علامات ارتداد usxp والعلم عند الله تعالى


عضو نشط
18 فبراير 2006
الســـلام عليكم شباب

وسعوا بالكم على السهم ولا تبيعون بخساره كبيره

أمس تم تداول /شراء 97 مليون سهم على سعر 0.0006 مقابل

بيع 58 مليون سهم على سعر 0.0005 فلا زال الأمل موجود

بصعود السهم الأسابيع القادمه تدريجيا ويعود إن شاء الله لمجده الذهبي

0.045 وأبشروا بالعوض :) فالشركه تملك 9 شركات متفرعه منها

لو أطلعتوا على موقعها لرأيتم الإختصاصات المتنوعه لأنشطتها

لكن اللي ذبح السهم هي الاصدارات المليوريه التي كل شوي طالع فيها

المدير التعيس وبلا شك أن له هدف ليس أقله بأن يجلب اموال للشركه

من خلال طرح هالأسهم ويمكن في مرحلةٍ ما يلجأ للتقسيم العكسي

وهو قد يكون ايجابي مثل ما قد يكون سلبي على السهم

وبالتوفيق للجميع

كلامك صح ولدعمي بس بشرط انا تتم عليه عملية التقسيم العكسي كمية الاسهم الي انزلت على السهم كبيره.....:rolleyes:


عضو نشط
18 مايو 2007
ماضاقت واستحكمت ضيقا الا وفرجت
آنا عندي قناعة اذا فقدت الامل يعني قرب الفرج
بس بصراحة ما اطبقها على الاسهم لان مافيني صبر ،،، وايدي تحكني اذا قعد السهم عندي أكثر من 3 أيام ،،،


عضو نشط
12 مايو 2007
السلام عليكم جميعا
كيف حالك اخوي هرقل
ليش انت بكم شاري السهم من 3 ايام
لأني صارلي اسبوع تقريبا حاط امر؟؟؟


عضو نشط
18 مايو 2007
السلام عليكم جميعا
كيف حالك اخوي هرقل
ليش انت بكم شاري السهم من 3 ايام
لأني صارلي اسبوع تقريبا حاط امر؟؟؟

هلا اخوي ستارتر انا شريت ب 7 على ايام التداول الملياري من اسبوعين وبعت ب 6 بعد مانزل وعرفت من بعدها ان سهم شيطاني ،،،


عضو نشط
12 مايو 2007
هلا اخوي ستارتر انا شريت ب 7 على ايام التداول الملياري من اسبوعين وبعت ب 6 بعد مانزل وعرفت من بعدها ان سهم شيطاني ،،،

افا ليش استعيلت على العموم الله يرزقك ويعوضك خير انا طلبته على 5 قلت اذا تنفذ خير ما تنفذ ما لنا نصيب ;) ;)
والله يرزقنا اجمعين

ابو دعـــــد

عضو جديد
6 مايو 2006
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته...
انا متابع السهم هذا لي اكثر من سنه واشوف ان السهم هذا لعبة كبيرة
اذا ارتفع شوي تبدى الناس تتكلم عن ارقام خيالية وان السهم رايح الي السعر الفلاني(خيالي بالنسبة لسعرة الحالي)...
والمسأله ومافيها عملية اصدار اسهم جديدة وتصريفها على المساكين امثالي
على العموم انا شاري السهم بـــ0.0137 وكان عدد الاسهم 8 مليار والحين 21 مليار ):
واتمنى من الله العلي القدير انه يرجع عاجلاً غير اجل


عضو نشط
18 مايو 2007
ببساطة ارتفاع السهم وانخفاضه سيبقى دائما 2 بني فوق و2 بني تحت وذلك بسبب عدد الاسهم الكبير ويبقى التلاعب من قبل تيمور هو سيد الموقف ، فاذا كان الهدف من الشراء ارتفاع السهم 1 او 2 بيني فلا بأس أما احلام خيالية خلال ايام قليلة فهذا صعب الحدوث ،،، ولا اشرايكم


عضو نشط
4 مايو 2007
انا شاريت السهم اب 3000 دولار قبل سنه تقريبا الحين صارت قيمته عندي 100 دولار بصراحه سهم حقير


عضو نشط
8 يونيو 2007
السهم هذا الي يدخل على الهستريكل السعري له راح يشوف ارقام خياليه وانا مثلكم يا شباب متعلق بالسهم لكن نسال الله انه يرتد ويعوضنا خير

( قلبي يقولي ان فيه واحد يقول احلم ههههههههههه)


عضو نشط
23 مايو 2006
from Yahoo USXP groups board


The following comes from one shareholder of Universal Express, symbol
USXP, on the Over The Counter Bulletin Board, and I am going to make
a case why I believe anyone who invests, whether you buy on the
internet, or buy from a broker, why you should buy USXP stock. It is
quite a story, and I have no connection to the company, I am just a
shareholder, and I will provide you with links where you can document
things and research yourself. And I have chosen to share my thoughts
with people, because I believe this stock, and this company has been
ambushed by people with power for years, who tried to destroy it but
have failed, and I believe this company is now on the verge of
escaping the clutches of these outright "criminals" and going on to

Universal's website is, www.usxp.com. If you look it up on yahoo
quotes, enter usxp.ob. Mr. Richard Altomare ceo for the past decade.
Now remember this part when you get down near the end, it may be
small now, but it will be huge as you read on. Universal Expess is in
the luggage transportation business. They are trying to have all
luggage shipped separately from passenger flights. They pick it up at
your home, ship it in advance, and you next see it at your
destination. More about this near the end.

Form your own opinion, and this is not investment advice, this is
just my opinion, and I will lay out the good, bad, and ugly around
this company and stock. The bottom line is; I believe this company
and stock have been nearly destroyed deliberately, and much illegal
trading has taken place and the SEC did not govern as they are
required to due by law. Instead, the SEC turned a blind eye to
illegal activity, but now it appears even the SEC appears to have
seen the errors of their ways.

This is very complex to explain, lots of players in this, and many
twists and turns, and to be frank it may border on conspiracy after
conspiracy, but I believe it is the truth, so I ask you keep an open
mind, read it and decide for yourself. I've researched as best I
can, I have gotten input from other shareholders, I have spoken with
Mr. Altomare, and have tried to figue this company out, and now I
will share it with you as honestly as I can, not trying to mislead in
any way, because it does get confusing, but just giving an honest
opinion. I do believe Mr. Altomare is trying his best to run a
legitimate company, and I do believe Mr. Altomare must remain quiet
on many issues, that some things are confidential between him and his
partners. So I have pieced this together on my own, and Mr. Altomare
has not divulged any secrets to me. This may be the greatest story,
ranking right up their with David defeating Goliath, when Universal
surprises the world and wins this battle against the criminals and
those who allowed them to conduct illegal activity.

I am including many links for you to read, and check things out. And
I encourage anyone interested to join the Yahoo Group for further
discussion, link is provided. And I urge every shareholder of
Universal stock, to spread this post all over the internet, and
around the world, because it is time honest shareholders make it
known that we know about the corruption, and we are going to back Mr.
Altomare and fight for a free market, in which the SEC governs and
protects the small investor, and not just the super rich of the world
and criminals.


I believe Universal Express has been targeted for destruction by
several groups. One is the SEC. Two is previous individuals or groups
who tried some kind of financing schemes and drove the stock down by
shorting it, and not just legal shorting, but illegal shorting, which
is called Naked Shorting, which is selling shares short which do not
exist, which they never intend to cover, but have no mercy and sell
the stock down, drive the company out of business. Best I can tell
this has gone on for about ten to eleven years with USXP, which had
once been $2 per share. Today it is $0.0005 per share. Before you
give up and dismiss this because of the stock price, read on, because
this stock price I believe is destined to do an about face and return
to dollars per share. To show you how unmerciful these groups have
been , the company used to have about 500 million outstanding shares,
even less I beleive, but in order to survive as these criminals
committed illegal acts and destroyed the stock price, the company has
had to sell shares to raise money, and now they have a whopping 21
billion outstanding shares. Ordinarily a staggering number,
impossible to be overcome, but not if you know what is going on.

That number can be looked at as alarming, or it can be looked at as
opportunity knocking on every potential investor and shareholders
door. Let me explain.

Mr. Altomare has been ceo of this company for about eleven years. He
brought the company out of a bankruptcy when he became involved. The
stock was $2. He tried to arrange some financing, but it appears he
got involved with some dishonest people, who would end up sending the
stock into a "death sprial." Altomare sued them, and won a jury
verdict judgment which today totals about $900 milllion. This
judgment was in about 2002 if I recall correctly. It cannot be
appealed. Universal is trying to collect on this judgment.

Despite the judgment, the criminals have continued to destroy this
stock. Their hope, to put the company out of business. You see, if
they can short the company into bankruptcy, they never have to cover
their short, the company doesn't survive, and Universal would go the
way of about 3000 other small developing companies which were run out
of business the past couple decades.

But Altomare has not allowed that to happen. He keeps suing everyone
who interferes with him. He hasn't rolled over and played dead. He
has taken tremendous abuse, and even from his shareholders, because
up until recently a lot of us simply did not grasp fully what was
going on. And as I have said, Mr. Altomare cannot comment on many
things, so you have to sometimes believe and see what is not
completely concrete, but what is quietly processing into something
that is going to be sprung on the unsuspecting criminals and make
them pay. And this included the Securities and Exchange Commission,
who is supposed to protect shareholders and supervise the markets,
and to not allow illegal activity. You see, the SEC gets a fee each
time one of these criminals do a transaction, so I would say the SEC
has made hundreds of millions, perhaps more, just by collecting small
fees per transaction, for decades, and nobody stood up to them, or if
they did then the SEC came after them and retaliated.

Mr. Altomare has stood up to them. He sued the SEC. The SEC never
complained about Mr. Altomare or his company, until after Mr.
Altomare had been talking about this naked short illegal activity for
about three years. The current case a judge actually ruled in a
summary judgment that Universal was guilty of stock fraud. However,
this just did not dare comment on the naked short complaint about
Universal. This case is being appealed and Universal is demanding a
jury trial, because they had an agreement with the SEC that they
would be allowed a jury trial. And keep in mind, Universal previously
convinced a jury and was awarded about $900 million, I believe that
is actually two judgments, interest, and punitive damages. It should
be within the month we know if Universal will get its jury trial, but
Mr. Altomare has said, he will appeal all the way to the Supreme

Now I like the SEC, I believe they can help shareholders, but it sure
looks like the SEC has benefitted handsomely from not enforcing the
law, and for letting naked shorting, which is an ILLEGAL activity, to
run rabid, and destroy small companies, possibly companies with ideas
that could make our world a better place, only to be destroyed and
not even given a fighting chance, and when they ask the Sheriff, (The
SEC) for help, they get retaliated against. Mr. Altomare has shown
courage going to lawsuit against the powerful SEC. They have tried to
destroy him, because he brought them a message years before the
lawsuit, that criminal activity was ruining his company, thousands
others, and costing America resources and jobs.

Mr. Altomare has said, and I think proven, that the SEC office in
Denver, was interferring with his company, that SEC employees, were
contacting Universal customers and business associates and
disseminating false information. All of this will have to play out in
the courts, but I think Mr. Altomare is correct. The SEC could have
joined Mr. Altomare, help defend him, his company, and everyday
shareholders, instead they chose to become antagonsitic, and have
tried to squash him, but he remains determined, and now it appears he
has some clout behind him.

Who gains when the SEC allows illegal naked shorting, a criminal act?
1. SEC makes money per transaction....estimated hundreds of millions.
2. Hedge Funds routinely have naked shorted, illegal, destroy stocks,
destroy companies. Hedge Funds shareholders are the richest people on
the face of the earth, and this is partly how they become so rich,
and also why the SEC has chosen to ignore this illegal activity. 3.
Criminals also benefit. Criminals such as corrupt financiers, trying
to fool a ceo into thinking they want to fund the company, only to
really short it down and out of business, a "death spiral." 4. You
also have groups such as mafias, located throughout the world, and
you may very well have 5. Terrorists, who realized the SEC would do
nothing so they get as much protection as the HEDGE FUNDS who are
societys supposed more respected, and therefore fear no prosecution.

So you can see this is not small time, this is world finance, and Mr.
Altomare has exposed it, and that is why he is public enemy #1 in the
minds of the SEC, but not in the mind of mom and pop shareholders, he
is their hero.

You will read many horrible things about Mr. Altomare. Message Boards
particularly Raging Bull they hate him. They lie endlessly. I don't
mind an oppostie opinion, but it is clear these criminals dominate
some message boards because the stakes are so high, they must destroy
every single shareholder. These posters work for these criminals,
because much is at stake here. I am not talking about petty cash,
this is actually perhaps about 1 trillion dollar illegal criminal
activity. This is high stakes, with some of the wealthiest people in
the world involved, and they have the protection of the SEC,
however..............it appears something has happened that may be
changing the SEC's attitude regarding naked shorting, and secondly,
it appears Mr. Altomare has a secret weapon, not all that secret if
you research and team up with others and learn all you can, and it
appears Universal Express not only is going to survive, but a
historic day of reckoning is soon coming.

The SEC about five years ago denied naked shorting ever existed. Mr.
Altomare came under attack. About three years ago the SEC
acknowledged naked shorting did exist, but wasn't much of a problem.
Two years ago the SEC acknowledged naked shorting did exist, and was
a problem, and the SEC decided to pass a regulation, which would let
the criminals, Hedge Funds, and SEC, all who had profitted from
this "illegal activity" off the hook. They ruled all "naked shorts"
would be forgiven, and that was that. They chose not to enforce, not
to protect any shareholder, not to help out any of 3000 companies
that had gone out of business, and certainly to help Mr. Altomare.
The SEC instead attacked Mr. Altomare, yet he fights them and now
beginning tomorrow.

Remember Harvey Pitt, Chairman of the SEC several years back? He
finally has come on board and said naked shorting is a huge illegal
problem. And you have current Chairman of the SEC, Christopher Cox
who has finally acknowledged the same. It came too late for Mr.
Altomare to stop from having to stand up against them, and spending
millions to defend himself in court because they failed to govern and
enforce the law.

Now the SEC is finally admitting that Naked Shorting is illegal, and
does exist, a complete 180 degree policy change from when they began
attacking Mr. Altomare and Univeral Express five years ago. And
tomorrow, June 13, 2007, the SEC is holding a meeting, at which time
it is believed they will REVOKE THE GRANDFATHER CLAUSE which let the
naked shorts off the hook, and now FORCE these criminals to cover
their illegal naked shorts.

So Mr. Altomare and Universal Express have survived, and now with 21
billion outstanding shares, and the stock now decimated, down to
0.0005, you may ask how in the world can they survive? Let me tell
you now about Mr. Altomare's secret, yet not so secret if you
research, as I and a few others have, who have followed this
adventure for years. Do not worry about 21 billion outstanding
shares, I believe a well orchestrated plan is in place, and that the
majority of this legal existing stock is in the hands of Mr.
Altomare's new partners, who will squeeze the criminals until they
crumble, and I believe this is soon to play out.

A couple years ago Mr. Altomare, in the midst of lawsuits with the
SEC and criminals who naked shorted his company, began a relationship
with some associates in the Mideast, Saudi Arabia, and United Arab
Emirates. It's been about two and a half years now, and the Mideast
people go slow, they want to get to know you, trust you, and when
they finally move on something, they reward you in a huge way.

Mr. Altomare received some funding for his company, a few million so
far. But, he has managed to convince the Mideast groups that indeed
his stock was naked shorted, and Mr. Altomare is not dealing with
any low level Mideast groups, I am talking Royal Family of UAE and
Saudi Arabia. This is what I have determined through my own research,
talks with Mr. Altomare, convesations with a couple other
shareholders who worked for years trying to figure this out. I
believe some of these people to be Prince Alaweed, Prince Faisal,
King Abdullah, to mention a few. I come to this conclusion from my
own research, lengthy and hard to come buy. For instand, Prince
Alaweed----When Universal recently purchased the largest Michael
Jackson Memorabilia Collection, the Universal PR was accompanied with
a contact at Kingdom Entertainment. I believe I have traced this
contact to Kingdom Holdings, which is run by Prince Alaweed. Never
before had Universal used Kingdom Entertaiment as a contact in one of
their pr's, it had always been Universal pr department. And Mr.
Altomare had said, he has entertainment partners and I believe Prince
Alaweed and Kingdom Holding have backed Mr. Altomare on this Michael
Jackson Memorabilia purchase.

The Royal Family is not scared by any lawsuit the SEC and Universal
are involved in. They have bigger plans. And the lawsuit will take
years to play out still, and I know that if I was on a jury and was
hearing the case, from what I know, I would find the SEC guilty in a
heartbeat of beating up on this company, and failing to enforce the
law in trading of the stock, and I believe I would find the SEC
liable for all damages, and I would estimate that to be at a minimum,
several billion dollars. And the SEC I believe is liable ultimately,
because they govern, and when you govern but don't enforce illegal
activity but go after the poor guy coming to you for help, you must
pay for the damages to make whole. Mr. Altomare has said this group
in the Mideast owns almost he entire float of Universal stock. And at
the right time, I believe the Royal Family, and their friends
throughout the Mideast and in America, will spring it on the public
that they are heavily involved with Mr. Altomare, and that Mr.
Altomare's stock will have one of the most historic surprises in
store that the markets have ever witnessed. The illegal shares will
be worth nothing, and the naked shorts will be forced to cover,
except they won't be able to find enough shares on the open market,
because the Mideast group hold the certificates, and Mr. Altomare and
his general counsel, have had experts, such as Bud Burrell, former
SEC employee who knows all about naked shorting, look at how much
Universal stock is illegaly shorted, and estimates are approximately
10-20 times the current outstanding total of 21 billion shares, which
means as many as 400 BILLION shares illegal naked shorted that must
be covered.

Now to the new law being proposed that will force covering.

Remember, the SEC is supposed to revoke the Grandfather Clause June
13, 2007, changing their foolish mistake of about 18 months ago
allowing the illegal trading to be let off the hook with no penalty
(Ill Gotten Gains). All those illegal naked shorted, and counterfeit
is what they actually are, all those shares will have to be covered,
and with the Saudis owning almost the entire float, it will be

From what I can gather, Mr. Altomare is under a gag order by the
Royal Family and other Mideast groups, not to talk about this. And
Mr. Altomare hasn't divulged any secrets to me, no names, but when
you piece things together, you start to see the picture and I believe
when the Royal Family gives the go ahead, USXP is going to see their
stock price launched.

So who will tell me I am full of it? Who will tell you to ignore what
I have written? I'll give you a few names. 1. The SEC, because they
know USXP soaring will cause the markets to have problems, because
all the Hedge Funds, the rich people of the world, will panic to
cover their illegal actitiy. 2. Hedge Funds managers and
shareholders, they stand to lose huge. 3. Marketmakers of USXP, and
probably of any stock, because marketmakers routinely naked short a
stock. 4. Wall Street types. They are going to tell you this is a
bunch of crap. That's because they engage in this stuff every day,
and they want to squash anything that identifies their illegal
activity. 5. Posters on Raging Bull, or any message board, they are
working for these criminals, they are low level, but they have a job
to do. 6. The uninformed, those without vision, those who see all
things with rose colored glasses and wouldn't dare believe anyone on
Wallstreet would engage in something illegal.

I'm going to try and wrap this up. And let me stress, Mr. Altomare
cannot divulge certain things. But I believe I am right on target
here and in time USXP will make history.

Now, do you remember what I told you at the start? That Universal
Express specialized in shipping luggage, separate from passenger
travel? Here comes the golden goose.

I believe, and many others also, that the powers that be in the
Mideast, The Royal Family, The Emir in United Arab Emirates, are
about the change the laws regarding luggage in the Mideast. I believe
they are about to change the regulations where all baggage must be
shipped separately from passengers. And this is EXACTLY what
Universal has done for a decade, and Universal's division that does
this is called Luggage Express.

Therefore, any luggage going into the Mideast, or out, will not
travel on board with passengers, but have to be shipped ahead, and I
believe the powers that be in the Mideast, and Universal as of
February 2005 already has a joint venture agreement with them,
funding for up to $200 million I believe it is, you can check the old
news, I believe Universal will then monopolize this, and all
international flights going to London, Paris, New York, or anywhere
in the world, in or out of Mideast will have to comply with this
mandate. And make no mistake, what the Emir or Royal Family says,
becomes law, and make no mistake, they own a ton of USXP stock
already, and are confident the stock will fly, when they announce
this news, and the illegal activity of the Hedge Funds and all other
criminals, will make they incredible monetary gains.

I also believe, this plan will be rolled out worldwide, and Universal
Express will become the dominant company, just as Federal Express and
United Parcel already are to letter and small package delivery.

And just today, an article came out in London, about shipping luggage
separately, that it would be unvelied today. So, when you put all
these things together; Royal Family investing in USXP, almost entire
float owned by them; SEC revoking grandfather clause June 13, 2007,
tomorrow, and forcing illegal naked shorts to cover, SEC having done
a 180 degree turn and saying naked short is a big problem, and now
you have governments talking about shipping luggage separetlly, I
believe USXP is going to spike like nothing in stock market history.

Mr. Altomare will have a lot of critics, but those critics are
powerful people who wanted his stock and company destroyed, because
they were making perhaps as much as a trillion dollars,
and.........not paying taxes on it. And if you research Mr. Altomare,
or speak with him, you will find out he has met with Hillary Clinton
in the past several months and discussed naked shorting and luggage
transported separately, and George Bush the President within the past

Good luck to every body. I am just a single shareholder who did my
own research, formed my opinions, and believe that this stock and
company that was TARGETED, was meant to be destroyed, but somehow,
with now POWERFUL ALLIES, is going to turn the tables and survive,
and in a huge way.

Altomare survived! He kept the company going. And he now has some of
the richest people in the world backing him. Research for yourself.
Contact Bud Burrell who knows well about this naked shorting issue.
Or Dave Patch. Universal is going to have its day, and I think soon.

I am including several links below, a story today about shipping
luggage separately in the United Kingdom, a link to join Yahoo Group
to discuss this with other shareholders, SEC Grandfather Clause
hearing tomorrow, an update on the Michael Jackson situation, and
Bloomberg report on naked shorting.

Universal Express is not the only company fighting naked shorting,
and the so called financial wizards of Wallstreet have their paid
talking heads to tell you it doesn't exist, then switch to it exist
but not so bad, to it's kind of bad but not affecting your stock.

I'll close now, and just want to say, I think Universal Express has
wrongly been targeted, and I think what have written can come to
pass, and in time I think a great injustice will be corrected and
USXP will soar. There is much corruption in the world, and it appears
this time eventually, the good guy will actually win.

These naked shorts, criminals, I believe may not even be aware of the
trap that they have gotten into. And soon they will not be able to
escape cheaply.

I urge you to join the Yahoo Group, great discussion by those who
have followed this for years and believe we are on the verge of
something incredible. Sign up, wait to get activated, then





http://pr.sv.net/aw/2007/march 2007/english/pages028.htm



عضو نشط
8 يونيو 2007
:d وش السالفه

شي زين ولا ليس زين ( مدرس عربي ):

:D ولا :eek:


عضو نشط
18 مايو 2007
الرجاء ترجمه

أخبار عادية لمحاولة رفع السهم والمقال يحتوي على ( نتوقع ) و ( هناك خطط ) و ( سرد لنشاطات الشركة ) و عبارات ليست واضحة لأهداف غير مؤكدة ، الهدف منها انزال خبر ايجابي للسهم ،،،
الرجاء من الاخوة الذين يرفقون الاخبار ارفاق الترجمة او يذيلون الخبر بترجمة مختصرة بضوء فهمهم للموضوع ، ولكم جزيل الشكر
5 أكتوبر 2004
طبعا الكويت

ياما وياما حذرنا ونصحنا وقلنا اننا من ضحايا هالسهم ولحد يجازف ويقط

فلوسه بهالسهم بس للاسف بعض الشباب كان يتضايق والبعض ما كان

يصدق وهذا السهم جدامكم وشوفوا سعره وعلى فكره انا شاريه بسعر

0.044 سنت وبقيمة تقريبا 15000 دولار وحاليا الرصيد اتوقع بحدود 600

دولار فقط لاغير ونشيل العمولة يعني الصافي 550 دولار


عضو نشط
28 أغسطس 2006
ياما وياما حذرنا ونصحنا وقلنا اننا من ضحايا هالسهم ولحد يجازف ويقط

فلوسه بهالسهم بس للاسف بعض الشباب كان يتضايق والبعض ما كان

يصدق وهذا السهم جدامكم وشوفوا سعره وعلى فكره انا شاريه بسعر

0.044 سنت وبقيمة تقريبا 15000 دولار وحاليا الرصيد اتوقع بحدود 600

دولار فقط لاغير ونشيل العمولة يعني الصافي 550 دولار

ما قصرت والله يا السهم الامريكي
انا متاكد الجميع خسران في ها الجيفة
الله يعوض الجميع


عضو نشط
14 يوليو 2004
عطاكم خدعووووووووووهـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــا

الله يعينكم ويعوض عليكم