دراسة وجدت ان النباتات المعدلة وراثيا مضرة للصحة


26 أغسطس 2003
دراسة وجدت ان النباتات المعدلة وراثيا مضرة للصحة

فقد اكتشف احد الباحثين ان يرقات الفراشات التي تتغذى على اوراق النباتات المعدلة وراثية تتعرض للموت بصورة اكبر من اليرقات الاخرى التي تتغذى على اوارق النباتات الطبيعية


The study, by researchers at Ithaca, New York's Cornell University, found that nearly half the monarch butterfly larvae they tested died after only four days of feeding on leaves dusted with the pollen of Bt-corn - a popular form of genetically engineered corn. In contrast, none of a group of identical larvae died after being fed leaves dusted with the pollen of non-genetically engineered corn plants. The weight of those larvae exposed to the modified pollen was also significantly lower than their counterparts on the other leaves. Bt-corn has been specifically engineered so that its tissues are toxic to several insect pests.

Genetically modified crops, like Bt-corn, are actually quite common in Canada.

It is not clear how often monarch butterfly larvae would be exposed to this level of genetically modified pollen​
