أنشرها علاج السرطان بأذن الله .

موضوع مغلق

ابو سالم1

عضو نشط
1 مايو 2008
الكويت أولا
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
اخواني و خواتى انا شايف هذا الاعلان فى موقع وحبيت انقلة هنية ليستفيد منه اخوانى المسلمين ولا اتحمل مسؤولية هذى النشرة لانها منقولة من منتدى اخر .

علاج السرطان بأذن الله . للنشر أرجو نشرها لتعم الفائدة .. أجارنا الله وإياكم من هذا المرض

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
( قال الله تعالى : ( وإذا مرضت فهو يشفين
قال الرسول: ( تداووا ولا تداووا بحرام ) أو كما صح الخبر عنه عليه السلام

هذه وصفه دواء لمرض السرطان عافاني الله وإياكم وجميع المسلمين منه ومن جميع الأمراض ، استخدمت من قبل ضابط بالحرس الوطني هو العقيد / شاكر الغشيان هاتف رقم ( 491-2222 ) ويمكن الاتصال به في حالة الاستفسار (فقد اتصلت به وتبين أن الرجل قد استقال قبل عشر سنوات بعد أصابته بالمرض ) ولمزيد من المعلومات فقد كان الضابط مصابا بورم سرطاني في المخ وكان متشبعا لدرجة انه لا يرجى شفائه (إلا بإذن الله تعالى) ، وسافر ألي أمريكا لطلب العلاج وعملت له التحاليل الطبية والفحوصات ولم يستطع الأطباء إجراء العملية لصعوبة الموقف وتشعب الورم السرطاني بالمخ فرجع الى الرياض فى انتظارا لموعد الأجل المحتوم حسب كلام الأطباء ، ورزقه الله برجل مختص بالطب العربي في مدينه الخرج (تبعد عن الرياض من 80 إلي 90 كيلو متر ) وقام بإعطائه وصفه طبيه تتكون من (العسل ، الحبه السودا ، الثوم ، المرة ، الحلتيتة ) لمدة ثلاثة أشهر فقام باستعمالها حسب المدة المحددة ، ثم عاد مسافرا إلى أمريكا ثانية وعملت له كل التحاليل الطبية والفحوصات فوقف الأطباء مندهشون من المفاجأة ، حيث أن الورم السرطاني انكش وتكون فى مكان واحد بالمخ مما أمكن الأطباء من استئصاله بسهولة ودون مضاعفات أو نزيف ولله الحمد والمنة والفضل .......
تم تجربة هذه الوصية على حاله أخري لرجل مصاب بورم سرطاني بالحلق والقصبة الهوائية لدرجة امتناعه عن الأكل أصابته بغيبوبة .
ثم بدا استعماله لهذه الوصفة وتحسنت حالته وازال الله تبارك وتعالى عنه الغيبوبة واستطاع ان يتناول الطعام ويتذوق طعمه من جديد ، واستطاع بحمد الله ان يتحرك ويقف على رجليه

الوصفة بأمر الله تعالى لكل مريض بالسرطان الرجاء استخدامها وإهدائها لكل من تعلمون انه مصاب بالسرطان لعل الله جل جلاله ان ينفع بها كل مريض والله الشافي المعافى .

واليكم المقادير

طريقة التحضير
1. نصف كيلو عسل صافى أصلى نوع (سدر) أو شوكي
2. حبة سودا النوع (قميصي) تطحن جيدا ويؤخذ منها (3) ملاعق أكل كبيرة وتخلط مع العسل
3. رأس ثوم بلدي متوسط الحجم يدق ويخلط مع العسل والحبة السودا جيدا .

طريقه الاستعمال
يؤخذ كل يوم صباحا وعلى الريق ملعقة متوسطة من الخليط المذكور اعلاة وهى العسل والحبة السودا والثوم وتبلع ، ثم يؤخذ بعدها قطعة من المرة بحجم حبة البن ويؤخذ قطعة (حلتيتة) بحجم حبة العدس وتبلع بواسطة كأس من الحليب البارد المحلى بالعسل ، وتستعمل هذه الطريقة لمدة (3) اشهر وسيكون بمشيئة الله تعالى الشفاء .
ملحوظة : اذا انتهت الكمية المذكورة أعلاه قبل نهاية الثلاثة أشهر تخلط بنفس الكميات من جديد وتستعمل حسب الوصفة حتى تنتهي الثلاثة اشهر


عضو نشط
22 أبريل 2007
بارك الله فييك
11 مارس 2008
تسلم بو سالم
بارك الله فيك


26 أغسطس 2003
وهذا موضوع لاادري مصداقيته لكن لغرض الاطلاع

Meet one M.D. who says you can...

Without Chemo

Sure, chemotherapy is great if you want nausea, hair loss and depression...and no guarantee you'll live.

There can be EASIER, SAFER and more NATURAL ways to survive––and this M.D. is going to share them with you...

So even before the "specialists" start throwing around words like "chemo" and "radiation," and your head really begins to swim, you'll know all of your options. Treatments the medical fat cats surely don't want you to know about. But, this is one doctor who's not afraid to speak up!

Learn the facts of real health from medicine's most acclaimed MYTH-BUSTER! And let him show you how to shrug off your medical miseries IN THE NEXT 60 SECONDS.

Read below for details on how you can:

SLASH ALZHEIMER'S RISK OVERNIGHT...it couldn't be easier!
KEEP CHOLESTEROL LEVELS ABOVE 200 because massive strokes soar when it's lower
GROW YOUR OWN NEW KNEE, elbow or shoulder with this astonishing real breakthrough
WATCH GYM GOERS TURN GREEN WITH ENVY as you learn to build muscle without exercise
Cancer does not have to be a
My Dear Misled Friend:

One nightmarish day, you're told you have the "Big C." As if that's not bad enough, next the "specialists" start throwing around words like "chemo" and "radiation," and your head really begins to swim. And then they start to sharpen their scalpels...

They call this science...medicine? It's absurd. Because so many truly effective tests and therapies are absolutely safe, cheap and simple. You'll be shocked by how many powerful alternatives you have––and can easily afford.

The colossal cancer treatment cover-up...

Sure, conventional medicine wants you to believe that surgery, radiation and chemotherapy are your only weapons against cancer. Maybe it's because the average cancer patient represents a $500,000 payday for the cancer treatment system! They're making money while destroying your health! For example, did you know...

FACT: 75% of the average oncologist's
"take home pay" is profit from the chemo drugs
he gives to his patients...

Your oncologist is just doing his job, working with information that's been approved by our fabulously corrupt Food and Drug Administration and his overlords at the American Medical Association.

Before I go off ranting and raving about the FDA and the AMA, let me just tell you this: Cancer therapies are built on myths and lies. The hypocrisy is amazing...

Why would you settle for chemo?

Before you submit yourself to toxic tests and "therapies" that so often just increase your pain and suffering...doesn't it make sense to know all of your options? I think so. But it seems like everybody's lips are zipped. Consider this...

200 MCG of selenium can help fight breast cancer from ever showing its ugly face. Selenium supplements are available in most health food and drug stores. Or, if you prefer, munch on some Brazil nuts––they're chock full of this vital nutrient.
Zinc is a powerful weapon against prostate cancer. And consider it your new best friend if you're having troubles with potency, *** drive or fertility. I'll show you the easiest ways to increase your zinc levels to help keep cancer at bay.
The #1 "drugstore" cure to improve your survival rate. It's a natural substance your body already produces to fight disease back up (so it doesn't trigger side-effects). It's also absurdly cheap, can be amazingly effective and chances are, your doctor will never prescribe it for you.
In your FREE Bonus Report, you'll see that just because natural substances can't be patented for big profit, doesn't mean you have to sacrifice your health and well-being. (You can bet your doc isn't going to put his life on the line...)

FACT: In a recent survey,
64 out of 79 oncologists said they would
refuse certain chemotherapies outright!

Recently, when one of the world's largest cancer centers surveyed oncologists about how they would treat their own cancers, almost 90% said they would refuse chemotherapy!

Needless to say, when I read this study, I nearly fell out of my chair.

But I can't argue with the reasons they gave. They said that chemotherapy drugs were ineffective and have an unacceptable degree of toxicity. True enough...

"There is no scientific evidence for its ability to extend in any appreciable way the lives of patients suffering from the most common organic cancer...Chemotherapy for malignancies too advanced for surgery, which accounts for 80% of all cancers, is a scientific wasteland."

––Dr Ulrich Abel, Stuttgart, Germany
The pathetic fact is that by shrinking tumors, chemotherapy encourages stronger cancer cells to grow and multiply, becoming chemo-resistant.

Then there are the new cancers caused by chemotherapy, or secondary cancers. Somehow they forget to mention this life-threatening detail on the list of "side effects" in a drug's accompanying literature. Hmmmm. I wonder why...

That's why I'm here. To cut through all the crap and tell you the truth. That's just what I'll do in Killing Cancer Before it Kills You, a special FREE Bonus Report I've prepared for you. And believe me, any time I tell you something, it will be minus the hype and self-interest of some other doctors you might know...

So who am I to be swinging this ax?

I'm William Campbell Douglass, M.D.

I've been called "the conscience of modern medicine," and the National Health Federation voted me "Doctor of the Year."

But I've also been labeled a "maverick," and several less flattering names too by some of the biggest names in government and the health establishment--but hey, that's part of the territory. And friend, my territory is everywhere...

I've flown with US Navy crews as a Flight Surgeon...
Saved lives as a long-time emergency physician...
Battled malaria in bullet-torn regions of Central America...
Fought deadly epidemics at my own health clinic in Africa...
Worked alongside doctors at Russia's renowned Pasteur Institute...
I've even been called before Congress (they never asked me back)...
And if there's one undeniable medical fact I've learned in 40 years of treating patients all over the world, it's that...

as an undeniable medical fact!

As you'll see below, medicine just doesn't work that way. You're not a number, you're a human being. The most unpredictable thing in creation...

Time after time,
"Dr. Douglass was right!"

"He was right about BREAST-FEEDING BABIES!"
Nearly 40 years ago, bottle-feeding was at its peak of fashion. Dr. Douglass took on the food companies and argued that it was unhealthy.

"He was right about HYSTERECTOMIES!"
Long before popular women's magazines began warning about this, Dr. Douglass took surgeons to task for bullying women into this drastic and often unnecessary measure.

"He was right about IRON!"
Just this year, The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition started noticing that excess iron ingested through supplements and "enriched" foods is killing many people. Dr. Douglass has been warning of this for more than 15 years.

"He was right about HEART DISEASE!"
Research studies are now pouring out of Universities and medical labs, demonstrating that eggs, fish, meats and other cholesterol-rich foods are wonderfully heart-healthy and not a deadly toxin. They're just catching up to what Dr. Douglass said for 20 years.

"He was right about CANCER!"
In the summer of 2001, brand-new studies show that alternative treatments once spurned by the medical establishment are truly saving lives. Dr. Douglass has championed treatments like these since 1962.

He's been exposing medical conspiracies and pioneering breakthrough treatments for nearly 4 decades. Here's your invitation to join him on the path to real health!

But the powers that be-the puffed-up politicos, greedy mega-corporations and profit-obsessed pharmaceutical companies won't have you believe it for a second. They want you to be like a dog on a leash. The minute the dog starts to think for themselves and do some exploring, the leash gets jerked back. Pretty soon, the dog stops exploring, content to go where his leader lets him.

That's why I'm writing to you today. When it comes to your health, the leash the big shots want you on is a short one, indeed! They're obscuring the real facts, covering up the truth so they can rob you blind. But it doesn't have to be that way...

Your own road to real health can be easier, cheaper and far more pleasant than any health-nag would ever predict. I guarantee it. And I'll prove it.

Just let me send you 5 FREE BONUS GIFTS--and you'll soon see and feel what I mean. You'll learn how to make your body immune to CANCER, HEART ATTACKS, JOINT PAIN, FLU, COLDS and DEADLY DISEASE in ways that would make our misinformed "health authorities" whine for a week...

By eating REAL FOOD, taking a few (cheap!) supplements that make you STRONGER, and doing some shockingly PLEASURABLE things that "everyone knows" can't be healthy!

First we'll throw out the confusing information purveyed by the "diet Nazis." Here's what I mean:

One of the most-maligned foods on the planet is the All-American hot dog. But that doesn't mean they deserve the bad rap they've been given.

And as it turns out, sodium nitrate (the chemical used to preserve and color hot dogs and other meats) may have a beneficial effect on all the body's organs- heart, brain, lungs, everywhere the blood flows. Sodium nitrate seems to have the ability to guard your cells against hypoxia (lack of oxygen).

Yet, despite these findings, people still have it in for the delicious dogs. Although the Associated Press reported the findings, it still warned "it doesn't mean artery-clogging hot dogs are healthy."

The point I'm trying to make is that it steams me to no end when the media makes sweeping pronouncements about nutrition, usually gleaned by so-called experts like the EPA or the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

The truth is, good health is a matter of common sense and having a healthy dose of cynicism about what the "authorities" have to say about what's good for you--and what's not.

If you're like me, you have little tolerance for crap in any area of your life. So why should that be any different when it comes to your health? Just look at my non-nonsense way to:


It's really easy. Starting tomorrow, drink no tap water. Not because of industrial pollution, but because of chemicals that "health authorities" are adding to your water. For example...

People who warned against FLUORIDATION used to be ridiculed, but guess what? In Scandinavia, in fact all of Europe, and nearly every other medically advanced nation, they have now banned the practice.

Know why? Because fluoride makes your body absorb extra aluminum. And where does the aluminum go? Your brain. And what metal shows up alarmingly in the brains of Alzheimer's victims? You guessed it. (Hmm...Maybe our health authorities have been drinking too much water?)

In your FREE BONUS REPORTS, I'll explain the cheapest and easiest way to beat the health conspirists at their own game and filter out all this toxic JUNK MEDICINE, along with several even easier ways to cut your Alzheimer's risk. Then you'll learn how to slash your cancer risk by IGNORING some of today's most idiotic advice. Including loads of...

that you can stop worrying about right now

If you don't want cancer, don't believe anyone who tells you:

"ELECTRIC BLANKETS GIVE YOU CANCER." Know how this myth got canonized? Instead of commissioning new research, a public health authority put the question to a VOTE. (NEWS FLASH: you can't change the laws of nature by voting.) Yet even these geniuses freely admit that more than 500 existing studies show ZERO compelling evidence of electric fields causing cancer. Rest easy and while you're at it, enjoy your heating pad again.

"HIGH FAT DIETS CAUSE BREAST CANCER." Fat phobia may be the height of fashion, but it's JUNK MEDICINE. Researchers studied 88,795 women over the course of 14 years, and what did they find? Not one sign that high-fat diets promote breast cancer. And not one hint that low-fat diets protect you.

"DDT CAUSES CANCER." Says WHO? Check the record. Back in the 1970s, the Environmental Protection Agency examiner summed up 9,000 pages of research by flatly declaring, "DDT is not a carcinogenic hazard to man." He also emphasized that it doesn't harm fish, birds or other wildlife. Despite this open-and-shut case, his boss, EPA head William Ruckleshaus went ahead and banned DDT. Aides later said he never read even one page of the studies. He had helped to hatch the DDT scare and couldn't bring himself to admit he was wrong.
The worldwide witch-hunt against DDT hasn't saved one peregrine falcon. But it has unquestionably murdered tens of millions of human children in tropical nations, who continue to die from malaria, Dengue fever, yellow fever and other mosquito-borne plagues.

And speaking of witch hunts, there are other ways the powers that be are trying to control your health. I've made it my mission to help you...

I'm Dr. William Campbell Douglass, and I want to give you a
FREE Daily Dose of the straight scoop about health, medicine, and politics.'

Join me as I journey far and wide exposing junk medicine, flawed science, vegetarian propaganda, FDA misinformation, big-government waste and fraud, and the antics of medical miscreants everywhere. With my Daily Dose, you'll have the perfect companion to my newsletter - a continuous supply of urgent and timely health information like:
The latest medical research - without the PC spin All the best natural cures - especially the ones the drug giants want to keep quiet The truth about diet, nutrition and weight loss - without the sprouts and tofu
What your government has in store for you - and how your rights are at stake
All it takes is a second of your time to get yourself 'in the loop' by signing up for this invaluable FREE health resource. And I promise, I won't allow anyone else access to your e-mail address for any reason - I simply have too much respect for the privacy of my readers to allow it. Just fill in the information below and I'll start sending you my Daily Dose immediately.

Enter your e-mail address:

Privacy Policy: We understand and respect how much you value your privacy. That is why we guarantee we will never sell your e-mail address.

Stay SAFE by STAYING OUT of the vicious
drug cycle designed to keep you sick!!

This one is sure to get you hot under the collar. I know it had that effect on me!

Recently, Merck & Co. withdrew Vioxx, its COX-2 arthritis drug, from the market after a study found it doubled the risk of heart attack and stroke. Since then, the company has put out at least four press releases defending the safety of other COX-2 inhibitors.

In case you're curious, it wasn't caring doctors who wrote these press releases. No, you are being encouraged to continue taking a dangerous drug by marketers-professionals who are paid to "spin" any story, however controversial, so it comes out smelling like roses. This is science-by-press-release-and it stinks like yesterday's tuna!

Remember, folks--if I say it, you can count on it.
That's why your subscription to The Douglass Report comes with my "Ultimate Guarantee". If my advice doesn't help, you won't pay a cent, period. It's that simple--no catch, no deadline, and no further obligation, EVER. Just a 100% refund, right away.

It's interesting to note that Pfizer's Bextra is now recognized as a dangerous drug and Merck's Vioxx is off the market for the same reason, but Pfizer's other COX-2 drug, Celebrex is still being sold to trusting patients all over the world.

Need more convincing that Big Pharma is not your friend and is run by irresponsible lunatics? The arrogant president of Pfizer defended the COX-2 drugs and said in a television interview that, "there should not be a rush to judgment because of the findings." From where I sit, the "rush to judgment" started with the introduction of these cardio-toxic drugs in the first place!

It truly boggles my mind. Here we are, supposedly the healthiest, wealthiest nation on the planet, and many state health departments continue to churn out a daily flood of lies, half-truths and old wives tales designed to scare us into submission!

Here's another one I'm just itching to tell you about:

"Milk that's not pasteurized is a health hazard"

Really? Let's look at how this myth was spun and how it got poured down the throats of the American public:

If raw milk is so bad for us, how did the human race ever survive before pasteurization? After all, we've been milking cows and drinking down the creamy, nutrient-rich results for thousands of years--yet Louis Pasteur's process (which was originally designed to prevent beer spoilage, mind you) has only been in widespread use for a little more than a century. So what gives?

The answer, of course, is that non-pasteurized
milk isn't hazardous at all. It's just a lot
tougher to regulate and make money from it.

Think about it: By legislating against the sale or distribution of raw milk, states force farmers to sell their milk (at a fraction of market value, by the way) to the big milk processors. This creates a "paper trail" on the milk, which can then be used as the basis for collecting tax revenue from those processors--and likely the farmers, too.

And how else could they get away with this kind of shameless money-grubbing except under the guise of a public health concern? It's just one more example of how your healthy, natural dietary options are being sold down the river by a bunch of dollar-crazed bureaucrat shakedown artists.

The good news is that raw milk is healthier
and better for you than pasteurized milk in
stores. And it tastes better, too.

Long-time drinkers of vitamin-rich non-pasteurized milk cite increased resistance to colds and flu, weight loss, relief from arthritis pain, plus a whole lot more--and this is not to mention the fuller, truer flavor raw milk drinkers enjoy.

I hope you're starting to see how the facts about good health-backed by centuries of common sense and doing what feels right--have been obscured all in the name of the almighty dollar.

I'm just barely scratching the surface here. I urge you to open your eyes to what's really going on with health in this country. I'll continue to shatter the myths about health that have been sold to you like so much snake oil. As a result...

You'll work better with your doctor to find safe, effective treatments for whatever ails you.
You'll protect your family's health by ignoring the health flim-flams that are making them sick.
You'll feel better and maybe even live longer when you take my health advice and finally do what feels right and makes sense.
For example, I already told you that it wasn't bird flu or mysterious airborne bacteria that we all had to worry about, but something much more insidious...

Then do this right now...

Take all that nagging health advice and

(Winter, 2008) HE'S BEEN CALLED A MAVERICK by vested interests who fear him. But to hundreds of patients and thousands of readers, William Campbell Douglass II, M.D., has long been one of America's most popular myth-busters, revealing the surprisingly inexpensive and easy road to real health.

Decades ago, when it was unfashionable, he started his crusade against drugs that weaken the immune system, surgery that's worse than doing nothing-and punishing diets that cause the very conditions they claim to cure. Now his theories have won thousands of followers in the halls of science, but he's not resting on his laurels. "The wonder," says Dr. Douglass, "is that it took all these new studies to convince doctors of the very facts their patients knew all along."

Patients are constantly being told, 'YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT'S GOOD FOR YOU.' What arrogance! Of course they do!

How else did our ancestors survive?

The fact is that most of us could improve our health immediately by ignoring half of the advice we receive. Real health is often simply a matter of doing what feels sensible.

Today, in dozens of new research studies, health authorities are quietly admitting that Dr. Douglass was right all along.But watch out, health establishment! Dr. Douglass is leading the charge again. He's taking on all the most cherished new falsehoods that make today's patients miserable...

JUST SAY NO TO THE HEALTH POLICE and feel your miseries fade away

AMERICANS ARE BEING FORCE-FED a diet of vegetables, water and fear. But they've got us worried sick about nothing. Just say no to all the unhealthy advice that's making your life a misery. You'll feel better instantly, live longer and enjoy all your extra years to the fullest."

BE A GOOD PATIENT AND EAT YOUR CHOLESTEROL. For more than 20 years, I've reminded Americans that cholesterol is not a terrifying toxin, but a life-saving nutrient. Your own body makes it when your foods don't provide it. And studies now show that if you're cholesterol-starved, you will raise your risk of massive strokes.

EGG-LOVERS LIVE LONGER. Not only are eggs not guilty of causing heart disease, they've been proven to prevent it. That's right, an enormous study of 800,000 people has shown that egg-eaters have a much lower rate of heart attacks and strokes than egg-avoiders.

THE RAW TRUTH. Go ahead and indulge in steak tartare, and enjoy raw eggs in your mayonnaise and Caesar salad. Raw and rare meat contain life-saving nutrients that overcooking destroys.

WANT TO LIVE LONG AND FEEL STRONG? Tell exercise fanatics to take a hike. To cite just one example, Marathon runners drop dead nearly 200 times more often than their lazier (and smarter!) peers. In your FREE BONUS GIFTS, I'll show you how to triple your strength, with an exercise program so easy, even 90-year-olds can do it.

If TV promotes it and everyone knows it, YOU'VE GOT YOURSELF A MYTH

WANT TO TRACK DOWN A MEDICAL MYTH? It's easy! Just follow the money. The more they spend on TV commercials and ads in popular magazines, the more you can be sure the "breakthrough" they're selling is bogus. But profitable.

Over the course of my 30-plus year medical career, I've seen firsthand what works and what doesn't work regarding both conventional and alternative medicine. And I never cease to be shocked and outraged at how government interference, political red tape and corporate profits can keep ordinary people from having access to the information they need to stay healthy. Information like this: DON'T SWALLOW THE SOY PLOY. Soy producers claim it slashes your cancer risk, cuts your heart disease risk and helps with menopause. But actual research says they're wrong on all three counts. What soy will do is pump you full of estrogen-mimicking compounds, which can depress your thyroid and make you put on weight. It also contains an acid that blocks your absorption of calcium. (Can you say "osteoporosis"?)

IF THE LABEL SAYS "ENRICHED WITH IRON," treat it like a poison. Commercials pound it into our heads that we all have "iron poor blood," but 91% of older Americans are actually getting way too much iron. This is linked to heart disease, cancer and even diabetes. In your FREE BONUS GIFTS, you'll learn how to remove excess iron from your system!

BREAD AND PASTA are very profitable products to sell. But "carb loading" doesn't boost athletic performance. Fat and protein do.IT'S TIME TO INSPECT THE MEAT-HATERS and find out who their contributors are. Some of the world's wealthiest carbohydrate producers-including Con-Agra and Quaker Oats-are "generously supporting" one of America's best-known diet gurus. And what is his advice? "Eat only complex carbohydrates." Wow, how surprising.

If a cure is safe, effective and cheap WATCH THEM MAKE IT DISAPPEAR

THIS DOLLAR-A-BOTTLE MIRACLE has been proven to cure drug-resistant pneumonia, clear up colds and flu in 24 hours-and heal many other viral and bacterial diseases as well. It's called HYDROGEN PEROXIDE THERAPY. But it won't make billions for any drug firm because the stuff is practically free. Let me take you behind the scenes, and show you the stunning scientific facts.

AT THE FAMED PASTEUR INSTITUTE in St. Petersburg, Russia, I worked alongside doctors who routinely healed patients of deadly infectious diseases without any antibiotics, using nothing more than the germ-killing power of ultraviolet light. Yet ironically, this life-saving therapy called photoluminescence was perfected here in America, back before World War II! After the discovery of penicillin, it fell out of widespread use. Today, of course, we need it more than ever. But the technology is in the public domain, so it won't make big money for anyone and vested interests are trying to have it banned. Americans need to know the facts and they're all in your FREE BONUS REPORTS.

Corruption is the
REAL medical epidemic!

Corruption has become so endemic and intellectual integrity so compromised in pharmaceutical research that drug companies and their collaborators in government (and universities) can now get away with open fraud.

The Journal of the American Medical Association researched the connection between authors of clinical guidelines and the pharmaceutical industry. Over HALF received financial support from the pharmaceutical industry to conduct research. And 38% served as employees or consultants for a pharmaceutical company. Hmm...so how do you suppose they rated the drug?

This represents a MASSIVE CON, a criminal fraud perpetrated on you and me, and the American public, engineered behind closed doors by the fake food industry and the pharmaceutical conglomerates. Both have so much money to spread around Washington that they practically OWN Congress, the Food and Drug Administration and the National Institutes of Health. To heck with the public health and welfare--their goal is to get everyone hooked on prescription drugs and manufactured, plastic food.

The saddest fact of all is that the medical profession is falling for it, allowing itself to be manipulated into acting as an accessory to this crime. It's terrible!

Health conspiracies are everywhere you look-on TV, in many mainstream newspapers and all over the Internet. Here's another one that really gets my goat:

Attack of the Sun-Haters!

No matter how much evidence has surfaced exonerating the sun from its wrongful status in the mainstream as a carcinogen rivaling dioxin or red dye #2, some just won't see the light.

According to a recent Reuters online article, vitamin supplements alone are all anyone needs for adequate vitamin D intake-- and that sun exposure is nothing but harmful and a major cancer risk.

Now, don't get me wrong. I'm a huge fan of vitamin supplementation, even for vitamin D. But of all the vitamins you can take every day, D is probably the least likely to absorb fully and properly into the blood from simple supplementation alone. You NEED sunlight to spur your body's production of it.

If vitamin D is proven to promote health, yet it doesn't effectively express itself in your body from diet and/or supplementation, then how's it helping the people it's helping?

The answer, of course, is sunlight exposure.

Like I've said, the assumptions we've been fed about our health are largely untrue. For example, most people think that women only need healthy estrogen levels to be healthy, but the truth is...

The heart-healthy hormone most women need is TESTOSTERONE

Forget what everyone told you about "male" and "female" hormones. As any first-year medical student should know, both women and men produce all the very same types of *** hormones.

It's just the proportion that's different. Healthy women produce more estrogen and progesterone...men make more testosterone...but all of us need some of each to stay healthy.

Testosterone, not estrogen, is the hormone that keeps your heart strong. If you're a woman over 50, there's a good chance your levels are too low (just as men over 50).

In your FREE BONUS GIFTS I'll give you full details about the NATURAL HORMONE THERAPY that combines all the hormones a woman needs. And how to find a doctor with expertise in this neglected field.

Now what about men? Well, don't let anyone tell you that "MEN HAVE TOO MUCH TESTOSTERONE." Because...

What doctors don't tell you about testosterone
isn't just stealing your potency. IT'S KILLING

Studies show that many American men over 40 actually suffer a dangerous testosterone deficiency. Yet doctors typically don't even test for it, because they too are victims of JUNK MEDICINE:

EVERYONE THINKS that testosterone causes heart disease. Yet the research shows it's a fabulous treatment and may even prevent strokes.
EVERYONE FEARS that testosterone promotes prostate disease. Yet studies show that both benign swelling and cancer typically strike older men, with declining testosterone levels.
EVERYONE ASSUMES that the state- of-the-science treatment for impotence is Viagra. While it can help, all-natural testosterone can make you feel and perform like a 21- year-old again. And, a combination of the two...wow!
In your FREE BONUS GIFTS, I'll give you my 60-SECOND SELF TEST for checking your own testosterone levels. And I'll show you several exciting new ways to boost or DOUBLE your own natural testosterone levels quite safely, just by stimulating your body to make more.

Or Hazardous?

Remember a couple of years ago, when an aspirin a day was thought to be a heart tonic? Popping a "harmless" white pill each day for thinner blood and a healthier heart was all the rage, and many doctors still recommend it. Not this one, though...

In fact, more than 2 years ago I sounded the alarm about the deadly risks of "aspirin therapy," citing a University of Maryland Medical Center study in which blood platelet clumping--which can lead to heart attacks--was noted in 64% of daily aspirin-takers whose blood cholesterol levels were considered by modern medical standards as too high (LDL over 130, which leaves out relatively few Americans.)

To recap, if this University of Maryland study is correct, a daily aspirin INCREASES the risk of coronary events in people with healthy (and normal) LDL cholesterol levels of 180, 200, or more.

Yes, you read that right: anyone with an LDL cholesterol number LOWER than 200 risks serious heart problems. In fact, I don't caution anyone to worry about cholesterol at all until their LDL hits 300 or more.

Now, let me tell you how to REALLY...
Protect yourself from the world's #1 Killer:

Everyone thinks that today's biggest threats to your life are heart disease and cancer, but surprise...

Germs are back on top again, as a very worried AMA revealed at a conference not long ago.

People who check into hospitals for treatment of other conditions are dying of bacterial pneumonia that antibiotics can't touch. Tuberculosis has returned to America in drug-resistant strains. New strains of colds are lasting for months and doctors are publicly worrying that the killer flu which wiped out 20 million people back in 1919 could be reborn any time now...

But cheer up, because despite what everyone tells you...

Antibiotics are not our most powerful weapon
against infectious disease

They're just the most profitable for drug companies. Right now, however, we already possess an alternative that can blast all the diseases mentioned above and many more to kingdom come.

It's safe, backed by decades of solid research, and boy is it ever cheap. You can buy it at drugstores everywhere for 65¢ a bottle. So what is this amazing miracle-in-a-bottle?


Go ahead and laugh if you like, but what follows is no joke:

DID YOU KNOW that your own white blood cells produce hydrogen peroxide? Yes they do. Lots of it.

KNOW WHY? Because that's how they kill invading germs. It's your body's first and best defense against any infection. Kills bacteria, viruses, yeast, parasites-all the bad guys.

DON'T BELIEVE ME? Look it up. (Try the Encyclopedia Britannica website. Check the info on "granulocytes." See? I told you so.)
BUT HOW? The hydrogen peroxide molecule (H202) is basically water (H20) with an extra oxygen atom attached. When that oxygen gets released against germs, it "oxidizes" them. Poof, they're goners.

And this shockingly cheap therapy was a real health miracle for my patients in Africa, where the ungodly high cost of drugs condemns millions to death every year.

So how do drug companies get away with selling expensive antibiotics, when we've got this stuff that's nearly free? You'd call me paranoid if I told you. But I'll tell you anyway in your FREE BONUS GIFTS, plus how to find a doctor skilled in this secret miracle.

I'll explain how it's done in your FREE BONUS REPORTS, along with some very nifty "minor" applications. It can be used topically to clear up sinus infections, erase benign moles and even clear up periodontitis without surgery. No kidding. You'll see.

Getting intrigued? I'm just warming up...

I'd love to brief you on many more JUNK MEDICINE MYTHS to avoid and real health breakthroughs that truly deliver the goods, but I'm out of space. So why not scratch that itch in the back of your mind, sign up for your FREE BONUS GIFTS and find out all about:

THE FIBER FRAUD. Doctors were getting positively hysterical about your colon. Fiber this, fiber that. Now it appears that some kinds of fiber can trigger precancerous growths...

HOW TO THROW OFF FATIGUE by throwing out your vitamin C pills and taking the world's most un-hyped vitamin instead.

VITAMIN "O" AND OTHER JOKES that masquerade as alternative medicine. They say you eat this stuff and it floods your body with oxygen. EAT oxygen? You may as well try to breathe food.

POWER NAPPING FOR FUN AND PROFIT. Napping is fabulous medicine and now you can make it an even more bountiful fountain of health. Winston Churchill, Thomas Edison, Napoleon, JFK and other human dynamos shared this sleepy little secret that can make you smarter, ***ier and more productive.
...and there's so much more I'm longing to tell you that will make you stop dreading the word "health" and start feeling fantastic. Just sign up for your 5 FREE BONUS GIFTS now! You'll get full details about all the pointlessly punishing MYTHS and life-transforming REAL BREAKTHROUGHS mentioned above, plus hundreds more.

And, to keep you ahead of the HEALTH NAGS and on top of the best new real health breakthroughs in the months ahead...

YOU'LL GET THE BEST MONEY-SAVING DEAL on my all-you-need-to-save-your-life newsletter, The Douglass Report. Trust me, this is not another of those boring, preachy, you-heard-it-all-before publications that send you to sleep after raking you over the coals...

The Douglass Report IS DIFFERENT. I reveal the ridiculous truth about the latest JUNK MEDICINE MYTHS and hand you amazingly EASY AND PLEASANT new ways to free yourself and your loved ones from pain and disease.

IT'S ALL THE STUFF THAT REALLY WORKS. I name names, give phone numbers, and tell you exactly how to find and use everything. There is absolutely no risk to you. That's what my "Ultimate Guarantee" is all about: Your 100% satisfaction.
And remember, along with your one-year or two-year subscription, you'll get the following FREE BONUS GIFTS:

FREE REPORT 1. JUST SAY NO TO JUNK MEDICINE (And Outlive All The Health Nags) Your complete and definitive guide to shrugging off HEART DISEASE...banishing CANCER...beating ARTHRITIS PAIN...improving YOUR MEMORY...and otherwise making your health dreams come true. All by TOTALLY IGNORING the unhealthy low- fat, no-meat, no-milk, eat-only-vegetables MYTHS of modern medicine.

FREE REPORT 2. KILLING CANCER BEFORE IT KILLS YOU AND 8 MORE REAL LIFE CURES. Drug companies are making a fortune by frightening women and men with awful advice that's worse than doing nothing. But here's your complete source for the very real breakthroughs that will cut a woman's cancer risk, strengthen your bones, balance your hormones and make the years ahead the happiest in your life.

And for men...did you know that the leading drug for benign prostate enlargement can increase your risk of prostate cancer? But now you can prevent or reverse benign prostate swelling, fight prostate cancer and protect your potency at the same time, all with no negative side effects.

FREE REPORT 3. 7 "FORBIDDEN" FOODS YOU SHOULD EAT EVERY DAY. Find out how to shake off 14 pounds of waistline and make your arteries healthier too-in as little as TWO WEEKS-by eating like a HUMAN BEING and sculpting your body with real food like steak, eggs and plenty of butter.

FREE REPORT 4. SIX DAYS TO MAXIMUM ***. Your complete update on the truly effective natural breakthroughs that are bringing men harder, longer-lasting erections-and helping women enjoy more intense and frequent orgasms-all in just 6 days or less.

It's time you stopped being led astray by health organizations that don't have your best interests at heart. You're smarter than they are. Will you please let me put the power of all these real health breakthroughs into your hands right now?

Don't let self-righteous health sadists feed you any more lies...just give your body what it's begging for!

The road to real health means making your own choices and not just accepting what the health establishment says you "should" do. It's been my mission to expose the hypocrisy that's running rampant in today's health system. If you follow my advice, I promise you'll notice illness, pain and weakness fade away like a bad dream. You'll see!

It's always been nature's way and it's today's REAL cutting-edge in modern medicine.

Doesn't this easy new road to real health
make more sense than

Of course it does! So please, sign up today...

It saves you up to $37 on your risk- free subscription...

It brings you all the FREE BONUS GIFTS I've mentioned that will let you turn the tables on medicine's misinformed know-it-alls...

Plus you have my "Ultimate Guarantee" that your gifts and my newsletter will deliver all you're hoping for and more. Or else please, feel free to call off the deal--at any time for a complete refund--no questions asked. YOU KEEP YOUR FREE BONUS GIFTS.

Don't wait. Do it now!

Get your FREE Bonus Gifts and reclaim your health...

Walk away from the health lies and into the sunlight...

And find out how sweet it feels to savor real health!


William Campbell Douglass II, M.D.

P.S. I saved my favorite gift for last. Sign up now and you'll get the valuable FREE Extra Bonus Report,

TODAY'S BEST MEDICAL MIRACLES FROM THE UNDERGROUND. Here I share the secrets about today's two most effective therapies that NOBODY ever told you about. They kill cold, flu and pneumonia viruses, they destroy drug-resistant germs that antibiotics can't touch, they're our only hope against tomorrow's plagues, and one with a Nobel Prize pedigree. Only problem is, they're TOO CHEAP. Keep an open mind until you see the details. This is a real health scandal. You'll be stunned. Yours FREE if you sign up right now.​



عضو نشط
19 سبتمبر 2008
وهذا موضوع لاادري مصداقيته لكن لغرض الاطلاع

Meet one M.D. who says you can...

Without Chemo

Sure, chemotherapy is great if you want nausea, hair loss and depression...and no guarantee you'll live.

There can be EASIER, SAFER and more NATURAL ways to survive––and this M.D. is going to share them with you...

So even before the "specialists" start throwing around words like "chemo" and "radiation," and your head really begins to swim, you'll know all of your options. Treatments the medical fat cats surely don't want you to know about. But, this is one doctor who's not afraid to speak up!

Learn the facts of real health from medicine's most acclaimed MYTH-BUSTER! And let him show you how to shrug off your medical miseries IN THE NEXT 60 SECONDS.

Read below for details on how you can:

SLASH ALZHEIMER'S RISK OVERNIGHT...it couldn't be easier!
KEEP CHOLESTEROL LEVELS ABOVE 200 because massive strokes soar when it's lower
GROW YOUR OWN NEW KNEE, elbow or shoulder with this astonishing real breakthrough
WATCH GYM GOERS TURN GREEN WITH ENVY as you learn to build muscle without exercise
Cancer does not have to be a
My Dear Misled Friend:

One nightmarish day, you're told you have the "Big C." As if that's not bad enough, next the "specialists" start throwing around words like "chemo" and "radiation," and your head really begins to swim. And then they start to sharpen their scalpels...

They call this science...medicine? It's absurd. Because so many truly effective tests and therapies are absolutely safe, cheap and simple. You'll be shocked by how many powerful alternatives you have––and can easily afford.

The colossal cancer treatment cover-up...

Sure, conventional medicine wants you to believe that surgery, radiation and chemotherapy are your only weapons against cancer. Maybe it's because the average cancer patient represents a $500,000 payday for the cancer treatment system! They're making money while destroying your health! For example, did you know...

FACT: 75% of the average oncologist's
"take home pay" is profit from the chemo drugs
he gives to his patients...

Your oncologist is just doing his job, working with information that's been approved by our fabulously corrupt Food and Drug Administration and his overlords at the American Medical Association.

Before I go off ranting and raving about the FDA and the AMA, let me just tell you this: Cancer therapies are built on myths and lies. The hypocrisy is amazing...

Why would you settle for chemo?

Before you submit yourself to toxic tests and "therapies" that so often just increase your pain and suffering...doesn't it make sense to know all of your options? I think so. But it seems like everybody's lips are zipped. Consider this...

200 MCG of selenium can help fight breast cancer from ever showing its ugly face. Selenium supplements are available in most health food and drug stores. Or, if you prefer, munch on some Brazil nuts––they're chock full of this vital nutrient.
Zinc is a powerful weapon against prostate cancer. And consider it your new best friend if you're having troubles with potency, *** drive or fertility. I'll show you the easiest ways to increase your zinc levels to help keep cancer at bay.
The #1 "drugstore" cure to improve your survival rate. It's a natural substance your body already produces to fight disease back up (so it doesn't trigger side-effects). It's also absurdly cheap, can be amazingly effective and chances are, your doctor will never prescribe it for you.
In your FREE Bonus Report, you'll see that just because natural substances can't be patented for big profit, doesn't mean you have to sacrifice your health and well-being. (You can bet your doc isn't going to put his life on the line...)

FACT: In a recent survey,
64 out of 79 oncologists said they would
refuse certain chemotherapies outright!

Recently, when one of the world's largest cancer centers surveyed oncologists about how they would treat their own cancers, almost 90% said they would refuse chemotherapy!

Needless to say, when I read this study, I nearly fell out of my chair.

But I can't argue with the reasons they gave. They said that chemotherapy drugs were ineffective and have an unacceptable degree of toxicity. True enough...

"There is no scientific evidence for its ability to extend in any appreciable way the lives of patients suffering from the most common organic cancer...Chemotherapy for malignancies too advanced for surgery, which accounts for 80% of all cancers, is a scientific wasteland."

––Dr Ulrich Abel, Stuttgart, Germany
The pathetic fact is that by shrinking tumors, chemotherapy encourages stronger cancer cells to grow and multiply, becoming chemo-resistant.

Then there are the new cancers caused by chemotherapy, or secondary cancers. Somehow they forget to mention this life-threatening detail on the list of "side effects" in a drug's accompanying literature. Hmmmm. I wonder why...

That's why I'm here. To cut through all the crap and tell you the truth. That's just what I'll do in Killing Cancer Before it Kills You, a special FREE Bonus Report I've prepared for you. And believe me, any time I tell you something, it will be minus the hype and self-interest of some other doctors you might know...

So who am I to be swinging this ax?

I'm William Campbell Douglass, M.D.

I've been called "the conscience of modern medicine," and the National Health Federation voted me "Doctor of the Year."

But I've also been labeled a "maverick," and several less flattering names too by some of the biggest names in government and the health establishment--but hey, that's part of the territory. And friend, my territory is everywhere...

I've flown with US Navy crews as a Flight Surgeon...
Saved lives as a long-time emergency physician...
Battled malaria in bullet-torn regions of Central America...
Fought deadly epidemics at my own health clinic in Africa...
Worked alongside doctors at Russia's renowned Pasteur Institute...
I've even been called before Congress (they never asked me back)...
And if there's one undeniable medical fact I've learned in 40 years of treating patients all over the world, it's that...

as an undeniable medical fact!

As you'll see below, medicine just doesn't work that way. You're not a number, you're a human being. The most unpredictable thing in creation...

Time after time,
"Dr. Douglass was right!"

"He was right about BREAST-FEEDING BABIES!"
Nearly 40 years ago, bottle-feeding was at its peak of fashion. Dr. Douglass took on the food companies and argued that it was unhealthy.

"He was right about HYSTERECTOMIES!"
Long before popular women's magazines began warning about this, Dr. Douglass took surgeons to task for bullying women into this drastic and often unnecessary measure.

"He was right about IRON!"
Just this year, The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition started noticing that excess iron ingested through supplements and "enriched" foods is killing many people. Dr. Douglass has been warning of this for more than 15 years.

"He was right about HEART DISEASE!"
Research studies are now pouring out of Universities and medical labs, demonstrating that eggs, fish, meats and other cholesterol-rich foods are wonderfully heart-healthy and not a deadly toxin. They're just catching up to what Dr. Douglass said for 20 years.

"He was right about CANCER!"
In the summer of 2001, brand-new studies show that alternative treatments once spurned by the medical establishment are truly saving lives. Dr. Douglass has championed treatments like these since 1962.

He's been exposing medical conspiracies and pioneering breakthrough treatments for nearly 4 decades. Here's your invitation to join him on the path to real health!

But the powers that be-the puffed-up politicos, greedy mega-corporations and profit-obsessed pharmaceutical companies won't have you believe it for a second. They want you to be like a dog on a leash. The minute the dog starts to think for themselves and do some exploring, the leash gets jerked back. Pretty soon, the dog stops exploring, content to go where his leader lets him.

That's why I'm writing to you today. When it comes to your health, the leash the big shots want you on is a short one, indeed! They're obscuring the real facts, covering up the truth so they can rob you blind. But it doesn't have to be that way...

Your own road to real health can be easier, cheaper and far more pleasant than any health-nag would ever predict. I guarantee it. And I'll prove it.

Just let me send you 5 FREE BONUS GIFTS--and you'll soon see and feel what I mean. You'll learn how to make your body immune to CANCER, HEART ATTACKS, JOINT PAIN, FLU, COLDS and DEADLY DISEASE in ways that would make our misinformed "health authorities" whine for a week...

By eating REAL FOOD, taking a few (cheap!) supplements that make you STRONGER, and doing some shockingly PLEASURABLE things that "everyone knows" can't be healthy!

First we'll throw out the confusing information purveyed by the "diet Nazis." Here's what I mean:

One of the most-maligned foods on the planet is the All-American hot dog. But that doesn't mean they deserve the bad rap they've been given.

And as it turns out, sodium nitrate (the chemical used to preserve and color hot dogs and other meats) may have a beneficial effect on all the body's organs- heart, brain, lungs, everywhere the blood flows. Sodium nitrate seems to have the ability to guard your cells against hypoxia (lack of oxygen).

Yet, despite these findings, people still have it in for the delicious dogs. Although the Associated Press reported the findings, it still warned "it doesn't mean artery-clogging hot dogs are healthy."

The point I'm trying to make is that it steams me to no end when the media makes sweeping pronouncements about nutrition, usually gleaned by so-called experts like the EPA or the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

The truth is, good health is a matter of common sense and having a healthy dose of cynicism about what the "authorities" have to say about what's good for you--and what's not.

If you're like me, you have little tolerance for crap in any area of your life. So why should that be any different when it comes to your health? Just look at my non-nonsense way to:


It's really easy. Starting tomorrow, drink no tap water. Not because of industrial pollution, but because of chemicals that "health authorities" are adding to your water. For example...

People who warned against FLUORIDATION used to be ridiculed, but guess what? In Scandinavia, in fact all of Europe, and nearly every other medically advanced nation, they have now banned the practice.

Know why? Because fluoride makes your body absorb extra aluminum. And where does the aluminum go? Your brain. And what metal shows up alarmingly in the brains of Alzheimer's victims? You guessed it. (Hmm...Maybe our health authorities have been drinking too much water?)

In your FREE BONUS REPORTS, I'll explain the cheapest and easiest way to beat the health conspirists at their own game and filter out all this toxic JUNK MEDICINE, along with several even easier ways to cut your Alzheimer's risk. Then you'll learn how to slash your cancer risk by IGNORING some of today's most idiotic advice. Including loads of...

that you can stop worrying about right now

If you don't want cancer, don't believe anyone who tells you:

"ELECTRIC BLANKETS GIVE YOU CANCER." Know how this myth got canonized? Instead of commissioning new research, a public health authority put the question to a VOTE. (NEWS FLASH: you can't change the laws of nature by voting.) Yet even these geniuses freely admit that more than 500 existing studies show ZERO compelling evidence of electric fields causing cancer. Rest easy and while you're at it, enjoy your heating pad again.

"HIGH FAT DIETS CAUSE BREAST CANCER." Fat phobia may be the height of fashion, but it's JUNK MEDICINE. Researchers studied 88,795 women over the course of 14 years, and what did they find? Not one sign that high-fat diets promote breast cancer. And not one hint that low-fat diets protect you.

"DDT CAUSES CANCER." Says WHO? Check the record. Back in the 1970s, the Environmental Protection Agency examiner summed up 9,000 pages of research by flatly declaring, "DDT is not a carcinogenic hazard to man." He also emphasized that it doesn't harm fish, birds or other wildlife. Despite this open-and-shut case, his boss, EPA head William Ruckleshaus went ahead and banned DDT. Aides later said he never read even one page of the studies. He had helped to hatch the DDT scare and couldn't bring himself to admit he was wrong.
The worldwide witch-hunt against DDT hasn't saved one peregrine falcon. But it has unquestionably murdered tens of millions of human children in tropical nations, who continue to die from malaria, Dengue fever, yellow fever and other mosquito-borne plagues.

And speaking of witch hunts, there are other ways the powers that be are trying to control your health. I've made it my mission to help you...

I'm Dr. William Campbell Douglass, and I want to give you a
FREE Daily Dose of the straight scoop about health, medicine, and politics.'

Join me as I journey far and wide exposing junk medicine, flawed science, vegetarian propaganda, FDA misinformation, big-government waste and fraud, and the antics of medical miscreants everywhere. With my Daily Dose, you'll have the perfect companion to my newsletter - a continuous supply of urgent and timely health information like:
The latest medical research - without the PC spin All the best natural cures - especially the ones the drug giants want to keep quiet The truth about diet, nutrition and weight loss - without the sprouts and tofu
What your government has in store for you - and how your rights are at stake
All it takes is a second of your time to get yourself 'in the loop' by signing up for this invaluable FREE health resource. And I promise, I won't allow anyone else access to your e-mail address for any reason - I simply have too much respect for the privacy of my readers to allow it. Just fill in the information below and I'll start sending you my Daily Dose immediately.

Enter your e-mail address:

Privacy Policy: We understand and respect how much you value your privacy. That is why we guarantee we will never sell your e-mail address.

Stay SAFE by STAYING OUT of the vicious
drug cycle designed to keep you sick!!

This one is sure to get you hot under the collar. I know it had that effect on me!

Recently, Merck & Co. withdrew Vioxx, its COX-2 arthritis drug, from the market after a study found it doubled the risk of heart attack and stroke. Since then, the company has put out at least four press releases defending the safety of other COX-2 inhibitors.

In case you're curious, it wasn't caring doctors who wrote these press releases. No, you are being encouraged to continue taking a dangerous drug by marketers-professionals who are paid to "spin" any story, however controversial, so it comes out smelling like roses. This is science-by-press-release-and it stinks like yesterday's tuna!

Remember, folks--if I say it, you can count on it.
That's why your subscription to The Douglass Report comes with my "Ultimate Guarantee". If my advice doesn't help, you won't pay a cent, period. It's that simple--no catch, no deadline, and no further obligation, EVER. Just a 100% refund, right away.

It's interesting to note that Pfizer's Bextra is now recognized as a dangerous drug and Merck's Vioxx is off the market for the same reason, but Pfizer's other COX-2 drug, Celebrex is still being sold to trusting patients all over the world.

Need more convincing that Big Pharma is not your friend and is run by irresponsible lunatics? The arrogant president of Pfizer defended the COX-2 drugs and said in a television interview that, "there should not be a rush to judgment because of the findings." From where I sit, the "rush to judgment" started with the introduction of these cardio-toxic drugs in the first place!

It truly boggles my mind. Here we are, supposedly the healthiest, wealthiest nation on the planet, and many state health departments continue to churn out a daily flood of lies, half-truths and old wives tales designed to scare us into submission!

Here's another one I'm just itching to tell you about:

"Milk that's not pasteurized is a health hazard"

Really? Let's look at how this myth was spun and how it got poured down the throats of the American public:

If raw milk is so bad for us, how did the human race ever survive before pasteurization? After all, we've been milking cows and drinking down the creamy, nutrient-rich results for thousands of years--yet Louis Pasteur's process (which was originally designed to prevent beer spoilage, mind you) has only been in widespread use for a little more than a century. So what gives?

The answer, of course, is that non-pasteurized
milk isn't hazardous at all. It's just a lot
tougher to regulate and make money from it.

Think about it: By legislating against the sale or distribution of raw milk, states force farmers to sell their milk (at a fraction of market value, by the way) to the big milk processors. This creates a "paper trail" on the milk, which can then be used as the basis for collecting tax revenue from those processors--and likely the farmers, too.

And how else could they get away with this kind of shameless money-grubbing except under the guise of a public health concern? It's just one more example of how your healthy, natural dietary options are being sold down the river by a bunch of dollar-crazed bureaucrat shakedown artists.

The good news is that raw milk is healthier
and better for you than pasteurized milk in
stores. And it tastes better, too.

Long-time drinkers of vitamin-rich non-pasteurized milk cite increased resistance to colds and flu, weight loss, relief from arthritis pain, plus a whole lot more--and this is not to mention the fuller, truer flavor raw milk drinkers enjoy.

I hope you're starting to see how the facts about good health-backed by centuries of common sense and doing what feels right--have been obscured all in the name of the almighty dollar.

I'm just barely scratching the surface here. I urge you to open your eyes to what's really going on with health in this country. I'll continue to shatter the myths about health that have been sold to you like so much snake oil. As a result...

You'll work better with your doctor to find safe, effective treatments for whatever ails you.
You'll protect your family's health by ignoring the health flim-flams that are making them sick.
You'll feel better and maybe even live longer when you take my health advice and finally do what feels right and makes sense.
For example, I already told you that it wasn't bird flu or mysterious airborne bacteria that we all had to worry about, but something much more insidious...

Then do this right now...

Take all that nagging health advice and

(Winter, 2008) HE'S BEEN CALLED A MAVERICK by vested interests who fear him. But to hundreds of patients and thousands of readers, William Campbell Douglass II, M.D., has long been one of America's most popular myth-busters, revealing the surprisingly inexpensive and easy road to real health.

Decades ago, when it was unfashionable, he started his crusade against drugs that weaken the immune system, surgery that's worse than doing nothing-and punishing diets that cause the very conditions they claim to cure. Now his theories have won thousands of followers in the halls of science, but he's not resting on his laurels. "The wonder," says Dr. Douglass, "is that it took all these new studies to convince doctors of the very facts their patients knew all along."

Patients are constantly being told, 'YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT'S GOOD FOR YOU.' What arrogance! Of course they do!

How else did our ancestors survive?

The fact is that most of us could improve our health immediately by ignoring half of the advice we receive. Real health is often simply a matter of doing what feels sensible.

Today, in dozens of new research studies, health authorities are quietly admitting that Dr. Douglass was right all along.But watch out, health establishment! Dr. Douglass is leading the charge again. He's taking on all the most cherished new falsehoods that make today's patients miserable...

JUST SAY NO TO THE HEALTH POLICE and feel your miseries fade away

AMERICANS ARE BEING FORCE-FED a diet of vegetables, water and fear. But they've got us worried sick about nothing. Just say no to all the unhealthy advice that's making your life a misery. You'll feel better instantly, live longer and enjoy all your extra years to the fullest."

BE A GOOD PATIENT AND EAT YOUR CHOLESTEROL. For more than 20 years, I've reminded Americans that cholesterol is not a terrifying toxin, but a life-saving nutrient. Your own body makes it when your foods don't provide it. And studies now show that if you're cholesterol-starved, you will raise your risk of massive strokes.

EGG-LOVERS LIVE LONGER. Not only are eggs not guilty of causing heart disease, they've been proven to prevent it. That's right, an enormous study of 800,000 people has shown that egg-eaters have a much lower rate of heart attacks and strokes than egg-avoiders.

THE RAW TRUTH. Go ahead and indulge in steak tartare, and enjoy raw eggs in your mayonnaise and Caesar salad. Raw and rare meat contain life-saving nutrients that overcooking destroys.

WANT TO LIVE LONG AND FEEL STRONG? Tell exercise fanatics to take a hike. To cite just one example, Marathon runners drop dead nearly 200 times more often than their lazier (and smarter!) peers. In your FREE BONUS GIFTS, I'll show you how to triple your strength, with an exercise program so easy, even 90-year-olds can do it.

If TV promotes it and everyone knows it, YOU'VE GOT YOURSELF A MYTH

WANT TO TRACK DOWN A MEDICAL MYTH? It's easy! Just follow the money. The more they spend on TV commercials and ads in popular magazines, the more you can be sure the "breakthrough" they're selling is bogus. But profitable.

Over the course of my 30-plus year medical career, I've seen firsthand what works and what doesn't work regarding both conventional and alternative medicine. And I never cease to be shocked and outraged at how government interference, political red tape and corporate profits can keep ordinary people from having access to the information they need to stay healthy. Information like this: DON'T SWALLOW THE SOY PLOY. Soy producers claim it slashes your cancer risk, cuts your heart disease risk and helps with menopause. But actual research says they're wrong on all three counts. What soy will do is pump you full of estrogen-mimicking compounds, which can depress your thyroid and make you put on weight. It also contains an acid that blocks your absorption of calcium. (Can you say "osteoporosis"?)

IF THE LABEL SAYS "ENRICHED WITH IRON," treat it like a poison. Commercials pound it into our heads that we all have "iron poor blood," but 91% of older Americans are actually getting way too much iron. This is linked to heart disease, cancer and even diabetes. In your FREE BONUS GIFTS, you'll learn how to remove excess iron from your system!

BREAD AND PASTA are very profitable products to sell. But "carb loading" doesn't boost athletic performance. Fat and protein do.IT'S TIME TO INSPECT THE MEAT-HATERS and find out who their contributors are. Some of the world's wealthiest carbohydrate producers-including Con-Agra and Quaker Oats-are "generously supporting" one of America's best-known diet gurus. And what is his advice? "Eat only complex carbohydrates." Wow, how surprising.

If a cure is safe, effective and cheap WATCH THEM MAKE IT DISAPPEAR

THIS DOLLAR-A-BOTTLE MIRACLE has been proven to cure drug-resistant pneumonia, clear up colds and flu in 24 hours-and heal many other viral and bacterial diseases as well. It's called HYDROGEN PEROXIDE THERAPY. But it won't make billions for any drug firm because the stuff is practically free. Let me take you behind the scenes, and show you the stunning scientific facts.

AT THE FAMED PASTEUR INSTITUTE in St. Petersburg, Russia, I worked alongside doctors who routinely healed patients of deadly infectious diseases without any antibiotics, using nothing more than the germ-killing power of ultraviolet light. Yet ironically, this life-saving therapy called photoluminescence was perfected here in America, back before World War II! After the discovery of penicillin, it fell out of widespread use. Today, of course, we need it more than ever. But the technology is in the public domain, so it won't make big money for anyone and vested interests are trying to have it banned. Americans need to know the facts and they're all in your FREE BONUS REPORTS.

Corruption is the
REAL medical epidemic!

Corruption has become so endemic and intellectual integrity so compromised in pharmaceutical research that drug companies and their collaborators in government (and universities) can now get away with open fraud.

The Journal of the American Medical Association researched the connection between authors of clinical guidelines and the pharmaceutical industry. Over HALF received financial support from the pharmaceutical industry to conduct research. And 38% served as employees or consultants for a pharmaceutical company. Hmm...so how do you suppose they rated the drug?

This represents a MASSIVE CON, a criminal fraud perpetrated on you and me, and the American public, engineered behind closed doors by the fake food industry and the pharmaceutical conglomerates. Both have so much money to spread around Washington that they practically OWN Congress, the Food and Drug Administration and the National Institutes of Health. To heck with the public health and welfare--their goal is to get everyone hooked on prescription drugs and manufactured, plastic food.

The saddest fact of all is that the medical profession is falling for it, allowing itself to be manipulated into acting as an accessory to this crime. It's terrible!

Health conspiracies are everywhere you look-on TV, in many mainstream newspapers and all over the Internet. Here's another one that really gets my goat:

Attack of the Sun-Haters!

No matter how much evidence has surfaced exonerating the sun from its wrongful status in the mainstream as a carcinogen rivaling dioxin or red dye #2, some just won't see the light.

According to a recent Reuters online article, vitamin supplements alone are all anyone needs for adequate vitamin D intake-- and that sun exposure is nothing but harmful and a major cancer risk.

Now, don't get me wrong. I'm a huge fan of vitamin supplementation, even for vitamin D. But of all the vitamins you can take every day, D is probably the least likely to absorb fully and properly into the blood from simple supplementation alone. You NEED sunlight to spur your body's production of it.

If vitamin D is proven to promote health, yet it doesn't effectively express itself in your body from diet and/or supplementation, then how's it helping the people it's helping?

The answer, of course, is sunlight exposure.

Like I've said, the assumptions we've been fed about our health are largely untrue. For example, most people think that women only need healthy estrogen levels to be healthy, but the truth is...

The heart-healthy hormone most women need is TESTOSTERONE

Forget what everyone told you about "male" and "female" hormones. As any first-year medical student should know, both women and men produce all the very same types of *** hormones.

It's just the proportion that's different. Healthy women produce more estrogen and progesterone...men make more testosterone...but all of us need some of each to stay healthy.

Testosterone, not estrogen, is the hormone that keeps your heart strong. If you're a woman over 50, there's a good chance your levels are too low (just as men over 50).

In your FREE BONUS GIFTS I'll give you full details about the NATURAL HORMONE THERAPY that combines all the hormones a woman needs. And how to find a doctor with expertise in this neglected field.

Now what about men? Well, don't let anyone tell you that "MEN HAVE TOO MUCH TESTOSTERONE." Because...

What doctors don't tell you about testosterone
isn't just stealing your potency. IT'S KILLING

Studies show that many American men over 40 actually suffer a dangerous testosterone deficiency. Yet doctors typically don't even test for it, because they too are victims of JUNK MEDICINE:

EVERYONE THINKS that testosterone causes heart disease. Yet the research shows it's a fabulous treatment and may even prevent strokes.
EVERYONE FEARS that testosterone promotes prostate disease. Yet studies show that both benign swelling and cancer typically strike older men, with declining testosterone levels.
EVERYONE ASSUMES that the state- of-the-science treatment for impotence is Viagra. While it can help, all-natural testosterone can make you feel and perform like a 21- year-old again. And, a combination of the two...wow!
In your FREE BONUS GIFTS, I'll give you my 60-SECOND SELF TEST for checking your own testosterone levels. And I'll show you several exciting new ways to boost or DOUBLE your own natural testosterone levels quite safely, just by stimulating your body to make more.

Or Hazardous?

Remember a couple of years ago, when an aspirin a day was thought to be a heart tonic? Popping a "harmless" white pill each day for thinner blood and a healthier heart was all the rage, and many doctors still recommend it. Not this one, though...

In fact, more than 2 years ago I sounded the alarm about the deadly risks of "aspirin therapy," citing a University of Maryland Medical Center study in which blood platelet clumping--which can lead to heart attacks--was noted in 64% of daily aspirin-takers whose blood cholesterol levels were considered by modern medical standards as too high (LDL over 130, which leaves out relatively few Americans.)

To recap, if this University of Maryland study is correct, a daily aspirin INCREASES the risk of coronary events in people with healthy (and normal) LDL cholesterol levels of 180, 200, or more.

Yes, you read that right: anyone with an LDL cholesterol number LOWER than 200 risks serious heart problems. In fact, I don't caution anyone to worry about cholesterol at all until their LDL hits 300 or more.

Now, let me tell you how to REALLY...
Protect yourself from the world's #1 Killer:

Everyone thinks that today's biggest threats to your life are heart disease and cancer, but surprise...

Germs are back on top again, as a very worried AMA revealed at a conference not long ago.

People who check into hospitals for treatment of other conditions are dying of bacterial pneumonia that antibiotics can't touch. Tuberculosis has returned to America in drug-resistant strains. New strains of colds are lasting for months and doctors are publicly worrying that the killer flu which wiped out 20 million people back in 1919 could be reborn any time now...

But cheer up, because despite what everyone tells you...

Antibiotics are not our most powerful weapon
against infectious disease

They're just the most profitable for drug companies. Right now, however, we already possess an alternative that can blast all the diseases mentioned above and many more to kingdom come.

It's safe, backed by decades of solid research, and boy is it ever cheap. You can buy it at drugstores everywhere for 65¢ a bottle. So what is this amazing miracle-in-a-bottle?


Go ahead and laugh if you like, but what follows is no joke:

DID YOU KNOW that your own white blood cells produce hydrogen peroxide? Yes they do. Lots of it.

KNOW WHY? Because that's how they kill invading germs. It's your body's first and best defense against any infection. Kills bacteria, viruses, yeast, parasites-all the bad guys.

DON'T BELIEVE ME? Look it up. (Try the Encyclopedia Britannica website. Check the info on "granulocytes." See? I told you so.)
BUT HOW? The hydrogen peroxide molecule (H202) is basically water (H20) with an extra oxygen atom attached. When that oxygen gets released against germs, it "oxidizes" them. Poof, they're goners.

And this shockingly cheap therapy was a real health miracle for my patients in Africa, where the ungodly high cost of drugs condemns millions to death every year.

So how do drug companies get away with selling expensive antibiotics, when we've got this stuff that's nearly free? You'd call me paranoid if I told you. But I'll tell you anyway in your FREE BONUS GIFTS, plus how to find a doctor skilled in this secret miracle.

I'll explain how it's done in your FREE BONUS REPORTS, along with some very nifty "minor" applications. It can be used topically to clear up sinus infections, erase benign moles and even clear up periodontitis without surgery. No kidding. You'll see.

Getting intrigued? I'm just warming up...

I'd love to brief you on many more JUNK MEDICINE MYTHS to avoid and real health breakthroughs that truly deliver the goods, but I'm out of space. So why not scratch that itch in the back of your mind, sign up for your FREE BONUS GIFTS and find out all about:

THE FIBER FRAUD. Doctors were getting positively hysterical about your colon. Fiber this, fiber that. Now it appears that some kinds of fiber can trigger precancerous growths...

HOW TO THROW OFF FATIGUE by throwing out your vitamin C pills and taking the world's most un-hyped vitamin instead.

VITAMIN "O" AND OTHER JOKES that masquerade as alternative medicine. They say you eat this stuff and it floods your body with oxygen. EAT oxygen? You may as well try to breathe food.

POWER NAPPING FOR FUN AND PROFIT. Napping is fabulous medicine and now you can make it an even more bountiful fountain of health. Winston Churchill, Thomas Edison, Napoleon, JFK and other human dynamos shared this sleepy little secret that can make you smarter, ***ier and more productive.
...and there's so much more I'm longing to tell you that will make you stop dreading the word "health" and start feeling fantastic. Just sign up for your 5 FREE BONUS GIFTS now! You'll get full details about all the pointlessly punishing MYTHS and life-transforming REAL BREAKTHROUGHS mentioned above, plus hundreds more.

And, to keep you ahead of the HEALTH NAGS and on top of the best new real health breakthroughs in the months ahead...

YOU'LL GET THE BEST MONEY-SAVING DEAL on my all-you-need-to-save-your-life newsletter, The Douglass Report. Trust me, this is not another of those boring, preachy, you-heard-it-all-before publications that send you to sleep after raking you over the coals...

The Douglass Report IS DIFFERENT. I reveal the ridiculous truth about the latest JUNK MEDICINE MYTHS and hand you amazingly EASY AND PLEASANT new ways to free yourself and your loved ones from pain and disease.

IT'S ALL THE STUFF THAT REALLY WORKS. I name names, give phone numbers, and tell you exactly how to find and use everything. There is absolutely no risk to you. That's what my "Ultimate Guarantee" is all about: Your 100% satisfaction.
And remember, along with your one-year or two-year subscription, you'll get the following FREE BONUS GIFTS:

FREE REPORT 1. JUST SAY NO TO JUNK MEDICINE (And Outlive All The Health Nags) Your complete and definitive guide to shrugging off HEART DISEASE...banishing CANCER...beating ARTHRITIS PAIN...improving YOUR MEMORY...and otherwise making your health dreams come true. All by TOTALLY IGNORING the unhealthy low- fat, no-meat, no-milk, eat-only-vegetables MYTHS of modern medicine.

FREE REPORT 2. KILLING CANCER BEFORE IT KILLS YOU AND 8 MORE REAL LIFE CURES. Drug companies are making a fortune by frightening women and men with awful advice that's worse than doing nothing. But here's your complete source for the very real breakthroughs that will cut a woman's cancer risk, strengthen your bones, balance your hormones and make the years ahead the happiest in your life.

And for men...did you know that the leading drug for benign prostate enlargement can increase your risk of prostate cancer? But now you can prevent or reverse benign prostate swelling, fight prostate cancer and protect your potency at the same time, all with no negative side effects.

FREE REPORT 3. 7 "FORBIDDEN" FOODS YOU SHOULD EAT EVERY DAY. Find out how to shake off 14 pounds of waistline and make your arteries healthier too-in as little as TWO WEEKS-by eating like a HUMAN BEING and sculpting your body with real food like steak, eggs and plenty of butter.

FREE REPORT 4. SIX DAYS TO MAXIMUM ***. Your complete update on the truly effective natural breakthroughs that are bringing men harder, longer-lasting erections-and helping women enjoy more intense and frequent orgasms-all in just 6 days or less.

It's time you stopped being led astray by health organizations that don't have your best interests at heart. You're smarter than they are. Will you please let me put the power of all these real health breakthroughs into your hands right now?

Don't let self-righteous health sadists feed you any more lies...just give your body what it's begging for!

The road to real health means making your own choices and not just accepting what the health establishment says you "should" do. It's been my mission to expose the hypocrisy that's running rampant in today's health system. If you follow my advice, I promise you'll notice illness, pain and weakness fade away like a bad dream. You'll see!

It's always been nature's way and it's today's REAL cutting-edge in modern medicine.

Doesn't this easy new road to real health
make more sense than

Of course it does! So please, sign up today...

It saves you up to $37 on your risk- free subscription...

It brings you all the FREE BONUS GIFTS I've mentioned that will let you turn the tables on medicine's misinformed know-it-alls...

Plus you have my "Ultimate Guarantee" that your gifts and my newsletter will deliver all you're hoping for and more. Or else please, feel free to call off the deal--at any time for a complete refund--no questions asked. YOU KEEP YOUR FREE BONUS GIFTS.

Don't wait. Do it now!

Get your FREE Bonus Gifts and reclaim your health...

Walk away from the health lies and into the sunlight...

And find out how sweet it feels to savor real health!


William Campbell Douglass II, M.D.

P.S. I saved my favorite gift for last. Sign up now and you'll get the valuable FREE Extra Bonus Report,

TODAY'S BEST MEDICAL MIRACLES FROM THE UNDERGROUND. Here I share the secrets about today's two most effective therapies that NOBODY ever told you about. They kill cold, flu and pneumonia viruses, they destroy drug-resistant germs that antibiotics can't touch, they're our only hope against tomorrow's plagues, and one with a Nobel Prize pedigree. Only problem is, they're TOO CHEAP. Keep an open mind until you see the details. This is a real health scandal. You'll be stunned. Yours FREE if you sign up right now.​

لقاء مع واحد M.D. الذي يمكنك ان تقول...

علاج السرطان
دون الكيماوي

من المؤكد أن العلاج الكيميائي هو كبير إذا كنت تريد الغثيان وفقدان الشعر والاكتئاب... وليس عليك ضمان العيش.

لا يمكن أن يكون أسهل وأكثر أمانا والطبيعية وسبل البقاء على قيد الحياة -- وهذا شعبة وسائط الإعلام ستكون لهم حصة معك...

حتى قبل ذلك "المتخصصين" حول بدء القاء كلمات مثل "الكيماوي" و "الإشعاع" ، ويبدأ رأسك حقا السباحة ، فستعرف كل من خياراتك. العلاجات الطبية القطط السمان بالتأكيد لا نريد منكم معرفة. ولكن ، هذا هو طبيب واحد الذين لا يخشون في الكلام حتى!

معرفة الوقائع الحقيقية للصحة والطب أكثر من المشهود أسطورة باستر! واسمحوا له وتبين لكم كيف يقللون من البؤس الطبية الخاصة بك في غضون 60 ثانية.

اقرأ أدناه للحصول على تفاصيل حول كيفية يمكنك :

احصل على المأمونة والفعالة وعلاج السرطان المسكوت عنه دائما في قاعات المستشفى
خفض مخاطر مرض الزهايمر بين عشية وضحاها... أنها لا يمكن أن يكون أسهل!
حفاظ على مستويات الكولسترول تزيد عن 200 هائلة بسبب السكتات الدماغية ترتفع عندما يكون أقل
بسبب نمو جديدة خاصة بك الركبة أو المرفق أو الكتف مع هذا مذهل انفراج حقيقي
محطة المتابعة رواد الصالة الرياضية في تحويل غيور كما تتعلم لبناء العضلات دون ممارسة
السرطان ليس بالضرورة أن يكون أ
حكم الاعدام...
عزيزي ضلل صديق :

كوابيس واحدة في اليوم ، أنت لديك وقال "بيج جيم" كما لو أن لا يكفي ، القادم "المتخصصين" حول بدء القاء كلمات مثل "الكيماوي" و "الإشعاع" ، ورأسك حقا يبدأ السباحة. وبعد ذلك تبدأ لشحذ المباضع على...

وهي تدعو إلى هذا العلم ، والطب...؟ وقال ان من السخف. لان العديد من التجارب فعالة حقا والعلاجات هي آمنة تماما ، رخيصة وبسيطة. يمكنك بصدمة قوية من جانب عدد من البدائل لديك -- ويمكن أن تحمل بسهولة.

الهائلة لعلاج السرطان تستر...

من المؤكد أن الطب التقليدي ويريد لكم لنرى أن الجراحة ، والإشعاع والعلاج الكيميائي الخاص بك فقط هي الأسلحة ضد السرطان. قد يعود السبب متوسط مريض السرطان يمثل 500000 دولار يوم الدفع لعلاج السرطان نظام! وهم يحققون المال في حين تدمر صحتك! فعلى سبيل المثال ، هل تعلم...

الحقيقة : 75 ٪ من متوسط متخصصة في علوم الأورام 's
"اتخاذ منزل الدفع" هو ربح للعلاج الكيميائي من المخدرات
انه يعطي لمرضاه...

متخصصة في علوم الأورام الخاص بك هو مجرد اداء مهام وظيفته ، والعمل مع المعلومات التي كانت وافقت عليها بشكل رائع لنا الفاسدة إدارة الغذاء والدواء وoverlords في الرابطة الطبية الامريكية.

وقبل أن تنفجر صراخ وهذيان عن إدارة الدواء والغذاء واتفاقية المعابر ، اسمحوا لي فقط ان اقول لكم هذا : السرطان علاجات مبنية على الخرافات والأكاذيب. نفاق هو مدهش...

لماذا يا تسوية للعلاج الكيميائي؟

قبل أن يقدم لك نفسك لاختبارات السمية و"العلاجات" التي غالبا ما تزيد فقط من الألم والمعاناة... لا يعقل أن يعرف كل من البدائل؟ اعتقد ذلك. ولكن يبدو مثل شفاه الجميع هي مضغوط. النظر في هذا...

200 MCG من السيلنيوم يمكن أن تساعد في محاربة سرطان الثدي من أي وقت مضى حيث تظهر الوجه القبيح. السيلنيوم يكمل متاحة في معظم الأغذية الصحية والصيدليات. أو ، إذا كنت تفضل ، مونش على بعض جوز البرازيل -- they're الساندة الكامل من هذه المغذيات الحيوية.
الزنك تعتبر سلاحا قويا ضد سرطان البروستاتا. ويرون أنها أفضل صديق الجديدة الخاصة بك إذا كان لديك مشاكل مع رجولية ، *** حملة أو الخصوبة. أنا سأريك أسهل السبل التي تؤدي إلى زيادة مستويات الزنك الخاص بك للمساعدة فى الحفاظ على السرطان في الخليج.
# 1 "صيدلية" العلاج الخاصة بك لتحسين معدل البقاء على قيد الحياة. انها طبيعية جوهر جسمك ينتج بالفعل لدعم مكافحة المرض (حتى لا يؤدي الآثار الجانبية). كما انها غير طبيعية رخيصة ، ويمكن بصورة مذهلة وفعالة هي احتمالات ، طبيبك سوف أبدا لأنه وصف لكم.
في تقرير مكافأة مجانية الخاصة بك ، سترى أنه لمجرد المواد الطبيعية لا يمكن أن يكون على براءة اختراع لربح كبير ، لا يعني التضحية لديك لصحتك والرفاه. (يمكنك الرهان الخاص بك الوثيقة لن وضع حياته على الخط...)

الحقيقة : في دراسة حديثة ،
64 من أصل 79 وقال أن أطباء الأورام
رفض بعض chemotherapies صريح!

وفي الآونة الأخيرة ، عندما واحدة من أكبر دول العالم من أطباء الأورام والسرطان ومراكز شملهم الاستطلاع عن كيفية تعامل خاصة بها السرطان ، تقريبا 90 ٪ قالوا انهم يرفضون العلاج الكيميائي!

وغني عن القول ، وأنا أقرأ هذه الدراسة ، وكدت أقع من على الكرسي.

لكن لا يمكنني القول مع الأسباب التي قدموها. وقالت ان العلاج الكيميائي المخدرات غير فعالة ولها درجة غير مقبولة من سمية. صحيح...

"لا يوجد دليل علمي لقدرتها على توسيع نطاق ملموس في أي طريقة حياة المرضى الذين يعانون من الأكثر شيوعا العضوية العلاج الكيميائي للسرطان... الأورام الخبيثة متقدمة جدا لعملية جراحية ، التي تمثل 80 ٪ من حالات السرطان ، هو علمي القفار ".

-- الدكتور أولريخ آبيل ، شتوتغارت ، ألمانيا
للشفقة والحقيقة هي أن تقلص الاورام ، والعلاج الكيميائي أقوى تشجع الخلايا السرطانية على النمو والتكاثر ، لتصبح مقاومة للعلاج الكيميائي.

ثم هناك حالات السرطان الجديدة الناجمة عن العلاج الكيميائي ، أو الثانوية السرطان. انهم ما ننسى ذكر هذه التفاصيل التي تهدد الحياة على قائمة "الآثار الجانبية" في العقار المصاحبة الأدب. Hmmmm. ولا ندري لماذا...

ولهذا السبب أنا هنا. لقطع طريق كل حماقة وأقول لكم الحقيقة. وهذا ببساطة ما سأفعل في قتل قبل السرطان فهو يقتل أنت ، خاصة مكافأة مجانية تقرير أعد أنا لك. وصدقوني ، في أي وقت أنا أقول لك شيئا ، سيكون مطروحا الضجيج والمصلحة الذاتية للبعض الأطباء أخرى... هل يمكن أن نعرف

حتى أنا الذي يتأرجح ليكون هذا الفأس؟

أنا وليام كامبل دوغلاس ، M.D.

لقد دعا "ضمير الطب الحديث ،" والاتحاد الوطني للصحة صوت لي "دكتور في السنة".

ولكن أنا أيضا وصفت "مستقل" ، وأقل ايجابيا على العديد من الأسماء أيضا من جانب بعض من أكبر الأسماء في الحكومة والمؤسسات الصحية -- ولكن مهلا ، هذا جزء من أراضي. وصديق ، هو إقليم بلدي في كل مكان...

لقد جوا مع طواقم البحرية الامريكية باعتباره طبيب جراح للرحلة...
كما إنقاذ الأرواح منذ فترة طويلة في حالات الطوارئ الطبيب...
اشتبكت الملاريا في المناطق التي مزقتها رصاصة من أمريكا الوسطى...
قاتل الأوبئة الفتاكة في بلدي العيادة الصحية في افريقيا...
وعملت جنبا إلى جنب مع الأطباء في روسيا الشهير في معهد باستور...
لقد تم حتى قبل ودعا المؤتمر انهم لم طلب مني العودة)...
واذا كان هناك احد ينكر حقيقة طبية تعلمت في 40 عاما من علاج المرضى في جميع أنحاء العالم ، انها أن...

لا يوجد شيء من هذا القبيل
كما لا ينكر حقيقة طبية!

كما سترى أدناه ، الطب فقط لا يعمل بهذه الطريقة. أنت لا عددا ، أنك إنسان. أكثر شيء يمكن التنبؤ به في خلق...

مرة بعد مرة ،
"الدكتور دوغلاس كان على حق!"

واضاف "كان على حق بشأن الرضاعة الطبيعية الاطفال!"
قبل حوالي 40 عاما ، زجاجة الرضاعة كان في ذروته من الأزياء. تولى الدكتور دوغلاس على شركات الغذاء وزعمت أن ذلك غير صحية.

واضاف "كان على حق بشأن استئصال الرحم!"
قبل وقت طويل من المجلات الشعبية بدأت المرأة عن هذا التحذير ، والدكتور دوغلاس لتولى المهمة جراحين لتخويف النساء وجذرية في هذا التدبير غير ضروري في كثير من الأحيان.

واضاف "كان على حق بشأن الحديد!"
فقط هذا العام ، وقد الدورية الامريكية للتغذية الطبية بدأت لاحظ أن الحديد الزائد عن طريق بلعها ويكمل "التخصيب" الأطعمة هو قتل العديد من الناس. الدكتور دوغلاس وقد تم تحذير من هذا لأكثر من 15 عاما.

واضاف "كان على حق بشأن مرض القلب!"
البحوث والدراسات هي الآن يتدفقون من الجامعات والمختبرات الطبية ، مما يدل على أن البيض ، والأسماك ، واللحوم وغيرها من الأغذية الغنية الكوليسترول هي رائعة القلب وصحية وليس السمية القاتلة. انهم مجرد اللحاق بالركب إلى ما قال الدكتور دوغلاس لمدة 20 عاما.

واضاف "كان على حق بشأن السرطان!"
في صيف عام 2001 ، بين العلامة التجارية الجديدة وتبين الدراسات أن العلاجات البديلة مرة واحدة رفضت من قبل المؤسسة الطبية هي حقا في إنقاذ الأرواح. الدكتور دوغلاس وقد نهضت هذه العلاجات مثل هذه منذ عام 1962.

انه تم الكشف عن المؤامرات وطبية رائدة اختراق العلاج لنحو 4 عقود من الزمن. ها هي دعوتك للانضمام إليه على طريق الصحية الحقيقية!

ولكن أن يكون بين القوى فإن منتفخ متابعة Políticos ، الجشع والشركات الكبرى وهاجس الربح وشركات الأدوية لن لقد كنت تعتقد أنها للمرة الثانية. انهم يريدون لكم ليكون مثل كلب على مقود. في اللحظة التي يبدأ الكلب على التفكير لأنفسهم والقيام باستكشاف بعض ، تحصل على مقود مرجوج الظهر. قريبا جدا ، توقف الكلب استكشاف ، لنذهب إلى حيث مضمون له زعيم يسمح له.

ولهذا السبب أنا أكتب إليكم اليوم. وعندما يتعلق الأمر إلى حسابك في الصحة ، ومقود الكبيرة طلقات يريدون لكم هي قصيرة على أحد ، في الواقع! انهم يخفون وقائع حقيقية ، والتستر على الحقيقة حتى يتمكنوا من سرقة لكم أعمى. ولكن ليس بالضرورة أن يكون بهذه الطريقة...

الخاصة بك إلى الطريق الحقيقي الصحية يمكن أن يكون أسهل وأرخص وأكثر بكثير من أي لطيفا الصحية ناكد من أي وقت مضى أن التنبؤ. أنا ضمان عليه. وسوف تثبت ذلك.

فقط اسمحوا لي أن أرسل لك مكافأة مجانية الهدايا 5 -- وسوف نرى قريبا ونرى ما أعنيه. عليك أن تتعلم كيف تجعل جسمك محصنة ضد السرطان ، والنوبات القلبية ، آلام المفاصل ، والانفلونزا والبرد والمرض القاتل في السبل التي من شأنها أن تجعل لنا معلومات خاطئة "السلطات الصحية" لمدة أسبوع ولول...

من خلال تناول الوجبات الغذائية الحقيقية ، مع الأخذ في بضعة (رخيصة!) ويكمل أن تجعلك أقوى ، والقيام ببعض الامور التي ممتعة مثير للصدمة "الجميع يعرف" لا يمكن صحية!

سنقوم أولا للتخلص من الخلط بين المعلومات التي زودنا بها "النظام الغذائي النازيون". وإليك ما أعنيه :

واحدة من أكثر الأطعمة تعاب على هذا الكوكب هو كل البلدان الأمريكية الساخنة الكلب. ولكن هذا لا يعني انهم يستحقون سيئة الراب لقد أعطيت.

وكما تبين ، نترات الصوديوم (مادة كيميائية تستخدم للحفاظ على اللون الساخن والكلاب وغيرها من اللحوم) قد يكون له تأثير إيجابي على جميع أجهزة الجسم بين القلب والمخ والرئتين ، وتدفق الدم في كل مكان. نترات الصوديوم ويبدو أن لديها القدرة على الحرس الخاص بك ضد خلايا نقص الأكسجة (نقص الأكسجين).

ومع ذلك ، ورغم هذه النتائج ، لا تزال لدى الناس في لذيذ الكلاب. وبالرغم من وكالة انباء اسوشيتد برس النتائج التي توصل إليها ، أنها لا تزال حذرت من ان "ذلك لا يعني يسد الشرايين الساخنة الكلاب صحية".

النقطة التي أحاول توضيحها هي أنه الأبخرة إلى ما لا نهاية لي عندما تجتاح وسائل الإعلام يجعل من التصريحات بشأن التغذية ، وعادة استقاها من جانب ما يسمى خبراء مثل وكالة حماية البيئة أو وزارة الزراعة الامريكية.

والحقيقة هي الصحة الجيدة هي مسألة حس سليم ولها ان تناول جرعة صحية من السخرية حول ما "السلطات" ليقول عن ما هو جيد بالنسبة لكم -- وليس ما.

إذا كنت مثلي ، لديك قدر كبير من التسامح تجاه حماقة في أي مجال من مجالات حياتك. إذن لماذا ينبغي أن يكون مختلفا عندما يتعلق الأمر صحتك؟ انظروا إلى بلادي غير هراء وسيلة ل:

خفض المخاطر من حسابك
مرض الزهايمر بين عشية وضحاها

انها حقا سهلة. ابتداء من غد ، لا شرب مياه الحنفية. ليس بسبب التلوث الصناعي ، ولكن بسبب المواد الكيميائية أن "السلطات الصحية" مشيرا الى حسابك في المياه. على سبيل المثال...

الناس الذين حذر فلورته تستخدم ليكون سخرية ، ولكن تخمين ماذا؟ في الدول الاسكندنافية ، في الواقع كل من أوروبا ، وتقريبا كل أمة أخرى طبية متقدمة ، لديهم الآن حظرت هذه الممارسة.

تعرف لماذا؟ بسبب فلوريد يجعل جسمك استيعاب اضافية الألومنيوم. وأين تذهب الألومنيوم؟ الخاص بك الدماغ. والمعدن ما يظهر بصورة مفزعة في مخ ضحايا مرض الزهايمر؟ عليك أن تفكر في بدائل لها. (Hmm... ربما لنا السلطات الصحية قد شرب الكثير من الماء؟)

في التقارير الخاصة بك مكافأة مجانية ، ساوضح أرخص وأسهل وسيلة للتغلب على الصحة conspirists في لعبتهم واستبعاد غير المرغوب فيه جميع هذه الأدوية السامة ، إلى جانب عدة حتى أسهل السبل لخفض خطر مرض الزهايمر الخاصة بك. بعد ذلك عليك معرفة كيفية خفض مخاطر الاصابة بالسرطان الخاص بك من خلال تجاهل بعض من اليوم معظم مخبول المشورة. بما فيها من حمولات...

سرطان مخيف بشكل لا يصدق الخرافات
يمكنك ألا تقلق من الان

إذا كنت لا تريد السرطان ، لا نرى أي شخص يقول لكم :

"الكهربائي البطاطين يعطيك السرطان." نعرف كيف حصلت على هذه خرافة طوباوي؟ وبدلا من البحث التكليف الجديد ، والصحة العامة سلطة وضع هذه المسألة على التصويت. (الاخبار عاجل جدا : لا يمكنك تغيير قوانين الطبيعة التي يجري التصويت عليها.) ولكن حتى هؤلاء العباقرة بحرية أن نعترف بأن أكثر من 500 وتبين الدراسات القائمة الصفر أدلة دامغة من المجالات الكهربائية مما تسبب السرطان. بقية سهلة وبينما كنت في ذلك ، تتمتع منصة التدفئة الخاص بك مرة أخرى.

"عالية القوات المسلحة التوغولية الوجبات الغذائية يسبب سرطان الثدي". رهاب الدهون قد يكون ذروة الأزياء ، ولكن هذا دواء الزبالة. ودرس الباحثون 88795 النساء خلال 14 عاما ، وأنها لم تجد ما؟ لا أحد توقع أن بالانظمة الغذائية عالية الدهون تعزيز سرطان الثدي. وليس واحدة إشارة إلى أن الوجبات الغذائية قليلة الدهون حمايتكم.

"دي دي تي يسبب السرطان." وتقول منظمة الصحة العالمية؟ التحقق من المحضر. العودة في 1970s ، وكالة حماية البيئة ممتحن لخص 9000 صفحة من البحث من جانب يعلن صراحة ، "دي دي تي ليست مسرطنة خطرا على الرجل." وشدد أيضا على أنه لا ضرر الأسماك والطيور أو غيرها من الحيوانات البرية. هذا على الرغم من فتح واغلاق القضية ، ورئيسه ، رئيس وكالة حماية البيئة وليام Ruckleshaus مضت قدما وحظرت ال دي دي تي. وقال مساعدون في وقت لاحق انه لم يقرأ حتى صفحة واحدة من الدراسات. وكان قد ساعد على تفريخ فإن مادة ال دي دي تي وتخويف لم يستطع أن يصل بنفسه إلى أن يعترف أنه كان على خطأ.
في جميع أنحاء العالم ملاحقة لمادة ال دي دي تي لم أنقذ الصقر الجوال واحد. ولكن مما لا شك فيه أنه قد قتل عشرات الملايين من حقوق الأطفال في المناطق المدارية المتحدة ، الذين ما زالوا يموتون من الملاريا وحمى الضنك والحمى الصفراء وغيرها من الأوبئة التي ينقلها البعوض.

وتحدث من بمطاردة الساحرات ، وهناك سبل أخرى لموازين القوى التي تكون هي تحاول السيطرة على صحتك. لقد جعل مهمتي لمساعدتك...

أنا الدكتور وليام كامبل دوغلاس ، واريد ان اعطيكم
الحرة الجرعة اليومية من حلج القطن على التوالى عن الصحة ، الطب ، والسياسة '.

الانضمام إلى رحلة لي وأنا الآن على نطاق واسع وتعريض خردة الطب ، والعلوم معيبة ، نباتي الدعاية ، الهيئة التضليل ، كبيرة للحكومة النفايات والاحتيال ، والغريبة من الاوغاد الطبية في كل مكان. مع بلدي الجرعة اليومية ، سيكون لديك المثالي لبلدي النشرة الإخبارية -- امدادات مستمرة من والعاجلة في الوقت المناسب المعلومات الصحية مثل :
أحدث البحوث الطبية -- دون أن تدور على جميع أجهزة الكمبيوتر أفضل العلاجات الطبيعية -- وخصوصا منها المخدرات عمالقة تريد الحفاظ على الهدوء والحقيقة عن النظام الغذائي ، والتغذية ، ونقص في الوزن -- دون التوفو وبراعم
ما كانت حكومتكم قد قامت في متجر للكم -- وكيف حقوقك على المحك
كل ما يتطلبه الأمر هو ثانية من وقتك للحصول على نفسك 'في حلقة' من خلال التوقيع لهذا لا يقدر بثمن من الموارد الصحية المجانية. والوعد الأول ، لن أسمح لأي شخص آخر الوصول إلى عنوان البريد الإلكتروني الخاص بك لأي سبب من الأسباب -- أنا ببساطة أكثر مما ينبغي احترام خصوصية من بلدي لتمكينه من القراء. مجرد ملء في المعلومات الواردة أدناه وسأبدأ إرسال لكم الجرعة اليومية على الفور.

أدخل عنوان البريد الالكتروني :

سياسة الخصوصية : نحن نتفهم ونحترم لكم عن مدى قيمة خصوصيتك. وهذا هو السبب الذي يضمن لنا أننا لن تبيع أبدا عنوان البريد الإلكتروني الخاص بك.

البقاء الآمن من خلال البقاء الخروج من دائرة
المخدرات دورة مصممة لإبقاء المرضى لكم!!

هذا واحد هو على يقين من الحصول على الساخن منكم تحت ياقة. وأنا أعلم أنه قد أثر على أن لي!

وفي الآونة الأخيرة ، وسحبت ميرك وشركاه فيوكس ، وكوكس 2 والتهاب المفاصل والمخدرات ، من السوق بعد ان وجدت الدراسة أن تضاعف احتمال الاصابة بالنوبات القلبية والسكتة الدماغية. ومنذ ذلك الحين ، وضعت الشركة على الأقل أربعة بيانات صحفية الدفاع عن سلامة من غيرها من مثبطات كوكس 2.

كنت في حالة غريبة ، لم يكن رعاية الأطباء الذي كتب هذه البلاغات الصحفية. لا ، أنت ويجري تشجيع على مواصلة اتخاذ مخدرات خطيرة من قبل المسوقين بين المهنيين الذين تدفع الى "التلفيق" أي قصة ، ولكن المثيرة للجدل ، ذلك لانه يأتي الشم مثل الورود. هذا هو العلم عن طريق الصحافة والإفراج عن أنه ينتن مثل أمس التونة!

تذكر الناس -- إذا قلت ذلك ، يمكنكم التعويل على ذلك.
هذا هو السبب في اشتراكك إلى لدوغلاس ويأتي هذا التقرير مع بلادي "الضمان النهائي". إذا نصيحتي لا يساعد ، فانك لن تدفع سنتا و، الفترة. انها بسيطة أن -- أي كمية الصيد ، أي الموعد النهائي ، وأي التزام آخر ، في أي وقت مضى. مجرد استرداد 100 ٪ ، والحق بعيدا.

انها للاهتمام أن نلاحظ أن شركة فايزر 'sBextra ومن المسلم به الآن أن خطر المخدرات وميرك's فيوكس هو خارج السوق لنفس السبب ، ولكن شركة فايزر 'sالأخرى كوكس 2 المخدرات ، Celebrex لا تزال تباع لثقة المرضى في جميع أنحاء العالم.

الحاجة أكثر إقناعا أن فارما كبير ليس هو صديقك وغير المسؤولة التي تديرها المجانين؟ المتغطرسة رئيس شركة فايزر ودافع كوكس 2 والمخدرات وقال في مقابلة تلفزيونية ان "لا ينبغي أن يكون هناك تسرع فى الحكم بسبب النتائج التي توصل إليها". من حيث أجلس ، "العجلة في اصدار حكم" بدأت مع إدخال هذه العقاقير وأمراض القلب والسامة في المقام الأول!

انها حقا يحير ذهني. نحن هنا ، يفترض أنها الأكثر صحة ، أغنى أمة على وجه الأرض ، وكثير من الادارات الصحية تواصل بعنف يوميا طوفان من الأكاذيب وأنصاف الحقائق وحكايات الزوجات القديمة المصممة لتخيفنا إلى تقديم!

هنا آخر واحد أنا فقط الحكة لاقول لكم عن :

"حليب مبستر وهذا لا يشكل خطرا على الصحة"

حقا؟ دعونا ننظر كيف كانت هذه الأسطورة التي نسجتها وكيف أنها حصلت على تخفيض سكب الحناجر من الرأي العام الأمريكي :

وإذا كان الحليب الخام من السوء بالنسبة لنا ، كيف الجنس البشري من أي وقت مضى البقاء على قيد الحياة قبل والبسترة؟ بعد كل شيء ، كنا وحلب البقر وشرب أسفل دسم ، وغنية بالعناصر المغذية والنتائج لآلاف السنين -- لويس باستور بعد عملية (والتي كانت مصممة أصلا لمنع تلف البيرة ، واعتبارها لكم) فقط في الاستخدام الواسع النطاق لل قليلا أكثر من قرن. ذلك ما يعطي؟

الجواب ، بالطبع ، هو أن المنظمات غير مبستر
الحليب ليست خطرة على الإطلاق. انها مجرد الكثير
اكثر صرامة لتنظيم وجعل المال منه.

فكروا : بموجب تشريع ضد بيع أو توزيع الحليب الخام ، الولايات يرغم المزارعين على بيع ما لديهم من الحليب (في جزء صغير من حيث القيمة السوقية ، بالمناسبة) إلى كبيرة حليب تجهيز. وهذا يخلق "الورقي" على الحليب ، وعندئذ يمكن استخدامها كأساس لجمع الإيرادات الضريبية من تلك المعالجات -- والمرجح أن المزارعين أيضا.

وإلا كيف يمكن أن تحصل بعيدا مع هذا النوع من المخزي العزق غسل الأموال ، إلا تحت ستار من قلق في مجال الصحة العامة؟ انها مجرد واحدة من أكثر الأمثلة على الطريقة التي صحية ، طبيعية الخيارات الغذائية تباع أسفل النهر من جانب حفنة من الدولار مخبول بموظف في رحلة تجريبية من الفنانين.

الأنباء الطيبة هي أن الحليب الخام هو أكثر صحة
وخير لكم من حليب مبستر في
مخازن. وأنها أفضل الأذواق ، جدا.

منذ فترة طويلة يشربون من فيتامين الغنية غير حليب مبستر استشهد زيادة المقاومة لنزلات البرد والانفلونزا ، وفقدان الوزن ، والتخفيف من آلام التهاب المفاصل ، بالاضافة الى مجموعة كبيرة أكثر -- وهذا دون الحديث عن المعنى أشمل وأصدق نكهة التمتع يشربون الحليب الخام .

آمل أنك بدأت ترى كيف حقائق عن صحة جيدة المدعومة من قبل قرون من الحس السليم والحق في فعل ما يشعر -- وقد تم حجب جميع في اسم وتعالى الدولار.

انا بالكاد خدش السطح هنا. وأحثكم على فتح عينيك الى ما يحدث في الواقع مع الصحة في هذا البلد. سأستمر في تحطيم الخرافات حول الصحة التي تم بيعها لهل ترغب في الكثير من ثعبان النفط. ونتيجة ل...

يمكنك العمل على نحو أفضل مع طبيبك لايجاد آمنة وفعالة لعلاج ما تعانيه لكم.
يمكنك حماية عائلتك الصحة بتجاهل الصحة flim - flams التي جعلها المرضى.
فسوف يشعر على نحو أفضل ويعيشون عمرا أطول وربما حتى عندما تتخذ صحتي المشورة وأخيرا ما يشعر حق ومنطقي.
فعلى سبيل المثال ، أنا بالفعل قال لك أنه ليس من انفلونزا الطيور أو بكتيريا غامضة المحمولة جوا التي تحتم علينا جميعا أن تقلق ، بل ما هو أكثر غدرا...

نريد أن نقضي على أمراض القلب والسرطان والتهاب المفاصل والألم أكثر؟
ثم تفعل هذا الحق الآن...

أن تتخذ جميع المزعجة والمشورة الصحية
إرم في القمامة!

(الشتوية ، 2008) هو كان يسمى مافريك من جانب أصحاب المصالح الخاصة الذين يخشون عليه. ولكن لمئات الآلاف من المرضى وقراء ، وليام كامبل دوغلاس الثاني ، شعبة وسائط الإعلام ، منذ زمن طويل واحدة من الاكثر شعبية في أمريكا أسطورة منتهكي ، يكشف غرابة رخيصة وسهلة الطريق الى الصحة الحقيقية.

قبل عقود ، عندما كانت غير عصري ، بدأ حملته ضد المخدرات التي تضعف جهاز المناعة ، لعملية جراحية هذا أسوأ من عدم القيام بأي شيء ومعاقبة الوجبات الغذائية التي تتسبب في ظروف جدا لأنها مطالبة العلاج. الآن نظرياته وقد فاز الآلاف من أتباعه في قاعات العلم ، لكنه لا يستريح على اكتفاء. "ويتساءل ،" يقول الدكتور دوغلاس ، "انها استولت على جميع هذه الدراسات الجديدة لاقناع الأطباء من مرضاهم جدا الحقائق عرفت كل جانب."

مرضى يجري باستمرار وقال ، 'كنت لا تعرف ما هو جيد لك.' ما الغطرسة! بالطبع لا!

وإلا كيف فعل أسلافنا البقاء على قيد الحياة؟

والحقيقة هي أن معظمنا يمكن تحسين الصحة على الفور من خلال تجاهل نصف من المشورة التي نتلقاها. ريال مدريد الصحة في أغلب الأحيان هو مجرد مسألة ما يشعر به معقول.

اليوم ، في عشرات من الدراسات البحثية الجديدة ، والسلطات الصحية في هدوء واعترف أن الدكتور دوغلاس كان على حق جميع along.But احترس ، والصحة إنشاء! الدكتور دوغلاس هو تولي زمام القيادة مرة أخرى. انه على اتخاذ جميع أعز جديدة الأكاذيب التي تجعل المرضى اليوم بائسة...

أقول لا لصحة الشرطة ويشعر الخاص بك البؤس تتلاشى

الأمريكيون ويجري تغذيته قسرا وجبة من الخضراوات ، والمياه ، والخوف. ولكن لديهم قلق لنا شيئا عن المرضى. أقول فقط لا غير صحية لجميع النصائح التي صنع حياتك أ البؤس. فسوف يشعر على الفور على نحو أفضل ، ويعيشون مدة أطول والتمتع به كل ما تبذلونه من سنوات اضافية على أكمل وجه. "

يكون المريض جيدة وأكل الكوليسترول الخاصة بك. لأكثر من 20 عاما ، لقد قمت بتذكير الامريكيين أن الكوليسترول ليس مرعب السمية ، ولكن لإنقاذ الحياة المغذيات. الهيئة الخاصة بك يجعل من الأطعمة الخاصة بك عندما لا توفر ذلك. الآن ودراسات تبين أن إذا كنت الكوليسترول المتعطشة ، هل سترفع الخاصة بك ضخمة من خطر السكتات الدماغية.

البيض عشاق الحياة لفترة أطول. ليس فقط هي البيض من تهمة التسبب في أمراض القلب ، لقد ثبت لمنع ذلك. هذا صحيح ، دراسة ضخمة من 800000 شخص أظهرت أن الذين يتناولون البيض يكون أقل بكثير من معدل النوبات القلبية والسكتات الدماغية من البيض متجنبون.

والحقيقة الفجة. المضي قدما وتنغمس في tartare شريحة لحم ، والتمتع به في حسابك الخام البيض والمايونيز سلطة قيصر. نادر الخام واللحوم تحتوي على العناصر الغذائية لإنقاذ الحياة overcooking أن يدمر.

تريد أن تعيش طويلا ويشعر قوية؟ أخبر ممارسة المتعصبين لاتخاذ الارتفاع. ومثال واحد ، وصيف ماراثون انخفاض القتلى ما يقرب من 200 مرات في كثير من الأحيان على أشد كسلا (وأكثر ذكاء!) الأقران. في حسابك مكافأة مجانية الهدايا ، وأنا سأريك كيف الثلاثي قوتك ، مع ممارسة البرنامج من السهل جدا ، حتى ال 90 من العمر يمكن أن نفعل ذلك.

وإذا كان التلفزيون يروج لها ويعلم الجميع أنه ، من حصولك على نفسك أسطورة

تريد لتعقب طبية أسطورة؟ ومن السهل! اتبع المال. بقدر ما تنفق على إعلانات التلفزيون والإعلانات في المجلات الشعبية ، كلما كان من الممكن التأكد من "اختراق" انهم يبيعون هي وهمية. ولكن مربحة.

وعلى مدار بلدي (30 سنة زائد الطبية ، رأيت مباشرة ما يصلح وما لا يصلح فيما يتعلق التقليدية والطب البديل. وأنا لا تتوقف ، ليكون صدم وشعر بالغضب إزاء كيفية تدخل الحكومة ، البيروقراطية السياسية وأرباح الشركات يمكن أن تبقي الناس العاديين من الوصول إلى المعلومات التي يحتاجونها للبقاء في صحة جيدة. مثل هذه المعلومات : لا يبلع الصويا خدعة. انها مطالبة منتجي الصويا شرائح مخاطر الاصابة بالسرطان الخاص بك ، والتخفيضات الخاصة بك خطر الاصابة بأمراض القلب ويساعد مع انقطاع الطمث. ولكن البحث الفعلي وتقول انهم على خطأ كل ثلاث. فول الصويا ما سوف نفعله هو ضخ لكم كامل من الاستروجين بين محاكاة مجمعات ، التي يمكن أن خفض الخاص بك الغدة الدرقية وجعل لكم على الوزن. كما أنه يحتوي على حمض أن القطع الخاصة بك امتصاص الكالسيوم. (هل يمكنكم ان تقولوا "هشاشة العظام"؟)

إذا علامة تقول "اليورانيوم الحديد ،" معاملة أنها مثل السم. الجنيه تجارية لأنها في رؤوسنا أن علينا جميعا "فقراء الدم والحديد" ، لكن 91 ٪ من كبار السن الأمريكيين هي في الواقع طريقة الحصول على الكثير من الحديد. ويرتبط هذا لأمراض القلب والسرطان وحتى مرض السكري. في حسابك مكافأة مجانية الهدايا ، وعليك أن تتعلم كيف تخلص من الحديد الزائد من النظام الخاص بك!

الخبز والمعكرونة هي مربحة جدا لبيع المنتجات. ولكن "carb تحميل" لا زيادة الأداء الرياضي. الدهون والبروتينات do.IT 'دإ من الوقت لتفتيش اللحوم لمن يكرهون ومعرفة ما الذي يجري على المساهمين. بعض من أغنى دول العالم بما بين المنتجين الكربوهيدرات الاشتراكات اجرا والشوفان كويكر بين "بسخاء في دعم" واحدة من أمريكا شهرة توصل جهابذة النظام الغذائي. وما هي نصيحته؟ "كلوا فقط الكربوهيدرات المعقدة". واو ، وكم كان مثيرا للدهشة.

وإذا كان هو علاج مأمونة وفعالة ورخيصة لمشاهدتهم وهم جعله اختفت

هذا دولار واحد من القمقم معجزة ثبت لعلاج الالتهاب الرئوي المقاوم للعقاقير ، واضحة حتى نزلات البرد والانفلونزا في 24 ساعة وشفاء العديد من الأمراض الفيروسية والبكتيرية كذلك. انها دعت فوق أكسيد الهيدروجين العلاج. لكنه لن يتخذ أي مليارات لشركة المخدرات لان الاشياء هي عمليا الحرة. واسمحوا لي أن أغتنم لكم وراء الكواليس ، وتظهر لكم حقائق علمية مذهلة.

علي الشهير معهد باستور في سان بطرسبرج ، روسيا ، وعملت جنبا إلى جنب مع الأطباء الذين عادة تلتئم المرضى من الأمراض المعدية الفتاكة دون أي المضادات الحيوية ، باستخدام أي شيء أكثر من قتل الجرثومة بين السلطة من الأشعة فوق البنفسجية. ولكن سخرية القدر ، هذا العلاج لإنقاذ الحياة ودعا التلألأ من هنا كان الكمال في أمريكا ، يعود قبل الحرب العالمية الثانية! بعد اكتشاف البنسلين ، أسقطتها من الاستخدام الواسع النطاق. اليوم ، بطبيعة الحال ، نحن في حاجة إليها أكثر من أي وقت مضى. ولكن هذه التكنولوجيا في المجال العام ، لذلك لن يجعل أي شخص كبير والمال لمصالح خاصة يحاول الحصول عليها المحظورة. الاميركيون بحاجة إلى معرفة الحقائق وانهم في كل التقارير الخاصة بك مكافأة مجانية.

الفساد هو
ريال طبية الوباء!

حتى أصبح الفساد المتوطنة والفكرية وحتى الشبهة في البحوث الدوائية أن شركات الأدوية والمتعاونين معهم في الحكومة (والجامعات) ويمكن الآن الحصول على الغش بعيدا مع فتح.

مجلة الرابطة الطبية الأمريكية بحث الصلة بين المؤلفين من المبادئ التوجيهية السريرية وصناعة المستحضرات الصيدلانية. أكثر من نصف تلقت دعما ماليا من صناعة الأدوية لإجراء بحوث. و38 ٪ بمثابة الموظفين أو الخبراء الاستشاريين لشركة أدوية. هم... إذا كيف يمكنك أن نفترض أنهم صنف المخدرات؟

ويمثل هذا ضخمة CON ، أ الجنائية التي ترتكب على الغش لي ولكم ، والرأي العام الأميركي ، هندسة وراء أبواب مغلقة من جانب وهمية صناعة الأغذية والأدوية التكتلات. على حد سواء حتى الكثير من المال لنشر واشنطن حول امتلاك أنها عمليا الكونغرس ، وإدارة الغذاء والدواء والمعاهد الوطنية للصحة. لهيك مع الصحة العامة والرعاية الاجتماعية -- هدفهم هو الحصول على كل شخص مدمن مخدرات والعقاقير المصنعة ، من البلاستيك الغذائي.

حزن للجميع والواقع هو أن مهنة الطب لأنها هي التي تقع ، مما يسمح لنفسه بأن يتلاعب إلى بصفتها شريكا في هذه الجريمة. انه رهيب!

الصحة المؤامرات هي أن ننظر بين لكم في كل مكان على التلفزيون ، في كثير من تعميم جميع الصحف وعلى شبكة الإنترنت. هنا آخر واحد حقا أن تحصل بلادي الماعز :

هجوم من الشمس لمن يكرهون!

ومهما ظهرت أدلة كثيرة على إبراء الشمس من حالة غير مشروعة في التيار الرئيسي بوصفها تحاكي الديوكسين المسببة للسرطان أو صبغ أحمر # 2 ، فقط بعض لن يبصر النور.

ووفقا لرويترز في الفترة الاخيرة من المادة على شبكة الإنترنت ، ومكملات الفيتامينات وحدها جميع احتياجات أي شخص لاستيعاب كافية من فيتامين (د) -- وأن التعرض لأشعة الشمس الضارة ليست سوى وكبير مخاطر الاصابة بالسرطان.

الآن ، لا تفهموني خطأ. أنا مروحة كبيرة من فيتامين التكميلية ، حتى بالنسبة للفيتامين D. ولكن من جميع الفيتامينات التي يمكنك اتخاذها كل يوم ، مد هو ربما يكون أقل من المحتمل لاستيعاب كامل وسليم في الدم بسيط من التكميلية وحدها. أنت في حاجة لضوء الشمس حفز جسمك للإنتاج.

فيتامين (د) إذا ثبت لتعزيز الصحة ، ومع ذلك فإنه لا يعبر عن نفسه بشكل فعال في جسمك من غذاء و / أو التكميلية ، ثم كيف أنها تساعد الناس انها تساعد؟

الجواب ، بالطبع ، هو التعرض للأشعة الشمس.

مثل قلت ، والافتراضات التي كنا بنك الاحتياطي الفيدرالي عن صحتنا إلى حد كبير غير صحيح. فعلى سبيل المثال ، فإن معظم الناس يعتقدون أن النساء فقط حاجة صحية مستويات هرمون الاستروجين لتكون صحية ، لكن الحقيقة هي...

صحة القلب فإن معظم النساء هرمون التستوستيرون هو الحاجة

ينسى الجميع ما قال لك عن "مالي" و "الإناث" الهرمونات. وكما أي السنة الأولى وينبغي أن يعلم الطالب في كلية الطب ، كل من المرأة والرجل ينتج كل نفس *** أنواع من الهرمونات.

انها مجرد أن نسبة المختلفة. صحة المرأة انتاج المزيد من الاستروجين وprogesterone... الرجال بذل المزيد من هرمون تستوستيرون.. ولكن كل منا بعض من كل حاجة للبقاء في صحة جيدة.

هرمون تستوستيرون ، لا الاستروجين هو الهرمون التي تحافظ على قلبك قوي. إذا كنت أكثر من 50 امرأة ، هناك فرصة جيدة الخاص بك مستويات منخفضة جدا (تماما كما الرجال الذين تجاوزوا 50).

في حسابك مكافأة مجانية الهدايا سأعطيك التفاصيل الكاملة عن العلاج بالهرمونات الطبيعي أن يجمع كل امرأة تحتاج الهرمونات. وكيف تجد طبيبا من ذوي الخبرة في هذا الميدان المهملة.

الآن ماذا عن الرجال؟ حسنا ، لا يسمح لاحد ان اقول لكم ان "الكثير من الرجال هرمون تستوستيرون". بسبب...

الأطباء ما لا اقول لكم عن هرمون تستوستيرون
ليست مجرد سرقة وقدرتها على حسابك. مقتل تكنولوجيا المعلومات
الملايين من الرجال في كل عام

وتبين الدراسات أن العديد من الرجال الأمريكية أكثر من 40 في الواقع تعاني من نقص خطير هرمون تستوستيرون. إلا أن الأطباء عادة لا بل اختبار لأنها ، لأنها أيضا يقعون ضحايا للخردة دواء :

يفكر فيه الجميع أن هرمون تستوستيرون يسبب امراض القلب. بعد البحث تبين انه رائع وهو العلاج وحتى قد منع الجلطات.
لكل فرد أن هرمون تستوستيرون يعزز مخاوف مرض البروستات. ومع ذلك تشير الدراسات إلى أن كل من حميدة وتورم وسرطان الإضراب عادة كبار السن من الرجال ، مع انخفاض مستويات هرمون تستوستيرون.
تحمل كل شخص أن للدولة فإن من بين العلوم العلاج للعجز هو عقار الفياجرا. وفي حين أنه يمكن أن تساعد ، كل الطبيعية هرمون تستوستيرون يستطيع أن يجعلك تشعر وأداء مثل 21 -- عاما) مرة أخرى. و، مزيج من الاثنين... واو!
في حسابك مكافأة مجانية الهدايا ، وأنا سأعطيك 60 بلادي الثانية الذاتية اختبار لفحص مستويات هرمون تستوستيرون الخاصة بك. وأنا سأريك عدة مثيرة وسائل جديدة لزيادة أو مضاعفة الخاصة بك الطبيعية مستويات هرمون تستوستيرون تماما بسلام ، فقط عن طريق تنشيط جسمك لبذل المزيد.

الاسبرين - مؤذي
أو الخطرة؟

تذكر قبل عامين ، عندما الاسبرين يوميا وكان يعتقد أنه منشط للقلب؟ التفرقع "غير مؤذية" بيضاء حبوب منع الحمل في كل يوم للأرق الدم والقلب وصحية كان كل الغضب ، وكثير من الأطباء ما زالت توصي عليه. ليس هذا واحد ، على الرغم من...

في الواقع ، أكثر من 2 سنوات مضت أنا دقت ناقوس الخطر بشأن المخاطر المميتة من "الاسبرين العلاج ،" نقلا عن جامعة ميريلاند دراسة المركز الطبي في الدم الذي تراكم الصفائح الدموية -- التي يمكن أن تؤدي إلى أزمات قلبية -- لوحظ في 64 ٪ من الاسبرين يوميا بأخذ الذين كانت مستويات الكوليسترول في الدم التي نظرت فيها المعايير الطبية الحديثة مرتفعة جدا (LDL أكثر من 130 ، مما يترك خارج عدد قليل نسبيا من الاميركيين.)

وخلاصة الأمر ، إذا كان ذلك في جامعة ميريلاند دراسة صحيحة ، الاسبرين يوميا يزيد من خطر انسداد الشريان التاجي للأحداث في شعب السليم مع (والطبيعية) LDL مستويات الكولسترول من 180 ، 200 ، أو أكثر.

نعم ، لكم الحق في أن يقرأ : أي شخص لديه عدد الكوليسترول LDL أقل من 200 من مخاطر خطيرة من مشاكل في القلب. في الواقع ، أنا لا بحذر أي شخص يدعو للقلق على جميع الكوليسترول LDL حتى تصل إلى 300 أو أكثر.

الآن ، دعوني اقول لكم كيف حقا...
حماية نفسك من في العالم # 1 القاتل :

الجميع يعتقد أن اليوم اكبر التهديدات لحياتك هي أمراض القلب والسرطان ، ولكن المفاجأة...

الجراثيم هي على أعلى الظهر مرة أخرى ، وهي قلقة جدا الاحتكار وكشف في مؤتمر عقد منذ فترة ليست بالطويلة.

الواصل وصل

17 يوليو 2008
الله يعطيك العافية يا اخوي علي نقل الموضوع الطيب تشكر علية

ما أنــزَل اللهُ داء إلا أنــزَل لهُ شِـفَاء عَلِمهُ مَن عَلِمَهُ وجَهـِلهُ مَن جَهـله
موضوع مغلق