وما يطبقها بسبب التاثير على الفم ........عموما راح اتاكد من كتبي وارد ويمكن نزور الدكاترة بالاجازة:D ......................

الشعثاني.........اي دكتور الله يهديك توني سنة ثالثة....

عموما شكله فنيا يعد بالدولار ومن ثم 1.2 ممكن تشكل قاب اليوم دعم انا بحاول القطه على 0.86 ومشكلة متوسط الخمسين قريب من 1


عضو محترف
29 يناير 2005
اسمح لي كم يوم اجيب صور الموضوع كلها واحطها .........ونحاول نفك هاللغز


عضو مميز
20 مارس 2003
** بلاد الورد **

عودة الى انفلونزا الطيور

Generex Biotechnology Announces FDA Pre-IND Meeting Scheduled for the Avian Flu Vaccine Antigen Express Subsidiary Preparing to File IND Application

بريماركت = 1,27


عضو محترف
27 أغسطس 2002
تصدقون ولا ما تصدقون السعر كاهاي امس 5.02


وانا ذكرته يوم كان يتداول عند 80 سنت

والله نسيته لكن افتحت عليه اليوم وتفاجأت بالسعر

